


  • Big dams were built across the Tennessee river and its tributaries .


  • Private planes were taking off and bunkers had been drilled into the sides of mountains in Tennessee and Alberta .

    私人飞机纷纷起飞,钻进 田纳西 和亚伯达的山间地堡中。

  • This can often be seen in Malaysian jungles and in the American states of Tennessee and South Carolina .

    这种现象可以在马拉西亚的丛林或是美国的 田纳西和?南卡罗来纳见到。

  • I mean we shot in Tennessee for2 months .

    我是说,我们在 田纳西拍摄了2个月。

  • It 's located in Tennessee and North Carolina .

    大烟 国家公园位于 田纳西 和北卡罗来纳 交界处。

  • Everyone knew what the Yankees had done in missouri kentucky Tennessee and virginia .

    人人都清楚北方佬在密苏里、肯塔基、 田纳西和弗吉尼亚都干了些什么。

  • I absolutely love Tennessee . I have met some of the greatest people while in school here .

    我非常喜欢 田纳西 大学,在这里我遇见了很多优秀的同学和老师。

  • The President-elect visited the Tennessee Valley in company with Norris .

    在诺里斯的陪同下,这位当选总统视察了 田纳西 流域。

  • Fatalities have also been reported in Georgia Tennessee Virginia and Arkansas .

    在乔治亚州、 田纳西 、维吉尼亚州和阿肯色州,也有人员死亡的报道。

  • Police in Tennessee have arrested the jilted woman 's father and another man and charged them with murder .


  • The top five states for income inequality were New York Alabama Mississippi Massachusetts and Tennessee .

    收入差距最大的5个州是纽约州、阿拉巴马州,密西西比州、马萨诸塞州和 田纳西

  • In 1849 James Polk the eleventh president of the United States died in Nashville Tennessee .

    1849年,美国第11任总统詹姆斯·波尔克在 田纳西 的纳什维尔逝世。

  • He described the Pigeon River which flows from North Carolina into Tennessee .

    他向我描述了从北卡罗来纳州流入 田纳西 的鸽子河的情况。

  • He began to sing in the style that is popular in Tennessee a style called country and western .

    他开始唱歌很受欢迎的风格中,一种叫做在 田纳西 中国和西方。

  • From New York to Tennessee It 's such a big country .

    从纽约到 田纳西 ,他是一个如此大的国家。

  • I met her at a Baptist church in Tennessee .

    我在 田纳西的一个礼拜教堂与她相识。

  • It was Methodist University Hospital in Memphis Tennessee .

    那是 位于 田纳西 的孟菲斯卫理公会大学医院。

  • And the Tennessee waltz .

    和那 田纳西华尔兹。

  • Kelly Clarkson and Brandon Blackstock married on Sunday just outside Nashville Tennessee .

    凯莉克拉克森和布兰登周日在 田纳西 的那什维尔举行了婚礼。

  • Many people in Minnesota and Tennessee have noticeable regional accents .

    明尼苏达州和 田纳西 的许多人都有明显的地区口音。

  • He chose Senator Al Gore of Tennessee to be his vice president in the election .

    他选择 田纳西 的参议员阿尔?戈尔在选举中作为他的副总统候选人。

  • What impressed me more was that she knew Tennessee Williams .

    让我印象更深的是她认识 田纳西·威廉斯。

  • Then Andrew Jackson was elected president of the United States and Houston was elected governor of Tennessee .

    后来,安德鲁·杰克逊被选举为美国总统,而休斯顿则被选举为 田纳西 的州长。

  • He went to Nashville the capital of Tennessee to study law .

    他搬到了 美国 田纳西 的首府那什维尔市去学习法律。

  • On April 4 1968 Dr. King was assassinated in Memphis Tennessee .

    1968年4月4日,金博士在 田纳西 的孟菲斯被暗杀。

  • Records of 224 plots in Tennessee are being used to test and revise this method .

    田纳西 的224个样品的记录正用于检验和修订。

  • The Central Intelligence Agency ; the Census Bureau ; Office of Management and Budget ; Tennessee Valley Authority .

    中央情报局;人口调查局; 行政管理和预算局。

  • The Republican senator is a former education secretary and former president of the University of Tennessee .

    这位共和党议员是原教育部部长和前任 田纳西大学的校长。