tenant right

[ˈtɛnənt raɪt][ˈtenənt rait]


  • At the situation that the efficacy conflicts between the part owner and the tenant the preemption right of the part owner in preference to the pre-emptive right of renter .

    在共有人先买权与 承租 先买权发生冲突的情形下,共 人先买 的效力优先于承租人先买权的效力。

  • Any teenager with a summer job in retail knows the principle tenant of sales : the customer is always right .

    暑假在零售业打过工的青少年肯定都知道一条销售法则:顾客永远是 正确的。

  • The part defined the concept of housing tenant right of pre-emption and housing tenant right of pre-emption of the exertion condition and value system .

    该部分对房屋 承租 优先购买 的概念予以界定,并分析了房屋承租人优先购买权的行使条件以及制度价值。

  • A tenant may have a right of first refusal if a property is offered for sale .

    若房产要出售, 承租 可以有优先购买

  • However the current low-rent housing management regulations involved tenant rights is not much and the legal protection of tenant right is not got enough attention .

    然而当前廉租房管理规定中涉及承租者权利的内容并不多,廉租房 承租 权利的保护也没有得到足够地重视。

  • The interest in property owned by tenants whereby each tenant has an equal right to enjoy the entire property .

    由佃户拥有的保证每个 佃户 享有同等的分享财产的权益。

  • Author made a more comprehensive study from the theoretical level to the system level issues related and gave some suggestion about how to strengthen and improve our housing tenant right of pre-emption system of legislative proposals .

    笔者从理论层面和实践层面对该制度的相关问题进行较为全面的探讨,并对健全和完善我国的房屋 承租 优先购买权制度提出立法建议。

  • If a husband / wife is the owner or tenant of that home the other would normally have the right to live there .

    如丈夫/妻子是该住宅的业主或 租客,一般而言,另一 亦有 在该住宅居住。

  • Provided that an agreement for the grant of a future tenancy before the tenant has been in occupation in right of the current tenancy for1 month shall not be enforceable by the landlord .

    但如授予在将来的租赁的协议,是在 租客按现行租赁 权利占用处所未满1个月时已达成的,则业主不得强制执行该协议。

  • The third part is the legal protection of rights of residence housing tenant . Housing tenant residency for legal protection the protection conditions are divided into quarters charge rent restrictions and update aspects of the right to learn to elaborate .

    第三部分从住处条件的保障、押租金的限制以及更新 的赋予等方面阐述了房屋 承租人居住权的法律保障措施。

  • Due to the establishment of transfer does not need to mortgage the possession of so will not to the property ownership and use effect thus building droit where people can have rental houses set hypothec tenant of preemptive right there is no conflict with mortgage .

    由于抵押权的设立并不需要 移转财产的占有,所以不会对财产的占有和使用产生影响,因而房屋所有人可以在已经出租的房屋上设定抵押