temporal coherence

[ˈtɛmpərəl koˈhɪrəns][ˈtempərəl kəʊˈhɪərəns]


  • Theoretical analysis and research of temporal coherence of single longitudinal mode semiconductor lasers

    单纵模半导体激光 时间 相干性的理论分析与研究

  • The Deep Consideration on the Temporal Coherence of the Gas Lasers with Axial Multimodes

    对多纵模气体激光器 时间 相干性的进一步讨论

  • This character of HLR data is called temporal coherence which is assured by the real-time performance in the access operation of data .

    HLR数据的这种特性称为 时间 一致 。数据的 时间 一致 是通过数据访问操作的实时性保证的。

  • The theoretical formulas of the mutual coherence function T and the modulation factor G are derived . The spatial coherence and temporal coherence are analyzed . These results are compared with the laser coherence modulation by Raman-Nath moving wave A-O effect .

    给出互相干函数Г和调制因子G的理论公式,分析了空间相干性和 时间 相干性,并与Raman&Nath行波声光效应调制激光相干度进行了比较。

  • Two factors that impact the aperture are researched : the signal temporal coherence and dragging velocity .

    研究了被动合成孔径的两个影响因素:信号 时间 相干性的影响和拖曳速度的影响。

  • Temporal Coherence of Nd ∶ YVO 4 Laser Used in Ranging System

    Nd∶YVO4激光测距应用的 时间 相干性

  • Computer simulates and analyzes the temporal coherence of light of equal inclination interference

    用计算机模拟分析等倾干涉的 时间 相干性

  • A New Method of Studying the Temporal Coherence of Laser Diode

    研究半导体激光器 时间 相干性的一种新方法

  • The Possible Application and Time-Spectrum Characteristics of Temporal Coherence on the Double-Modes He-Ne Laser

    双纵模He&Ne激光 时间 相干度的时谱特性及其可能应用

  • The results show that the effects of small slow ROLF are the same as the temporal coherence of input light which makes the FORR effective bandwidth to be broadened .

    在扰动为各态历经扰动假设下的理论分析表明:小的慢与快变化扰动的影响是不同的,慢变化扰动影响与入射光 时间 相干性相同,使有效带宽增大;

  • The principle measuring the spatial coherence and the temporal coherence of the optical field by Young 's interference arrangement and Michlson interferometer respectively is described .

    本文叙述用杨氏双缝干涉装置测量光场空间相干性和由迈克尔逊干涉仪测量光场 时间 相干性的原理。

  • Finally from the theory and experiment this paper analyses and studies temporal coherence of the above-mentioned four cases .

    文章就上述四种情况下的 时间 相干性进行了理论分析与实验研究。

  • Temporal Coherence of Gas Lasers Time is

    气体激光的 时间 相干性

  • Because the press-and-hold keyboard driver is different from the normal driver it is very important to analyze temporal coherence before driving the keyboard .

    支持长短按键的键盘驱动与普通的键盘驱动在 时间要求上有所不同,对 时序进行分析后,利用 同步机制设计与实现了键盘管理模块。

  • Study on the relationship between temporal coherence and output power of Ar ~ + laser with multi-longitudinal modes

    多模Ar~+激光 时间 相干性与输出功率的关系

  • This paper presents an improved adaptive beamforming algorithm introducing clutter constraints which do not destroy the natural temporal coherence of the first-order ocean clutter after interference suppression and benefit target detection in frequency domain subsequently .

    改进方法使得自适应干扰抑制后,回波中一阶海杂波的 时域 相关 特性不会发生破坏而在频域上虚假展宽,从而有利于后续处理中进行海杂波滤除和目标检测。

  • According to the research of temporal coherence it is able to advance detect performance to combine the movement information and track algorithm .

    视频 时序 相关性做了研究,将运动信息与目标跟踪算法结合起来,很好的提升了检测性能。

  • Functional connectivity is defined as the temporal coherence between activities of different brain areas . One of the most useful methods to estimate functional connectivity is cross-correlation or coherence of the signals between pairs of scalp electrodes .

    功能连通性是指大脑不同区域的神经细胞群活动之间的 瞬时 相干性,最常用的方法是估计成对电极信号之间的相关或相干。

  • Time is * Some Problems on Temporal Coherence

    关于 度量时间 相干性的一些问题

  • It is the function of the second processing interferometer to re-establish interference effects by bring components of the radiation back into temporal coherence .

    第二个处理干涉仪的功能是重建干涉效应,恢复辐射分量的 时间 相干性

  • Temporal coherence of single-mode and multiple longitudinal-mode ( fundamentalmode ) of gas lasers based on the relative function of optical field . is discussed .

    本文用光场的相关函数讨论了单模和多纵模(基模)气体激光的 时间 相干性问题。

  • Experimental investigation on temporal coherence of laser light transmitting through optical fiber

    对通过光纤的激光 时间 相干性的实验研究

  • This paper first introduces basic physical quantity of coherence and discusses temporal coherence starting from Michael interfering experiment .

    本文给出了描述光场相干性的基本物理量,从迈克尔逊干涉实验出发,讨论了 时间 相干性

  • The temporal coherence of HLR data : When the properties of HLR subscribers are changed the relevant data in HLR database must the updated effectively in time .

    HLR数据的 时间 一致 问题。当HLR签约用户的属性发生变更时,HLR数据库中相应的数据必须得到及时有效的更新;

  • The first three methods rely on the spatial coherence or temporal coherence of the x-ray source .

    前三种方法依赖于具有空间相干性或 时间 相干性的X射线源。

  • The methods of measuring the coherent parameters are discussed which include temporal coherence function coherence length the degree of coherence the global degree of coherence and the average transverse coherence length .

    最后,对相干参数的测量方法进行了讨论和设计。可测量的相干参数为光束的 时间 相干函数、相干长度、相干度的绝对值、平均相干度以及平均横向相干长度。

  • A global temporal motion template is built to capture the temporal coherence between time-ordered poses . Local spatial motion correlations are created to preserve the nonlinear relationships between different body parts .

    建立全局时间运动模板,表示运动中姿态之间的 时间 先后约束关系;建立局部空间运动关联函数,表示身体各部分之间的运动相关约束。

  • By interaction between high-level and low-level image analysis temporal coherence and spatial accuracy of objects are enhanced according to the precise borders and correspondence relationship of regions included in the objects .

    通过高级图像分析和低级图像分析的交互,利用对象所包含的区域的边界和帧间对应关系,进一步提高语义视频对象的 时域 一致 和空域准确性。