test in depth

[经] 深度测验

  • M1 multi-functional test plate for magnetic particle inspection is a new type of test plate with three artificial defects of concentric circles . The test plate is 50 μ m thick with slots of 7.15 and 30 μ m in depth respectively .

    磁粉探伤用M1型多功能试片是一种具有三个深度各异而间隔相等的同心圆形人工缺陷槽的新型试片,片厚为50μm,槽 分别为 7和30μm。

  • Based on dynamic triaxial and in-situ wave velocity test of loess in xian area the main factors affecting the shear wave velocity and the law of the shear wave velocity varying with the depth of loess are discussed in this pap - er .

    本文通过西安地区黄土的动三轴试验和原位波速 试验,讨论了影响黄土剪切波波速的主要因素以及剪切波速随 深度变化的规律;

  • The well test information of some mine areas in North China shows that the pressure of coal reservoirs vary in a wide range . The main influencing factors are tectonic stress height and burial depth of groundwater the mineralization degree of groundwater and so on .

    华北部分 矿区 试井资料表明,煤储层压力的变化较大,其主要影响因素有构造应力、地下水头高度及埋 、地下水矿化度等。

  • By use of collected data in recent years for test of buildings in use has made statistical inspection analysis on probability distribution of the carbonation depth of concrete and proposes probability model of concrete carbonation on which fuzzy reliability of concrete carbonation is analysed .

    利用我们近几年在旧建筑物 检测 积累的资料,对混凝土碳化 深度的概率分布进行了统计检验分析,提出了混凝土碳化的概率模型,在此基础上,分析了混凝土碳化的模糊可靠性。

  • At the same time making the impacting and penetration test for asphalt mixture specimens which have been in the different freeze-thaw cycles to get the relationship of average penetration depth and fracture tensile strength .

    同时,通过对受到不同冻融循环的沥青混合料试件进行冲击贯入 试验,得到均贯入 深度与劈裂抗拉强度的关系。

  • Test the guidance motion speed correcting capability and actual operating results of path searching and obstacle avoidance functions . Finally the test results are analyzed in depth .

    对小车的导引速度、纠偏能力以及路径搜索、避 等功能的实际运行效果进行测试,并对 试验结果进行了分析。

  • Whether using laser particle size method to test the sample need in depth research when the sample is 45 μ m the content less than 10 % and aluminua ′ s attrition index also less than 10 % .

    对于粒度为45μm(含量10%),同时磨损指数也10%的氧化铝能否用激光法 测试 磨损指数尚需 进一步研究。

  • The strengths of fill and soft clay were increased . The results of test show that the unit settlement of saturated soft clay is much more than that of fill soil in process of drainage consolidation ; the effective consolidation depth of tamping method is 3.5m ;

    试验结果表明,排水固结过程 填土层的单位沉降量远小于淤泥质软土,重锤夯实法的有效加固 深度可以达到地表下3.5m,影响 深度可达6.0m。

  • The stress at various sections and positions of corrugated metal pipe has been tested with different depth of filling during construction . Test results show that the stress values of each test point in the wave crest and wave trough increase quickly with the increment of filling depth .

    施工过程中不同填土高度下,波纹管不同断面和部位应力的试验结果表明:各 点波峰、波谷的应力随着填土 高度的增加迅速增大,波中点应力的变化不大;

  • It is shown with numeric test that in the case of greater location error and worse station coverage inversion result can get the solutions close to the true mechanism with the depth near the really focus .

    数值 试验表明: 定位误差较大,以及台站布局较差的情况下,振幅谱反演仍可较为准确地得到震源机制,并且由此计算得到的最优震源 深度仍比较接近真实的震源位置。

  • It is very difficult and costly to carry out physical model test to study the mechanical properties of jointed rocks in depth .

    物理模型 试验由于制样难、耗资 、结果有限,研究者难以利用其开展系统 深入的研究。

  • A test of the application on HELIUM-IN-SOIL measurement in the exploration of concealed collapse pile and prospecting for uranium at depth

    土壤 氦气测量 勘查隐伏陷落柱及找 铀矿中的应用研究

  • There exists a difference between the statistical values of irregular wave test obtained from this paper and reference 2 w_1732 because of the difference in water depth and test method .

    由于 水深和试验方法的不同,本文中不规则波 试验得到的统计值与文献2w_1764中的统计值之间存在着较大的差别。

  • Combined with water content test of the test points in different depths relationships between water content seepage depth and wetting deformation are analyzed .

