tensile machine

[ˈtɛnsəl məˈʃin][ˈtensəl məˈʃi:n]


  • The chemical components structure and morphology of copolymer were confirmed by FT-IR DSC and TEM . The surface property and mechanical properties of fluoroacrylate copolymer emulsion films were determined by water absorption ratio contact angle and tensile testing machine .

    通过FT-IR、DSC、TEM对乳胶膜组成、结构和形貌进行了表征,通过接触角、吸水率和 拉力试验 表征了含氟丙烯酸酯共聚物乳胶膜的表面性能和力学性能。

  • Their microstructure was characterized by high resolution transmmision electron microscope and X-ray diffraction and the tensile strength was determined by a monofilament tensile testing machine .

    然后利用高分辨透射电子显微镜和X射线衍射分析方法对其经不同温度退火处理后纤维的微观结构进行表征,并用电子单纤维 强力 测定其拉伸强度。

  • Be family with office software and inspection machine as Video system machine and Tensile strength machine and Torque strength machine and so on .

    熟悉办公室软件,检测设备如影像测试系统, 拉力,扭力测试 仪器等!

  • Our main products are : MLG28 series of four-column hydraulic tensile machine ;

    公司主要产品有:MLG28系列四柱液压 拉伸

  • A Testing Method for Realizing the Constant Strain Rate on a Common Tensile Machine

    在普通 拉伸试验 上实现恒应变速率变形的方法

  • This article introduces a method to determine the plastic membrane tensile modulus by using a normal mart electron tensile testing machine and computers .

    文章介绍了一种利用普通的智能电子 拉力试验 以计算机来计算塑料薄膜拉伸弹性模量的方法。

  • Resistance to softening the effects of alloy elements and microstructures of Cu-0.1 % Ag-0.06 % Ce and Cu-0.1 % Ag-0.1 % Cr alloys were analyzed and compared with Cu-0.1 % Ag alloy by using hardometer electronic tensile testing machine optical microscope and TEM etc.

    采用显微硬度计、电子 拉伸试验 、光学显微镜和TEM等,通过与Cu-0.1%Ag合金对比,分析了Cu-0.1%Ag-0.06%Ce合金和Cu-0.1%Ag-0.1%Cr合金的抗软化性能、合金元素的作用及组织形貌特征。

  • Experimental data were obtained by means of all kinds of instruments such as a tensile machine an Izod impact test machine thermogravimetric analysis limit oxygen index ( LOI ) instrument and so on .

    各种数据的获得借助于 拉力试验 、悬臂梁冲击试验机、热重分析仪、和氧指数仪等各种分析测试手段。

  • Super plastic deformation of LY12CZ aluminum alloy was tested on tensile machine with hung hammer and the law of strain rate change was studied .

    在挂锤式 拉伸 试验 上对LY12CZ铝合金进行了超塑性试验,研究了其应变速率变化规律。

  • The mechanical properties of the composites and the relationship between the performance and the microstructure were investigated by TEM SEM HRSEM and the tensile testing machine .

    使用TEM、SEM、HRSEM和 万能 材料 拉伸 对材料的结构和性能进行了测试和表征,并分析了微观结构与性能之间的关系。

  • They were then loaded on a tensile machine ( Instron 1122 ) for slow - pulling fast - pulling experiment and reciprocating fatigue test at 20N load peak value separately .

    将其随机分成三组,在 Instron1122 拉力实验仪上分别进行慢拉、快拉和20N峰值负荷条件下的反复疲劳实验。

  • The tensile strength and elongation at break were tested by XLD-1000 electronical tensile testing machine ;

    拉伸强度和断裂伸长率由XLD-1000型电子 拉伸试验 测定。

  • The Reform for Italian-made Tensile Machine

    意大利 513/1张力 改造

  • Tensile stress-strain tests and tear strength were test by AIPU ALJ-02 tensile testing machine . 4 .

    使用AIPUALJ-02型双数显 拉力试验 对其进行拉伸应力应变测试、撕裂强度测试。

  • Paper tensile test machine is a kind of tool used for testing the tensile strength of paper .

    纸张 试验 是用来检测纸张抗张强度的一种设备。

  • This paper analyses theoretically the relationship between the crosshead speed and the true strain rate in tensile test thereby suggests a testing method realizing the constant strain rate on a common tensile machine for investigating superplasticity of metals .

    本文从理论上分析了拉伸试验中真应变速率与夹头移动速率之间的关系,提出一种在普通 拉伸试验 上实现恒应变速率变形进行超塑性研究的方法。

  • Tensile test machine a basic test machine is to measure strength rigidity flexibility plasticity tenacity and ductibility of various material ( including metal material and non-metal material ) parts structure member and etc through pull and stretch testing .

    拉力试验 是通过拉伸试验达到检测材料(金属材料、非金属材料)、零部件、构件和结构等的强度、刚度、弹性、塑性、韧性、延展性的基础试验装置。

  • The effect of predeformation degree on tension property of 8090 Al-Li alloy before aging is studied by using transmission and scanning electron microscopes and tensile machine .

    用透射电镜、扫描电镜和 拉伸 试验 研究了时效前的预变形度对8090Al-Li合金拉伸性能的影响。

  • Evaluation of the Measurement Uncertainty of the Indication Error of the Index Dial Nonmetal Tensile Testing Machine

    度盘式非金属 拉力试验 负荷示值误差测量结果的不确定度评定

  • After welding the optical microscope the scanning electron microscope the electron microprobe the tensile testing machine and the microhardness tester are employed to analyse the microstructure and mechanical property of the joints .

    焊后采用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、电子探针、 万能 拉伸试验 以及显微硬度计等一系列设备对焊接接头的微观结构和力学性能进行了检测分析。

  • Microstructures and tensile properties have been examined by SEM and electronic tensile machine in an as-extruded SiC_w / AZ91 magnesium matrix composite .

    采用SEM和电子 拉伸 对挤压态SiC/AZ91镁基复合材料的显微组织进行了观察分析,并对其拉伸性能进行了测试。