temporary employment

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri ɛmˈplɔɪmənt][ˈtempərəri imˈplɔimənt]

[经] 临时职工,临时工作

  • The replacement employee will be advised of the temporary nature of the position and the period of employment .

    替代员工将会被告知该职位的 暂时性以及 雇佣期。

  • Temporary labour accounts for almost 5 per cent of UK employment compared with an average of less than 2 per cent across continental Europe .

    临时员工占英国 员工总数的近5%,而欧洲大陆的平均水平不到2%。

  • But I 'd taken temporary employment about six years before .

    六年前我还在四处打 零工

  • A person claiming labor insurance injury and illness benefit vocational training living allowance temporary work allowance or other related employment development awards may not claim unemployment benefit while receiving the related award .

    领取劳工保险伤病给付、职业训练生活津贴、 临时工作津贴、创业贷款利息补贴或其它促进 就业相关津贴者,领取相关津贴期间,不得同时请领失业给付。

  • Spain which has developed a scheme for rolling over temporary contracts to provide at least some chances of employment to the young should pay heed to the experience of Japan in the early2000s .

    西班牙已经形成了招收超 短期合同为年轻人提供一些 就业机会,但它应该借鉴日本21世纪初期的一些经验。

  • Head hunters are still searching for candidates willing to take on temporary jobs and with the global financial crisis the employment landscape is changing .

    金融海啸后 就职架构改变,猎头公司也积极为应徵者寻找 临时 工作。

  • Crucially China must be willing to make short-term sacrifices such as asset price adjustments or temporary employment losses in certain sectors to guarantee long-term stability .

    关键在于,中国必须愿意做出短期牺牲,例如资产价格调整或在某些领域 暂时失掉部分 就业 岗位,来确保长期稳定。

  • Provided that any break in service caused by temporary suspension of employment not arising from misconduct or voluntary resignation shall be disregarded for the purposes of this paragraph .

    但任何由于 暂时停职而导致的服务期中断,如 暂时 停职非因行为不当或自动辞职而致使的,则就本款而言无须理会。

  • Appropriate point below the minimum of the pay scale I was able to obtain only temporary employment here and there for a small salary .

    低于起薪点的适当薪点我设法四处打点 零工,挣些微薄的薪水。

  • Civil servant system was established in 1993 in our country and then Temporary Regulations on Employment of National Public Servant was enacted . The employment system of every entry through examinations of national public servant was primarily established and civil servant employment work became legalized and standardized .

    我国于1993年确立公务员制度,后出台《国家公务员 录用 暂行规定》,初步建立国家公务员凡进必考的录用制度,公务员录用工作开始走上了法制化、规范化的轨道。

  • In our working abroad department we provide both permanent ( immigration ) and temporary employment our services in this department includes .

    在我们的国外工作部门我们提供既可以是永久性的(移民)和 临时 就业,我们的服务包括在这个部门。

  • Temporary incentive schemes for private-sector employment are generally a better option .

    刺激私人部门 就业 临时 方案通常是一种更好的选择。

  • But with the temporary employment market in turmoil investors can probably expect the sweet sound of more deals .

    但由于目前 临时 就业市场处于动荡之中,投资者可能会期待听到更多交易的好消息。

  • The UK is a tempting market for temporary staffing groups because the penetration of temporary labour is relatively high thanks to liberal employment laws .

    对于临时工作招聘集团而言,英国是一个颇具吸引力的市场,由于该国的自由 就业法,这里 临时劳动力的比例相对较高。

  • This lets them accept temporary employment in their area of study for twelve months after graduation .

    这将使得他们在毕业后获得在他们专业学习领域的为期12个月的 临时 工作

  • International agreement on legal migration for temporary employment coupled by foreign investment ;

    关于合法移徙 临时 就业以配合国外投资的国际协定;

  • Generally staffing professionals such as accountants lawyers and information technology specialists comprises about one-third of the temporary employment market while general staffing makes up the difference .

    一般而言,招聘专业人士例如会计师、律师和信息科技(it)专业人士占 临时 就业市场的三分之一左右,而统一招聘则弥补了这一缺口。

  • Experience : Part-time positions temporary employment volunteer work and related hobbies are all valid forms of experience .

    经历:兼职工作, 临时 工作,志愿者工作及相关爱好都可作为经历。

  • Life security is just the means and temporizing measures of ensuring temporary social stability while promoting the employment of the unemployed so that they can obtain the life stability and personal grace and dignity through working is to promote long term stability .

    单纯的失业保障是保障社会安定的手段和 一时之计,促进失业人员 就业,使之通过劳动来获取生活安定与个人体面和尊严从而推进社会长治久安才是根本目的。

  • On Reconstruction of Legal System of Temporary Employment in China

    论我国 临时 岗位 用工法律制度的重构