telescopic hoist boom

[ˌtɛlɪˈskɑpɪk hɔɪst bum][ˌtelɪˈskɔpɪk hɔist bu:m]


  • An optimum design program of box-sectioned telescopic hoist boom in wheel type crane is compiled with discrete variable method .

    本文运用离散变量优化设计理论,编制了轮式起重机箱形 伸缩 优化设计程序。

  • Discrete variable method used in optimum design of box-sectioned telescopic hoist boom

    离散变量法用于箱形 伸缩 优化设计

  • Under the condition of retaining the same machine weight of wheel crane reducing the weight of telescopic hoist boom is one of effective ways to increase hoisting performance .

    轮式起重机在产品自身重量相同的情况下,减轻 伸缩 重臂的重量是提高有效的方法之一。