


  • Network Video Transmission and Synchronization for Telerobot System

    网络 操作 机器人系统视频传输及同步技术

  • Actualities and Prospects of Force Telepresence Telerobot Control System

    力觉临场感 遥控 作业 机器人控制系统 研究现状和发展

  • The shared telerobot control system was developed adopting modularized structure based on the experimental system that has been established and the method of Intelligent Command Buffer is adopted to reduce the communication delay time .

    针对所搭建的实验系统,采用模块化结构开发了 机器人共享控制系统,并用IntelligentCommandBuffer的方法来减小传输时延。

  • Telerobot data packing algorithm and bluetooth communication

    操作 机器人数据打包算法及蓝牙通信

  • Checking and measuring algorithm of virtual dynamics in telerobot system

    操作 机器人系统中的虚拟动力学检测算法

  • Research on internet-based telerobot

    基于Internet的 远程 控制 机器人研究

  • Internet-based Telerobot Control System

    基于Internet的 机器人控制系统

  • So research on the key techniques of Internet-based telerobot system has significant practical meanings .

    因此对基于Internet的 机器人系统的一些关键技术 展开研究具有重要的现实意义。

  • The vision and force feedback control of the telerobot were realized with TCP / IP as the transmission / control protocol and the Client / Server system structure as the network communication platform .

    系统以TCP/IP为传输/控制协议、以 Client/Server-Robot(客户机/服务器)体系结构为网络通讯平台,实现了 机器人视觉和力 的反馈控制。

  • The research on force telepresence technology has been made through establishing a set of threefreedom master-slave telerobot systems .

    通过建立一套3自由度主从式 遥控 机器人系统研究了力觉临场感技术。

  • And then paper puts forward the overall system structure of telerobot as well as the brief analysis of the internal composition of the master chip .

    提出了 操作 机器人的总体系统结构,并对主控芯片的内部组成做了简要分析。

  • An Internet-based augmented perception telerobot operation system was constructed with Internet as the communication method and the KLD-400 teaching robot of four DOF as controlled unit .

    以Internet网络为通讯手段,以KLD-400四自由度教学机器人为被控单元,搭建了基于Internet的增强感 机器人操作系统。

  • Bilateral control of master slave telerobot system with force telepresence

    具有力觉临场感的主从 遥控 机器人系统的双向控制

  • In succession three sets of telerobot experiment flat based on internet were described .

    接着,介绍了基于Internet 操作 机器人实验平台的三套方案。

  • Telerobot Predictive Control System with Time Delay Compensation

    具有时延补偿的 机器人预测控制系统

  • The algorithm possesses important value for the analysis and design of the control structure and control algorithm in telepresence telerobot system based on virtual reality technology especially for the design of human-machine interface in the system .

    该算法对虚拟现实临场感 操作 机器人系统控制结构和控制算法的分析和设计,特别是系统中人机接口的设计具有重要价值。

  • Research of control method to Internet-based telerobot system based on operator intention analysis

    结合操作者意图分析的Internet 机器人控制方法研究

  • Design of Internet-based Telerobot Controller

    基于互联网 技术 远程 机器人控制器设计

  • A real time multitask management system for mobile telerobot

    遥控移动 作业 机器人实时多任务管理系统

  • Research on Master-Slave Telerobot Force Telepresence Technology

    主从式 遥控 机器人力觉临场感技术的研究

  • Generalized Predictive Control Scheme for the Internet-based Telerobot Control System

    广义预测控制方法在网络 操作 机器人系统中的应用

  • The combination of web and robot control technology gave birth to the concept of web-based telerobot .

    Web技术与机器人控制技术的结合,促成了基于web的 远程 控制 机器人概念的诞生。

  • Telerobot Control System Design Based on Preview / Predictive Display

    基于预演/预测的 机器人控制系统设计

  • Modeling of Force Sense Virtual Reality in Telerobot System With Telepresence

    临场遥控 作业机器人的力觉虚拟现实建模研究

  • In order to resolve the problem of the communication time delay in force telepresent telerobot system a new idea based on AR ( Auto Regressive ) model is presented in this paper .

    为解决力觉临场感遥控 机器人系统的时延问题,本论文提出了将预测器引入该系统的新思路。

  • Hydraulic remote control of cargo valve Master-slave Position Controller of Electron-hydraulic Servo Telerobot

    货油阀液压遥控装置电液伺服 操纵 机器人主-从位置控制器

  • Master-slave Position Controller of Electron-hydraulic Servo Telerobot iris setting indicator

    电液伺服 操纵 机器人主-从位置控制器

  • Researching and Developing Strategy of Overcoming Time-delay Infection for Telepresence Telerobot System

    临场感 操作 机器人系统克服时延影响的研究发展策略

  • Research on Telerobot with Force Feedback

    具有力 反馈的 操作 机器人研究

  • A new signal transmission method for force reflecting telerobot system

    一种新的力反射 遥控 机器人系统的信号传输方法