    结合不同深度含水率的测试,分析了 测试点含水率和渗水 深度与湿化变形的相关性。

  • The test measured in 2004 shows that the average depth of moss and litter in the sample plot is about 9.7 cm the total precipitation is 178.7 mm and the water-cut mass is 57.8 mm accounting for ( 32.34 % ) of atmospheric precipitation .

    经2004 测定,青海云杉样地内苔藓枯落物层平均 厚度约9.7cm,总降水量为178.7mm,截留量为57.8mm,占穿透降水的32.34%。

  • The technology of hydraulic pump for fluid unloading suits to test in shallow layers which has the advantages of unloading timely deep depth adjusted working system and high unloading capacity .

    水力泵排液工艺技术适用于深浅层 油排液的工艺要求。具有排液及时、排液 深度大、工作制度可调及排液能力强等优点。

  • Research on large-scale triaxial compressive rheological test of soft rock in depth and its constitutive model

    软岩大型三轴压缩流变 试验及本构模型研究

  • This text to model some basic problem that stress test in the experiment analyses and vary with depth model various kinds of change law and influence factor of stress ;

    本文针对模型实验 应力 测试的一些基本问题,分析了随 深度 变化模型中各种应力的变化规律和影响因素;

  • The test results show that there is a great difference in mechanical properties between primary loess and non - primary loess and that the subsidence of non - primary loess in the same depth varies with its location .

    结果表明,非原生黄土不仅 物理力学特性上与原生黄土有显著差异,其湿陷系数明显小于原生黄土,而且其湿陷性随 深度变化表现为明显的非均匀性。

  • Special techniques in the forehand backhand tennis rebound accuracy and back in the accuracy of the significantlydifferent ; in the forehand backhand volley ball bounce in depth test and field teston in depth differences .

    特别是在正、反手截击准确度和中后场准确度上差异显著;在正手、反手截击反弹球深度 测试 后场 深度 测试上有差异。

  • The experimental study based on hybrid model test technique and numerical reconstruction in time domain on the hydrodynamic performance of a turret moored FPSO in water depth of375m were carried out .

    采用了混合模型 试验技术进行等效 水深截断系泊系统的模型 试验时域中进行了数值重构计算。

  • This paper provides the in-situ shear wave velocity test results in holes of tailings dam materials and studies the variation law of shear wave velocity with depth and deposit distance of tailings dam .

    本文提供了尾矿坝材料(尾矿砂、尾矿泥)的地下剪切波速度的原位孔 测定结果,研究了这些筑坝材料的剪切波速度随 深度和沉积距离的变化规律。

  • On the test facility of a supercharged pneumatic conveying system an in depth investigation was performed of the key factors which have an impact on the static pressure distribution characteristics in a convergent type of gas solid injectors .

    增压气力输送系统 试验装置上,对影响收缩型气固喷射器内静压分布特性的关键因素作了较 深入地研究。

  • Using the technique of transient surface wave test the shear wave velocity in different depth below the ground can be obtained rapidly . So a new method of transient surface wave test technique is put forward to predict the bearing capacity of friction pile .

    应用瞬态面波 测试技术可快速地获取地下不同 深度的剪切波速度值,从而提出了应用瞬态面波预测摩擦桩极限承载力的新方法。

  • Following works have been carried out : ( 1 ) According to the clean water static oxygenation test the oxygenation capability of different oxygen source has beeb estimated in the thesis different aerators and different water depth .

    主要研究成果为以下几个方面:(1)根据清水静态充氧 试验,评价了不同气源、不同曝气设备、不同 水深 条件下的充氧性能指标。

  • After the improvement the stable combustion test load without firing oil is as low as 45 % of rated load which greatly enhanced the ability of in depth peak load cycling .

    改造后其不投油稳燃 试验负荷达到了45%,大大提高了锅炉的 深度调峰能力。

  • However with the ASP flooding pilot test wells continuously exposed in depth the issue of scaling a number of ASP flooding pilot area followed scaling well have seriously affected the normal production .

    但随着三元复合驱矿场 试验不断地 深入暴露出了油井结垢的问题,油井结垢已严重影响了正常生产。

  • From test of model ship in the restricted channel with the width of 32 m and depth of 2.5 m the backflow velocity around the ship and the ship sinkage is studied in case the ship ( fleet ) of 500 t or 300 t is passing by .

    通过船舶 限制性航道(宽32m, 水深2.5m)的航行 试验,研究了500t和300t船队航行时的船周回流速度与船体下沉。