temporary name

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri nem][ˈtempərəri neim]


  • The file name extension for the auto-generated temporary file name to add to the collection .

    要添加到集合中的自动生成的 临时文件的文件扩展

  • To generate a temporary key container name .

    时使用以生成 临时密钥容器 名称

  • This program 's temporary name is Face to Face with Morocco .

    片名 暂定为《与摩洛哥面对面》。

  • Some programs just call mktemp ( 3 ) or tmpnam ( 3 ) directly to create a temporary file name and then simply open it under the assumption that it 'll be OK .

    有一些程序只是直接调用mktemp(3)或 tmpnam(3)来创建 临时文件,然后基于这样做会成功的假定去简单地打开它。

  • Due to the outbreak of Korean War in 1950 it had to move to Pusan the temporary capital of South Korea at that time . In the January of 1951 it changed its name into Samsung Co. Ltd. which remained in effect today .

    1950年由于朝鲜战争的爆发,三星商会又迁至当时韩国的 临时首都釜山,并于1951年1月更改 商号为三星物产株式会社,一直沿续至今。

  • If you have an existing repository it won 't let you create it with the same name – but you rename it to a temporary name prior to creation and then rename back it will still work .

    如果已经有一个代码库了,Gerrit不允许创建同名代码库&但你可以先对它进行 临时重命名,随后再把 名字改回来。

  • Rename the temporary directory to match the old directory name .

    重新命名 临时目录 ,使其匹配旧的目录

  • Normally a server is not reachable from the Web at large without a static IP address but a dynamic DNS service allows me to set up a temporary resolvable machine name under another top-level domain .

    通常,如果一个服务器没有静态IP地址,那么来自Web上的访问流量就不可能太大,动态DNS让我们可以在另外一个顶级域名之上 临时建立一个可解析的机器

  • The Club began as a team of factory workers in the'arsenal'in1886 under the temporary name of'Dial Square ' .

    俱乐部在 1886年成为了工人“兵工厂”球队,当时的 名字还是“方形大钟”。

  • In the export registry file dialog box select the location of the temporary folder in the save in list and then type a file name in the file name box .

    在“导出注册表文件”对话框中的“保存位置”列表中,选择 临时文件夹的位置,然后在“文件名”框中键入文件

  • A : I think the temporary noise will soon subside and our judicial system will prove I am innocent and history will also clear my name .

    答:我认为 暂时的噪音马上就会 消声我们的司法体系将会证明一切。

  • When using this feature the element in the parentheses generates a temporary file and the name of this file is returned .

    当使用此功能时,括号中的元素会生成一个 临时文件,并返回该文件的 名称

  • In data management a temporary name used in a SQL statement to refer to a table or a column .

    一个 临时 名字,在结构化查询语言(SQL)语句中用来指一表格或一列。

  • Put the result of the expression or parts of the expression in a temporary variable with a name that explains the purpose .

    将表达式或其一部分的结果存入一个 临时变量, 临时变量的 名字用来解释其用途。

  • Renames the temporary file to the original file name .


  • Storing data using a compiler-generated temporary name is normal practice for the compiler .

    使用编译器生成的 临时 名称存储数据对编译器来说是常用的方法。

  • If no unique temporary file name is available .

    如果没有提供唯一的 临时文件 ,则。

  • His temporary site-specific installations have taken place around the globe in cities including Montreal Melbourne Lyon Santiago New York Mexico City and Barcelona to name a few .

    他已经在全球许多城市如蒙特利尔、墨尔本、里昂、圣地亚哥、纽约、墨西哥城和 巴塞罗纳等地完成了他的设想。

  • Don 't reuse a temporary file name ( remove and recreate it ) no matter how you obtained the secure temporary file name in the first place .

    不要再次使用 临时文件 名称(即不要删除和重新创建文件),不管您最初是如何获得“安全的”临时文件名称。

  • External . getExternalStorageDirectory () returns the name of the storage card location and a temporary file name is created in that directory .

    getExternalStorageDirectory()返回存储卡位置的名称,在该目录中将创建一个 临时文件