


  • Application of PLC to Tensility Control in Heat Treatment Take-up Machine

    PLC在热处理收线机 张力控制上的应用

  • To introduce system constitute of tensility control by PLC in steel wire heat treatment line . The control scheme of constant power and the control arithmetic are given through analyzing and calculating tensility in the course of taking-up steel wire .

    介绍在钢丝热处理生产线上由PLC实现 张力控制的系统组成,通过对卷绕过程中张力的分析和计算,提出恒功率控制方案并给出控制算法。

  • Study on tensility control of film by floating pole of the inner liner product line

    内衬层生产线中浮杆对胶片 张力控制的研究

  • Conclusion NSVT generally does not cause sudden death and it is related to myocardial ischemia and sympathetic nerve tensility .

    结论NSVT在无心功能不全的情况下,一般不引起心室颤动,其发生与心肌缺血及交感神经 张力有关。

  • And we point out that the tensility or contradiction between teacher culture and student culture is ineluctable .

    指出教师文化与学生文化之间不可避免地存在着冲突与 整合 内在 张力或矛盾。

  • Form-finding analysis is one of the most important contents about the conformation theories of tensility structures .

    结构的找形分析是 结构构造理论最重要的内容之一。

  • After considering the influences of the tensility performance and ratio of damping on the earthquake action of steel structure the reference formula to design the earthquake force based on the λ is given .

    在考虑了钢结构的 延性性能、阻尼比等因素对结构地震作用的影响之后,给出了采用 概率&延性 调整系数的设计地震力的参考公式。

  • Paradox of Conflict Law : Value Orientation and Technology System Tensility

    冲突法之悖论:价值取向与技术系统的 张力

  • Only if remodeling the spirit of dialectical materialism in China 's educational researching taking root in spot education and forming tensility with educational practice would original educational theories appear .

    中国教育研究只有重塑唯物辩证法精神, 确立 扎根 于教育现场的 主体性,并与教育实践形成 必要 张力 ,原创性教育理论才能 成为可能。

  • To maximize the benefits we must value tensility and sustainability we must know the academic features of ideological and political education lessons improve the teaching efficiency and Clarifying Teaching Objective .

    追求效益的最大化,要以获得 张力和可持续性为价值取向,必须把握思想政治教育课的学科特点、提高教学效率、增强教学的针对性。

  • Tensility structures cable antenna and inflatable antenna are all flexible structures .


  • Membrane effect of steel plate is evolved from the technology of stressed skin in steel structures of which the characteristic is the sufficient utilization of tensility and shear resistance in the steel plate .

    钢板薄膜效应是从钢结构的受力蒙皮技术中拓展而来的,其主要特点是充分利用钢板在面内的抗剪和 抗拉效应。

  • Tourism as a widely and deeply influential social practice performs the tensility between traditional culture and modern market system .

    旅游作为一种影响深广的社会实践活动,体现了传统文化与现代市场之间的 张力

  • The optimized reposition balance method for force-finding analysis usually is employed to accurately evaluate the self-balance prestress of tensility structures .


  • Only with tensility can moral education in school be developed rapidly and healthily .

    学校道德教育 必须 富有 时代 张力才能快速健康发展。

  • Art Tensility of Flowing Apparatus-Anarchy Esthetics of Venice Reprise Yard

    流动装置的艺术 张力&《威尼斯收租院》的混乱美学

  • However they also weaken the infinite tensility that embodies in Kantian philosophy .

    这在 一定 程度避免了康德将道德法则 缺憾,但同时也冲淡了蕴涵在康德道德哲学中的无限 张力

  • The minimum tensility of the film according to the inclination of the floating pole (α 2 ) was obtained and it showed the optimal control point of film tensility control by the floating pole ( the point of minimum tensility ) .

    计算表明:胶片 张力随浮杆倾角α2变化时有一极小值的特点,并给出了浮杆对胶片中张力控制的最佳控制点(张力最小点)。

  • In the field of creating literary works the development and changes mainly manifest in the tensility and conflict between two aspects of calls for what to write how to write and against what to write how to write .

    在文学创作实践领域里,文艺思潮的发展与变化主要体现在提倡写什么、怎么写和反对写什么、怎么写的两个方面及其两个方面的 张力与冲突。

  • Application of fuzzy PID control algorithm in tensility control system of vehicle licence production line

    模糊PID控制算法在车牌生产线 张力控制系统中的应用

  • Multi-objective optimal design of earthquake resistant structure considering tensility and natural vibration period
