test joint

[电] 测联接

  • Test on Joint Toxicity of Salinity and Alkalinity by Orthogonal Design

    运用正交设计 检验盐度和碱度对大银鱼的 联合毒性

  • Fatigue test on key joint of deepwater semi-submersible platform structures .

    深水半潜式平台结构关键 节点的疲劳 试验研究。

  • However the test group joint activity and swelling degree improvement than the control group ; and in the overall efficacy test group is better than control group .

    但是, 试验组的疼痛、 关节活动度和肿胀度的改善要好于对照组;而且在总体疗效上试验组也要好于对照组。

  • Experimental Study on Model Test of Anchoring Joint of Stay Cable for Nanjing Railway Station

    南京站斜拉索锚固 节点模型 试验

  • Test of Weld Joint Property of Cr-Mo Steel after Normalizing Heat Treatment

    正火处理的Cr-Mo耐热钢焊接 接头性能 试验研究

  • In order to ensure the use safety of pressure container we must test the welded joint angularity and stagger joint .

    为了保证压力容器的使用安全,必须 检测 焊接棱角度和错边量。

  • By using Cybex-770 isokinetic and rehabilitation instrument we test knee joint of supporting legs of 17 male long-jumpers in concentric contraction .

    利用cybex-770等速测试与康复系统,对17名一级男子跳远运动员起跳腿的膝 关节进行了等速向心收缩 测试

  • Fatigue test on integral joint of the main truss of the Baling River Bridge

    坝陵河大桥钢桁加劲梁主桁架整体 节点疲劳 试验

  • Numerical simulating test on joint rock mass properties in Three Gorges Project

    三峡 节理岩体力学性质的数值模拟 试验

  • Based on the elastic finite element analysis of the beam-wider-than-wall joint two specimen are designed to test the joint behavior .

    本文在宽梁与薄墙肢节点的弹性有限元分析基础上,设计了近似 足尺的试件进行 试验

  • Discussion on ultrasonic test of welding joint for butt welding crack in reheating steam pipe

    再热蒸汽管道对接焊缝焊接 接头超声波 检测探讨

  • The animal test showed zygapophysial joint play an important role in interbody fusion .

    动物 实验表明切除单侧关节突 关节将显著影响椎间融合。

  • System test and joint debugging : The processor was tested and proved to work normally . The processor was jointly debugged with other modules by experiments moreover the moving target locating and tracking performance of professor was optimized by parameters adjustment .

    系统 测试 调:对处理机进行了测试,保证其正常工作;与雷达系统其它模块进行联调试验,并通过调整参数,优化了处理机对运动人体目标的定位跟踪性能。

  • Welding Processing and Test Technology on Joint of Concrete Centrifugal Pile

    离心管桩 接头焊接工艺及 检测技术研究

  • Study on load test of segment joint in shield driven tunnel

    盾构隧道管片 接头荷载 试验研究

  • Study on Tightening Moment Test of Joint Bolt in Sandwich of Composites

    复合材料夹层 连接螺栓拧紧力矩 试验研究

  • This paper introduces the experimental study on the model test of anchoring joint of stay cable used in Nanjing railway station including the finite element analysis the design of the test installation the test results analysis etc.

    较详细地介绍了南京站主站房斜拉索锚固 节点 试验过程,包括有限元计算、试验装置设计、试验结果分析等。

  • After experimental study it is found that the weld metal ductility is improved by local post weld tempering treatment . In this way the results of flattening test for tube joint are acceptable and joint strength is still satisfied for design requirement .

    通过采用焊后局部回火处理提高了焊缝金属的塑性,从而使 接头压扁 试验合格,其强度也满足设计要求。

  • An analysis of influence factors during isokinetic eccentric test of knee joint

    影响膝 关节等速离心收缩 测试的相关因素探讨

  • This technology test presentation is about procedure test of weld joint property of Cr-Mo steel through normalizing heat treatment including the tensile strength and impact toughness under low temperature .

    介绍了正火处理的Cr-Mo钢焊接 接头性能的工艺 试验情况,重点 探讨了焊接接头抗拉强度和低温冲击性能的影响因素。

  • The brazing-ability and quality of brazed seam of 6063 aluminum alloy brazed by Al-Si eutectic filler metal and QF flux is discussed by means of test of spread-ability and test of T joint .

    本文用平百铺展试验和T型 接头 试验,研究了6063铝合金采用AI-St钎料和氟化物钎剂(QF钎剂)钎焊时的钎焊性和钎缝质量。

  • Designed the subsystem of water seepage and drains included the design of the signal of test the joint of I / O and control module .

    ·渗漏排水控制单元子系统的详细设计。包括对相关 检测信号、I/O 接点及功能模块的设计。

  • Interval-perforation and test joint operation is a new kind of integrative testing technique which uses interval method to perforate and test objectives and can shorten testing cycle and improve operating efficiency .

    跨隔-射孔 测试 作是利用跨隔的方式对试油目的层进行射孔、 测试 作的新型综合试油工艺,能够缩短试油周期,提高施工效率。

  • Contrastive model test for joint influence on strength and deformation of rock masses

    节理对岩体强度变形特性影响的模型 实验

  • Objective To investigate clinical value of diagnostic blocking test of knee joint for diagnosis and treatment of knee osteoarthritis complicated with degenerative lumbar disease .

    目的探讨膝 关节封闭 试验在膝关节骨关节炎合并腰椎退变性疾病的诊断及治疗中的应用。

  • Study on Model Test of Anchoring Joint of Stay Cable for the Main Stadium of Dragon Sports Center in Zhejiang Province

    浙江省黄龙体育中心主体育场斜拉索锚固 节点模型 试验研究

  • In this paper shearing strength in the joint core regions is analysed from crack to limit state on the basis of shear test of wrapped joint under monotonic load and shearing strength calculation formulae of respective main shear factors are given .

    根据外包钢框架 节点在单调荷载下的抗剪 试验,分析了节点核心区在开裂状态到极限状态的抗剪强度,提出了各主要抗剪因素的抗剪强度计算公式。

  • Low-cycle Test on Joint of Transfer Girder and Boundary Column of Shear Wall

    转换大梁与剪力墙暗柱 节点低周反复荷载 试验