


  • He is temporarily acting for her in that post .

    他是 暂时代理她的职务。

  • Take time off from work ; stop working temporarily .

    从工作中抽出一部分时间; 暂时的停止工作。

  • Even though your mom and I are temporarily split .

    虽然你母亲和我 暂时分开了。

  • Touring the album temporarily split the band up .

    巡回推广这张唱片使该乐团各成员 暂时各奔东西。

  • His famed ccalmness seemed to have temporarily deserted him .

    他似乎 暂时失去了他出了名的镇定。

  • Can you fix it temporarily ?

    你可以 临时把它固定吗?

  • Others can stop you temporarily but only you can do it permanently .

    别人能 暂时阻挠你,但只有你自己能永久地阻止自己。

  • I have temporarily paused XM development in order to collect user feedback .


  • But because I had temporarily stolen his wallet and passport .

    而是因为我 暂时偷了他的钱包和护照。

  • She temporarily lost her balance during the long months of solitude .

    在与外界隔绝的漫长岁月中,她 一度失去了心态的平衡。

  • All this has changed at least temporarily .

    至少是 暂时地,所有这些都改观了。

  • Or are they just temporarily busy with other projects ?

    或者他们可能 暂时忙其他项目了?

  • You may not have entirely lost your bearings but you have temporarily mislaid them .

    也许你的内心还没有完全的迷失,但是你 暂时的把你的脚步放错了地方。

  • That has left him temporarily short .

    这使他 暂时手头拮据。

  • This enables WPAR-hosted applications executing on one LPAR to be temporarily moved to another without any downtime .

    它允许将某个LPAR中执行的、由WPAR承载的应用程序 临时移动到另一个LPAR中,而不会带来任何停机时间。

  • To hold the carpet in place it 's a good idea to tap in a few nails temporarily .

    要想固定住地毯, 临时钉些钉子是个好办法。

  • Lemon and lime juice were both temporarily out of stock .

    柠檬汁和酸橙汁 暂时都缺货。

  • I was persuaded to step into the breach temporarily when they became too ill to continue .

    在他们病得很重无法坚持的情况下,我被劝服去 临时 顶替 他们

  • Perhaps this will let them forget temporarily will work and in the family worry .

    也许这会让她们 暂时忘记工作和家庭中的烦恼。

  • The human population swelled at least temporarily as migrants moved south

    随着移居者南移,人口出现膨胀,至少是 暂时性膨胀。

  • Closed temporarily for repairs .

    内部修整, 暂时停业。

  • The stress of war temporarily unhinged him .

    战争的压力让他 一时丧失了神志。

  • Soldiers had temporarily closed the border between the two countries .

    士兵们 临时封锁了两国之间的边境线。

  • If this were not so they would not choose to migrate abroad either temporarily or permanently .

    如果情况不是这样,那么他们就不会愿意 暂时或永久地移居国外了。

  • I 'd hate to think my job would not be secure if I left it temporarily .

    希望我的工作不会因为我 暂时 休假而不保。

  • Temporarily closed on orders from above .

    奉上级指示, 暂停开放。

  • You can configure the server to temporarily retain copies of deleted files and e-mail .

    您可以配置此服务器 暂时保留删除的文件和电子邮件的副本。

  • Let 's use this method temporarily .


  • Templates can be temporarily disabled or permanently deleted .

    模板可以被 暂时性地冻结,也可以永久性地删除掉。