tentative diagnosis

[ˈtɛntətɪv ˌdaɪəɡˈnosɪs][ˈtentətiv ˌdaiəɡˈnəusis]


  • Tentative research on the ultrasonic diagnosis of sarcoma of uterus

    超声对子宫肉瘤 诊断 初步探讨

  • A tentative diagnosis is sometimes made when the symptoms are not definite .

    当症状不确定时,有时做 假定 诊断

  • Conclusion : Although many of the phyllodes tumors are indistinguishable from fibroadenoma on the basis of clinical and radiological features in large breast tumors with rapid growth the tentative diagnosis phyllodes tumors should be considered more often .

    结论:分叶状肿瘤在临床及影像学表现上与纤维腺瘤有很多相似之处,但年龄较大的女性、乳腺 发现较大肿块且短期内迅速长大应高度怀疑 分叶状肿瘤可能。

  • A tentative diagnosis of subacute combined degeneration was made and he was admitted for further investigation . She complained of stiffness in her joints . Accordingly she was admitted to hospital for further tests .

    暂时作出了亚急性脊髓混合变性的 诊断。病人为进一步检查而入院。她诉说自己的关节不灵活,于是被留院作进一步检查。

  • A tentative study was presented to prove a new specific antigen on TB early diagnosis and to shed new insights for future research .

    本实验作为对结核病早期 诊断采用的特异性抗原的一种 探索 的尝试,为今后的研究提供了一种新思路。

  • A Tentative Probe into the Evaluation of Technologies on Diagnosis and Treatment in Clinical Departments

    临床科室 诊疗技术评价 探讨

  • The development of the remote fault diagnosis technology is firstly reviewed in this thesis . A tentative plan based on Internet is proposed for the remote monitoring and fault diagnosis system .

    本文首先回顾了远程故障诊断技术的发展过程,在此基础上提出了建立基于Internet数控机床的远程监测和故障 诊断系统的 构想

  • Summarizing the history is an effective way to ensure that all details were covered sufficiently to make a tentative diagnosis .

    总结病史是一项很有效的方法,肯定确已获得作出 印象 诊断所需的各项重要资料。

  • A tentative plan of remote diagnosis technology of military equipment based on oil monitoring is presented according to the application state of Oil monitoring technology in the military equipment the system frame and each function module has been constructed .

    剖析了油液监控技术在军用装备中的应用现状,提出了基于油液监控的军用装备远程 诊断技术的 设想,构建了总体框架和各个功能模块。

  • A Tentative Comment on the Application of the Fuzzy Theory in Specialists ' Systems Study on the Diagnosis of the Trouble with Transformers

    试论模糊理论在变压器故障 诊断专家系统研制中的应用

  • It is a tentative new way to develop the on-line fault diagnosis system with originally installed sensors in turbo-generators .

    这为充分利用原已安装的发电机传感器开发在线故障监测与 诊断系统提供了一种新的 尝试