television receiver

[ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən rɪˈsivɚ][ˈteliˌviʒən riˈsi:və]


  • Algorithm Research of Synchronization System in GB Digital Television Receiver

    国标数字 电视 接收机同步系统算法的研究

  • Waveforms of switch-mode power supplies for television receiver are analyzed and methods for measuring the heat loss of relevant components and devices are introduced .

    本文对 电视机用开关电源有关波形进行分析,并介绍了有关元器件热耗的测试方法。

  • Direct broadcasting satellite television receiver

    个体接收-卫星广播中卫星 直播 电视 接收机

  • The television receiver contain a very special sort of electron tube called a cathode-ray tube .

    电视 接收机有一个非常特殊的电子管,称为阴极射线管。

  • This paper introduces the project model integrating the course practical training of television receiver technology with secondary worker skill examination in electronics .

    采用 电视 接收技术课程实习与家用电子产品维修工中级工技能考核相结合的“双证融通”项目模式,在实践中取得了较好的教学效果。

  • Software design in embedded system software for digital television receiver is very complex for the limitation of hardware resource and requirement of realtime processing .

    在嵌入式数字 电视 终端系统软件的设计中,由于终端硬件资源有限和实时性的要求,造成其软件设计具有较高的复杂度。

  • The television receiver is an electronic device .

    电视 接收器是一种电子装置。

  • In a television receiver the horizontal and vertical scans are synchronized by a phase-locked loop ( PLL ) .

    一个锁相环可以同步 电视机的行扫描和帧扫描;

  • Disclosed is a video display an auto-convergence error in a projection television receiver ( TV ) capable of preventing generation of an error when an auto-convergence is performed .

    公开了一种在投影 电视 接收器(TV)中视频显示自动会聚误差,当执行自动会聚时可以防止产生误差。

  • Symbol synchronization method for mobile digital television receiver

    移动数字 电视 接收机的符号同步方法

  • Field of view angle direct broadcasting satellite television receiver

    视场角-直接日射表卫星 直播 电视 接收机

  • A cathode-ray tube in a television receiver ; translates the received signal into a picture on a luminescent screen .

    电视 接收机中的阴极射线管;在荧光屏上把接收信号转化为图像。

  • A movable control knob or other device on a radio or television receiver used to change the frequency .

    调谐钮收音机或 电视机用来转换频率的转动控制钮或其它装置。

  • IC Chips for Satellite Television Receiver

    卫星 电视 接收机方案及其芯片浅析

  • The mobile satellite television receiver system can satisfy this requirement and the preformance of this system is decided by its control system .

    而车载卫星 电视 接收系统恰能满足人们的这一需求,该系统性能的好坏主要取决于其控制系统。

  • A patent was granted for a low-cost television receiver .

    一个低成本的 电视 接收器获得专利。

  • Tuning a radio or television receiver is an example of electrical resonance .

    调谐收音机或 电视 接收机是电共振的例子。

  • Signal Integrity & Timing in Digital Television Receiver Design

    数字 电视 接收机中的信号完整性和时序设计

  • The panel or face on a radio or television receiver on which the frequencies or channels are indicated .

    收音机或 电视机指示频道或波段的盘或面。

  • Filter for television receiver aerials

    电视 接收机天线过滤器

  • This paper introduces the immunity test system for digital television receiver discusses the immunity capability and receiving reliability of digital television . It also describes the character of picture interference and objective analysis method for immunity measurements of digital television receiver .

    本文介绍数字 电视的抗干扰测试系统、探讨数字电视的抗扰能力、 接收可靠性及干扰信号对图象质量影响的特征和客观分析方法。

  • Study and Realization of a Servo System Used in a Mobile Satellite Television Receiver

    移动卫星 电视 接收伺服系统的研究与实现

  • Home video games are played on a television receiver connected to a control box .

    玩家庭电子游戏需要在 电视机上接一个控制盒。

  • Transmit menu structure map using satellite television receiver to aerial and go on aerial adjustment .

    二是将卫星 电视 接收机 解调出的 电视画面中的菜单设置图传至天线现场进行天线调整。

  • The Digital Signal Processing Method for a Two-channel Television Sound in Television Receiver

    电视 接收机双通道伴音数字信号处理方法

  • This paper discusses the process of designing and exploiting the servo system of a kind of mobile satellite television receiver .

    本文论述了一种移动卫星 电视 接收伺服系统的设计和开发过程。

  • The Research and Realization of Mobile Digital Television Receiver Based on DVB-T Standard

    基于DVB-T标准的移动数字 电视 接收机研究与实现

  • With the population of Digital TV high definition television receiver will have excellent prospect in the future .

    随着数字电视在我国的普及,高清 电视 接收机将会有广阔的市场前景。

  • HDTV SoC platform is a system used for high definition television decoding which is an important part of high definition television receiver .

    随着市场对高清 电视 接收机的成本、功能等方面要求的不断提高,大量的研究工作越来越集中于高清电视接收机的软件系统。HDTVSOC是研究高清电视解码技术的片上系统平台。

  • Digital TV especially High-Definition digital TV is a developing direction in television receiver system .

    数字电视,特别是高清晰度数字电视,是 电视 接收系统的发展潮流。