


v.充满( teem的现在分词 )到处都是(指水、雨等)暴降倾注

  • No but this water is teeming with microbes .

    不是,这水 里面 肯定很多细菌。

  • The rain was teeming down and she thought she heard a rumble of thunder .

    雨下得 很大,她觉得她听见了一阵轰隆隆的雷声。

  • The rain is still teeming down but I can 't wait any longer to go out .

    依然下得 很大,但我不能再等了,我要出门。

  • Teeming ( pouring ) of ingots is done usually under argon protection .


  • The teeming market streets of Boston 's Italian and Irish neighbourhoods are nowhere to be found .

    波士顿的意大利和爱尔兰社区 那种 拥挤的街道市场在 这儿则无处可寻。

  • In the final tally life is teeming with both the interesting and the tedious .

    总而言之,生活 充满 趣味和乏味。

  • Watermelon and pink grapefruit are teeming with Lycopene shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer .

    西瓜和赤 含有 大量 红素,能够减少 前列腺癌的风险。

  • When I came out it had stopped teeming down so I walked .

    我出来时大雨已停,于是我就 赶路了。

  • The Third World 's teeming millions ; the teeming boulevard ; harried by swarming rats .

    第三世界国家 拥挤 人群;拥挤的马路;被成群的老鼠所折磨。

  • The movie is teeming with obvious and trite ideas

    这部电影 充斥着平铺直叙的陈腐观点。

  • Antarctica was once a warm continent teeming with life .

    南极洲曾经是一个温暖的大陆, 充满生命。

  • He found me teeming with need but also grateful to be allowed to express that need .

    他看见我 充满需求,却又感激能表达这种需求。

  • The teeming time and height affect flow field too .

    分析流体 注入时间、 注入高度对流场的影响。

  • Modern Taipei was once teeming with stray dogs that sniffed commuters on crowded sidewalks and rummaged through trash .

    现代台北街头曾 充斥 流浪狗,它们在拥挤的人行道上嗅着路人或是翻找垃圾桶。

  • RIGHT now my kitchen is teeming with bacteria and I 'm doing everything I can to make them feel at home .

    此刻,我的厨房 充满了细菌,我在尽自己一切所能让它们感到宾至如归。

  • Nearby waters in the East China Sea are teeming with fish and potentially rich in oil and gas .

    东中国海附近海域 盛产鱼类,石油和天然气 储藏可能也非常丰富。

  • You can 't go out without a raincoat . It 's teeming .

    你不穿雨衣出去可不行。外面正在下 大雨

  • But stories like that convinced the club members that the town was teeming with material .

    然而,诸如此类的故事却使那些俱乐部的成员们坚信:在这个 镇子 写作的“素材” 比比皆是

  • It was teeming down and we all got soaked .


  • Teeming markets and busy citizenry .


  • Testing method for cone penetration of refractory mortar The teeming time and height affect flow field too .

    耐火泥浆锥入度测定法并 分析流体 注入时间、 注入高度对流场的影响。

  • Behind lies an enchanted world utterly different to the teeming streets of Tokyo that are just outside .

    里面是个醉人的世界,与 外面 熙熙攘攘的东京大街上迥然不同。

  • We inched through teeming streets .

    我们在 熙熙攘攘的街道上缓慢行走。

  • For most of the year the area is teeming with tourists .

    一年中大部分时间 ,这个地区游人 如织

  • Artists and writers saw it as a giant playground of discovery teeming with surprise encounters .

    艺术家和作家把都市看成一个巨大的发现场地, 充满了意外的偶遇。

  • The desert is teeming with life in the good seasons .

    在适宜季节,沙漠 充满了生机。

  • Is it a user community for the teeming millions who use your project daily ?

    这是不是一个由 大量每天使用您的项目的用户 组成的社区?

  • Shoing malls and restaurants are once again teeming with people .

    商场和 酒楼再次人头涌涌。

  • The first two known as the rumen are essentially vast incubation chambers teeming with bacteria and protozoa .

    头两个胃称为瘤胃,实际是 充满了细菌与原生动物的大型培养室。

  • Beneath these frigid waters researchers find a world teeming with life .

    在这些寒冷的水下,研究人员发现了一个 充满生机的世界。