


  • In the light of the telerecording statistics on spot the authors lay stress on several features presented in the 42nd Word Tennis Championship .

    依据 现场 电视 录像 进行统计,着重探析了第42届世界乒乓球锦标赛所呈现 的几个特点。

  • Developing and Utilizing the Instructional Materials of Television Telerecording

    电视 录像教材的开发及利用

  • Review of the Monitoring Ability of Linfen Radio Telerecording Seismometer Network

    临汾无线 遥测 台网监控能力评述一 新型 地质 灾害无线遥测台网

  • Applying telerecording monitor of non trauma nail fold microcirculation can early detect changes of microcirculation blood vessel and blood stream in prehypertension prediabetes and initial stage of hyperlipidemia .

    应用 性甲皱微循环 电视 录像监测能够早期发现高血压、糖尿病前期及高血脂初期的微循环血管、血流等改变。