tenure of office

[ˈtɛnjɚ ʌv ˈɔfɪs][ˈtenjuə ɔv ˈɔfis]

[法] 在职, 任期

  • During his tenure of office Xinjiang was faced with troubles at home and aggression from abroad which posed a grave threat to Xinjiang social stability .

    在其 期间内忧外患,对新疆地区的社会稳定构成很大威胁。

  • During his tenure of office he has made many achievements in road construction and education .

    在他 任期 内在筑路和教育方面建树甚多。

  • He is promised a long tenure of office .

    他得到许诺可有一个较长的 任期

  • The purpose is how to do well in audit work of enterprise leaders 's economic responsibility during their tenure of office and boost enterprises to strength and improve management experiment and improve economic efficiency .

    审后阶段的审计结果运用等相关问题进行了探讨,旨在为进一步做好企业领导人员 任期经济责任审计工作,促进企业加强和改善经营管理,提高经济效益。

  • Talk about the Establishment of Tenure of Office Dodge System for Accounting Staff

    建立会计人员 任职回避制度浅探

  • And we had specific names to identify our squad to the operator . documents of tenure of office and identity certificate of the company 's legal representative ;

    而且有特定的名称向 中心表明身份公司法定代表人 任职文件和身份证明;

  • This strange combination was the result of the brief tenure of office of Lord Fisher as First Sea Lord .

    这个离奇的混合物是 洛德?费希尔短期出任海军大臣时的产物。

  • Firstly this paper elaborates on the concept function characteristic target and sort of the financial responsibility audit during the leader 's tenure of office .

    本文首先阐述了 任期经济责任审计的概念、职能、特点、目标、分类等问题,进行了经济责任审计的 中外 比较 分析

  • Although I refuse to talk about unification in my tenure of office and I also oppose the use of force generally I want to improve relations with the mainland .

    虽然我拒绝在我的 任期 谈论统一问题,我也反对使用武力,总的来说,我希望改善与大陆的关系。

  • The auditing of economic responsibility which has just come into existence in the new situation of the reform and opening-up and development of market economy is an important criterion for judging the economic responsibility of leaders during their tenure of office .

    经济责任审计,是在改革开放和发展市场经济的新形势下产生的,是考察领导干部 任期的经济责任, 选拔 任用干部的重要依据。

  • Although he had not realized his ideal of constitutional politics and saved the fortune of the Late Qing all these policies which promulgated during his tenure of office laid a foundation for the development of Modern educational reform .

    虽然他的努力并没有实现他的宪政理想的初衷,也不可能挽救晚清王朝覆灭的命运,但其 在位期间所推出的一系列的政策与措施为近代教育的发展奠定了一定的基础。

  • A study on assessment approach of the targeted responsibility during the tenure of office as a head nurse

    护士长 任期目标责任 考核模式的相关研究

  • The Practice and Reflection on the Tenure System of Middle-level Cadres in Qingdao Municipal Office of State Administration of Taxation

    青岛市国家税务 实行中层干部 职务 任期制的实践与思考

  • Therefore it is necessary to reconstruct the theory and mode of auditorial system of financial responsibility during the leader 's tenure of office .

    因此有必要重新构建我国现阶段领导干部 任期经济责任审计制度的理论框架和运行模式。

  • During its last two years ' tenure of office the Clinton administration had paid more attention to the prospect of security in Asia Pacific .

    克林顿政府在最后两年 亚太地区的安全发展前景给予进一步的关注。

  • During his tenure of office in Yunnan his cultural achievements had a great influence on the development of Yunnan native culture .

    馥在云南 任职 时期,不仅创下了许多政绩,而且正是其文学成就的 高峰 时期,对云南地方文化的发展有着极大的影响。

  • Issues Related to Ultra Vires of Corporate President ; documents of tenure of office and identity certificate of the company 's legal representative ;

    公司法定代表人越权代表法律问题探讨公司法定代表人 任职文件和身份证明;

  • Honesty and uprightness during his tenure of office gave him permanent fame in the minds of the people .

    任期 的清正廉洁使他在人民心中声名永驻。