telegraph cable

[ˈtɛlɪˌɡræf ˈkebəl][ˈtelɪˌgræf ˈkeibl]


  • In 1850 a ship called Goliath laid the first submarine telegraph cable linking Britain and France .

    1850年,一艘名为巨人号(Goliath)的船舶铺设了世界上第一条海底 电报 电缆,将英国与法国连接起来。

  • Economically through telegraph cable business people to quickly understand the business messages market promoting the development of industrial and commercial and so on .

    经济上, 电报有线 使商人更快知晓商情、市场,促进工商业的发展等等,此外,邮电对社会文化生活也有着十分重要的影响。

  • Chandler realised that the railroad and the telegraph the steamship and the cable had made it possible for companies to grow to a vast scale .

    钱德勒意识到,“铁路和 电报,轮船和 电缆”的出现,让企业成长为巨大规模成为可能。

  • First British submarine telegraph cable laid in Hong Kong . Cablegram is a hybrid ; half the word is Latin and half is Greek .

    第一 英国颠海底 电报 电缆在香港铺设。“海底电报”一词是混合语,半为拉丁语,半为希腊语。

  • 19 . The first time that the question What is at the bottom of the oceans ? had to be answered with any commercial consequence was when the laying of a telegraph cable from Europe to America was proposed .

    19、当铺设一条从欧洲到美洲的海底 电报 光缆的时候,出于商业动机,人们第一次不得不回答这个问题海底是什么东西。