
[电] 电传服务

  • PCCW Teleservices enjoys a large number of customer bouquets and renewed contracts year by year as well as a glittering array of awards and industry recognition from worldwide organizations .

    电讯盈科 专业 客服 客户高度 赞许服务合同连年 不断此外,他们屡获殊荣,更赢得全球业界的赞赏和认可。

  • Founded in1997 TeleServices are a leading provider of outsourcing customer contact services and Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) solutions to multinationals and industrial leaders .

    成立于1997年的 是专为跨国公司和行业先锋提供外包呼叫中心和顾客关系管理(CRM)解决方案的先驱者。

  • This businesses partnership enhances our relationship with our clients building trust and reliance among each of our clients and800 TeleServices .

    通过这些 努力同客户建立了以诚信为 基础的合作伙伴关系。

  • TeleServices believe in the power of communication-reaching people on a personal level to build relationships of trust value and quality .

    深信沟通的作用,通过同顾客的互动,把良好的顾客关系建立在信任,价值,和优质 服务上。