testing of materials


  • Acoustic Emission Testing Technology and Its Application Prospect in Non-destructive Testing of Wood Materials

    声发射检测技术及其在木质 材料无损 检测中应用的展望

  • Considering the imaging ability and view field of microscope a uniaxial micro-tension system has been constructed for mechanical testing of materials and structures at microscopic scale .

    本文结合微尺度对象在显微系统中的成像和视场特点,建立了一套单轴双向拉伸模式的微拉伸测量系统,用以实现微尺度 材料和结构的力学性能 检测

  • All testing of raw materials soybean had the maximum swelling capacity with value 1.75.2 .

    所有 检测材料中,豆粕的吸胀力最大,为1.75。

  • Modal acoustic emission ( MAE ) is a new method for acoustic emission testing of materials .

    模态声发射是 材料声发射 检测的新方法。

  • Dynamometer for testing properties of industrial materials

    测试工业 材料性能功率计

  • A New Concept on The Free-Surface-Reflection of Elastic Waves Used in the Ultrasonic Testing of Materials

    超声在 测试 物体内平自由表面上反射特异现象的研究

  • Method for impact testing of impermeable graphite materials

    GB/T13465.4-1992不透性石墨 材料冲击 试验方法

  • Perform IQC testing of raw materials and QC on in-house materials .

    协助负责进料 检验和内部原 材料的质量控制。

  • Eddy current testing system of carburized materials was developed by using ANSYS software as second development platform .

    以通用有限元分析软件ANSYS作为二次开发平台,开发了面向渗碳 材料的涡流 测试系统。

  • And AVG curves for ultrasonic testing of composite materials were drawn out through experiments .

    通过试验,绘制出复合 材料超声波 探伤AVG曲线。

  • The testing of liquor-making raw materials is the prerequisite to improving liquor quality and ensuring liquor safety .

    酿酒 原料 检验是保证和提高白酒质量及产品安全的基础和前提。

  • Research on Carburized Layer Characteristics and Eddy Current Testing System of Carburized Materials

    材料的渗碳层特性及其涡流 测试系统的研究

  • Comparison Between Domestic and Overseas Standards for High-temperature Creep Creep-rupture and Stress-rupture Testing of Metallic Materials

    当金属在高温下受到应力时,就会发生 蠕变。金属高温蠕变及持久强度 试验国内外标准比较

  • Manual - scan Ultrasonic Imaging System for Testing of Composite Materials

    复合 材料手动超声成像 检测系统的 研究

  • Mixing whole sample in one testing may lead to discrepancy in case of different testing because of heterogeneous materials .

    整体样品混合测试可能因 材质的不均匀 而导致多次 测定结果的差异。

  • With high precision quick response low consume and convenient operation the machine can be used for mechanical property testing of new materials such as microelectronic material and macromolecule material .

    该试验机具有精度高、响应快、功耗小、易操作等优点,可以满足微电子材料、高分子材料等各种新型 材料的力学性能 测试要求。

  • Quality Control has a well-equipped laboratory for the physical analytical and microbiological testing of raw materials intermediates and Finished API .

    质量控制部门有一个设备完善的实验室,负责对 原料、中间体以及原料药产品进行物理、化学及微生物 检测

  • The principle and features of acousto-ultrasonic technique are mentioned . This technique is useful for nondestructive testing of composite materials .

    本文对于在航空航天工业中占有重要地位的先进复合 材料的两项超声 检测新技术的原理、特点和应用进行了简明介绍.本部分先介绍声&超声(AU)技术。

  • Various functions with anticipative results of real time dynamic debugging and controlling during the tensile testing of materials are realized .

    实现了 材料 拉伸过程中实时动态调试与控制的各种功能。

  • Ultrasonic testing of materials is seized by ultrasound into the material to detect internal defects . However in the wheel testing due to the remote location of some defects manually location of the defect is often needed .

    超声 检测技术利用进入被检 材料的超声波对材料内部缺陷进行检测。但在车轮检测中,由于一些缺陷的位置偏僻,所以经常需要人工进行缺陷定位。

  • Jt is an indispensahihty science or technology in aspects of preparation repair testing of air materials and air safety .

    在航空 材料的研究、制备、修复、 检测等等方面,以及航空安全检测方面具有不可或缺的重要性。

  • By using powder metallurgy technology and via the investigation and testing of the materials including basic components chemical compositions and fabricating technology the iron base metal ceramic braking materials have been developed .

    采用粉末冶金工艺,通过对 材料组元、成分、工艺等的 实验研究,研制出铁基金属陶瓷摩擦材料。

  • The paper provides a new technology for the mechanical property testing of composite materials and various engineering structures using fiber optic sensor and also establishes the technical foundation for the research of intelligent structures .

    本文为光纤传感器应用于复合 材料,并向工程结构的力学性能 测试提供了新的技术装置,也为智能结构的研究奠定了技术基础。

  • Method to The Signal Processing in Ultrasonic Testing of Carbon Materials

    碳素 材料超声 检测的信号处理方法

  • In general magnetic property measurement technology of magnetic materials refers to the testing of materials sample which reflects magnetic parameters of the magnetic materials .

    磁性测量一般是指的 材料试样的 测试,用以反映磁性材料的磁性参数。

  • Quantitative as well as qualitative information is provided in the present methodology which is valuable to the thermal analysis design and testing of fibrous materials .

    为纤维隔热 材料 测试、评价与设计提供了有价值的定性及定量信息。

  • Development status of spectrum analysis for ultrasonic testing of flaw in materials

    材料缺陷超声 检测中谱分析技术的研究

  • Mechanical Properties Testing of Materials around Crack Tip with Nano-meter Scale after Crack Arresting by Pulse Current Discharge

    脉冲放电止裂后裂尖处 纳米尺度下的力学性能 测试