


  • BSTN ( Beijing Seismic Telemetry Network ) adapted quasi digitized data acquisition and processing system ( DAPS ) in 1997.In about two years we got the large quantities data of local 、 teleseism and mine blaster 、 collapse .

    北京遥测地震台网采用模拟数字化的地震信号采集与处理系统(DAPS),在将近两年的时间里,积累了大量 、矿山爆破与矿山塌陷方面的数据。

  • Although both teleseism triggering small earthquakes and making fluid records abnormal correlate with the surface wave magnitude of the large earthquake and the geologic tectonic environment their mechanisms are different .

    云南 地区小震的激发和导致 地下流体记录出现异常 变化 因素虽然都与大地震面波的强弱、地质构造环境等有关,但机理不同。

  • This paper has studied systematically the water level changes prior to teleseism observed in the groundwater well-network of Jiangsu and its relation to earthquake magnitude time direction and the fault activity on which the well is located .

    本文对江苏地下水动态观测网 记录 前的井水位变化 图象 特征及其与地震强度、时间、方位和井 所处断裂 活动强度等关系进行了系统的分析研究。