


  • SIP transparently supports name mapping and redirection services allowing the implementation of ISDN and intelligent network telephony subscriber services such as personal mobility .

    SIP透明地支持名字映像和转向服务,允许实现ISDN和智能网络 电话用户服务,如个人移动性。

  • A big difference between this bull market and the last is the penetration of the internet and mobile telephony .

    这次牛市与上次的一个很大的区别就在于互联网和移动 技术 介入

  • Cisco went for half a dozen including optical networks wireless equipment and internet telephony .

    而思科则开始了近半数 新兴 行业,包括光纤网络,无线设备以及互联网 科技

  • In telephony the use of tones to transmit supervisory address and alerting signals over a circuit .

    电话 技术中,利用音调在电路中传送监控、地址和报警信号的做法。

  • But open source telephony software isn 't all you need to consider .

    但是,开源软件是不是所有的 电话,你需要考虑的问题。

  • This means that the existing counter argument namely proprietary copper cabling for telephony networks no longer exists .

    这意味着现有的反论点,即 电话网络的专有铜布线已不再存在。

  • So now that telephony is moving onto the net should we be worried ?

    现在, 电话 业务已经被转移到了互联网上,我们是不是也要担心呢?

  • I was with Cisco when we started the world of IP telephony .

    我是在思科刚启动IP 电话 业务时加入公司的。

  • Internet Telephony and Interface to PSTN

    Internet 电话 技术及其与PSTN的接口

  • When prompted authenticate and use a valid user name for your Sametime Unified Telephony Core server .

    得到提示后,执行身份验证并对您的SametimeUnified TelephonyCore服务器使用一个有效的用户名。

  • This server type provides the interface with the existing telephony environment .

    这个服务器类型为接口提供了现有 电话环境。

  • The devices that transform voice back and forth between circuit and packet forms are called Internet telephony gateways .

    在包和电路形式之间来回变换语音的装置叫因特网 电话网关。

  • These optical fibres may be used for new sorts of telephony .

    这些光缆可以用于新型 电话 通讯 系统

  • Microsoft Corp. has included its client-side Telephony API ( TAPI ) with every copy of Windows 95 .

    微软公司在windows95的每份拷贝中客户机端都包含了 电话应用编程接口(TAPI)。

  • She started with two-week rotations and stayed in touch via low-cost Internet telephony service Skype .

    一开始,她两周往返一次,并通过低成本的互联网 电话服务skype保持联系。

  • Video Compression Technology for Visual IP Telephony 's System

    IP可视 电话系统中视频压缩技术的研究

  • What would the world of personal computing or telephony look like today if it was not for Steve ?

    如果没有Steve,今天的个人计算机和 电话会变成什么样子?

  • Over the past 10 years technologies have been developed that have combined computers with telephony .

    在过去的十年中,使计算机与 电话结合在一起的技术得到迅速发展。

  • Companies such as Avaya Cisco Nortel and Alcatel have had numerous IP telephony offerings for years now .

    数年来,诸如Avaya、Cisco、Nortel和Alcatel之类的公司已开发了大量的IP 电话 技术产品。

  • Many Ford customers were dissatisfied with its vaunted sync interface that integrates hand-free telephony entertainment and voice-recognition .

    福特Sync界面集成了免提 电话、娱乐和语音识别功能。

  • These applications securely integrate IP telephony with business applications and corporate data on any IP device including IP phones mobile devices and PCs.

    这些应用可能使用任何IP设备,例如IP电话、移动设备和PC,利用业务应用系统和协同的数据来安全地整合IP 电话 技术

  • Phone And Modem control panel can not be opened . You may have a problem starting telephony service .

    不能打开电话和调制解调器控制面板。您开始 电话服务可能有问题。

  • These partnerships allow companies to integrate their current telephony and video solutions directly into Lotus Sametime .

    这些合作伙伴允许公司将他们当前的 电话和视频解决方案直接集成到LotusSametime中。

  • The telephony location stored in the profile was not found . The current location will be used .

    找不到配置文件中 指定 电话位置。当前位置将被使用。

  • Your call was cancelled because the Telephony device driver closed the line .

    电话被取消,因为 电话设备驱动程序关闭了该线路。

  • With the integration of telephony in Ethernet ( VoIP ) all telecommunication applications in the workplace can be covered via the LAN for the first time .

    随着在在以太网技术(VoIP)里, 电话的集成,工作场所中所有的电信应用,第一次可以通过LAN涵盖。

  • The upgrade includes a universal address book that can be used through any of AOL 's communication services including email and Internet telephony .

    这次升级还包括了一个通用地址薄,可以用于任一AOL提供的通讯服务,包括邮件和网络 电话

  • The technology that has made large scale mobile telephony possible .

    这项技术已经使大规模移动 电话 技术成为可能。

  • This telephony driver does not support this function .

    这个 电话 服务驱动程序不支持这项功能。

  • IP telephony and Voice over IP ( VoIP ) are becoming predominant technologies in enterprises as well as in the home .

    在企业和家庭中,IP 电话 技术和IP语音(VoIP)正在成为主流技术。