


  • Neighboring artificial ganglion cells now connected to neurons in the silicon tectum that were twice as close as the initial connections . A fine point of etiquette .

    相邻的人工节细胞连结到的矽 顶盖神经元的位置,比起 开始 缩短了一半的距离。

  • The Structure of Nucleus Lentiformis Mesencephali and its Fiber Connection with Anterior Tectum in Lizard Gekko gecko

    蛤蚧豆状核的结构及其与 顶盖前端的纤维联系

  • The transparent enclosure over the cockpit of an aircraft . The tegmentum tectum tegmentum connections are only concerned with the mid-dle and deep layers of the superior colliculus .

    驾驶舱盖,座舱盖飞机驾驶室顶部的透明覆盖物被盖 顶盖被盖的联系只与上丘中、深层有关。

  • Anterior margin of tectum smooth .

    头盖 前缘光滑;

  • Whole cell voltage clamp recording of neurons in the sixth layer of optic tectum of slices revealed the higher frequency of spontaneous miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents ( mIPSC ) than that of spontaneous miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents ( mEPSC ) .

    顶盖区第六层细胞上,记录到自发微抑制性突触后电流( mIPSC)成分,观察到其发放频率明显高于自发微兴奋性突触后电流(mEPSC)的频率。

  • Results The retina includes 10 layers and the tectum is differentiated into 6 layers .

    结果 视网膜分为10层。

  • Distribution and morphological feature of VIP-immunoreactive neurons in optic tectum and nucleus isthmi of pigeon

    家鸽血管活性肠肽阳性神经元在 顶盖和峡核中的分布及形态特征

  • The Effects of ACh upon the Layer ⅲ Neurons in Pigeon ( Columba livia ) Optic Tectum Slices

    乙酰胆碱对家鸽(Columbalivia) 顶盖脑片中Ⅲ层神经元电活动的影响

  • Tectum extracts preserving retinal ganglion cells in vitro

    顶盖提取液保存视网膜节细胞的 形态学

  • Objective : To study the effects of tectum extracts on the morphology of retinal ganglion cells ( RGCs ) and to know whether tectum extracts can keep RGCs living .

    目的:通过胎大鼠 顶盖提取液保存视网膜神经层,观察其对视网膜节细胞(RGCs)的形态 结构影响,了解其对RGCs保护作用。

  • Evoked responses of sublayer IIa f to electrical stimulation of layer I were recorded in 28 pigeon optic tectum slices using micropipettes and effect of acetylcholine receptor antagonists atropine and tubocurarine on the evoked potential were analysed .

    在28例家鸽 顶盖脑片上,以微电极记录电刺激 顶盖I层引起的 IIa-f亚层诱发电位,并观察乙酰胆碱受体拮抗剂阿托品和筒箭毒对诱发电位的影响。

  • The projection from frontal cortex to tectum in the rat & a WGA-HRP study

    大鼠额叶皮质至 顶盖的投射&WGA-HRP法研究

  • The midbrain responsive loci were mainly distributed in an area including central gray and adjacent tegmentum but seldom in the tectum .

    中脑反应点主要分布于中央灰质及其邻近的腹侧被盖,而很少在 顶盖 出现

  • The Histological Study of the Optic Tectum in Tilapia mossambica

    莫桑比克罗非鱼 中脑顶盖组织学结构观察

  • Cytoarchitectural Studies on Layer ⅰ of Optic Tectum in the Chick

    雏鸡中脑视 顶盖Ⅰ层细胞构筑研究

  • Direct Spinal Projections from the Cerebrum Cerebellum and Tectum in the Rabbit

    家兔大脑、小脑和 顶盖 脊髓直接投射的研究

  • A small drum with two heads and a snare stretched across the lower head . The tegmentum tectum tegmentum connections are only concerned with the mid-dle and deep layers of the superior colliculus .

    带有两个盖的并且底盖是由网状物覆盖的小鼓。被盖 顶盖被盖的联系只与上丘中、深层有关。

  • Thus the results indicate that the optic tectum takes part in the centrifugal control of somatosensory afferent activity affects the spinal reflex and involves in the mechanism of analgesia by way of presynaptic inhibition .

    上述结果表明;视 能以突触前抑制的形式参与躯体感觉传入的离心控制,影响脊髓反射活动,并可能涉及镇痛机制。

  • Morphology and Fiber Connection of Cells in Layers A-H of Chick Optic Tectum

    雏鸡视 顶盖A-H层细胞形态与纤维联系

  • Objective To study the morphological types of the retinal ganglion cells ( RGCs ) projecting to tectum in the chick .

    目的研究鸡视网膜 顶盖投射 母体 &视网膜节细胞(RGCs)的形态学类型。

  • Group I cells Group II cells and Group IV cells projected to optic tectum .

    顶盖 接收 群,Ⅱ群和Ⅳ群细胞的投射, 其中以Ⅰ群细胞 为主

  • Effects of glutamate on the spontaneous discharge of sublayer ⅱ a-f neurons in pigeon optic tectum slices

    谷氨酸对家鸽 顶盖脑片Ⅱa~f亚层神经元自发电活动的影响

  • The tegmentum tectum tegmentum connections are only concerned with the mid-dle and deep layers of the superior colliculus . The ground was covered with snow .

    被盖 顶盖被盖的联系只与上丘中、深层有关。地面上覆盖着一层积雪。

  • The characters of optic tectum in mozambique tilapia were compared with other vertebrate animals .

    6 边缘 . 同时对莫桑比克罗非鱼 中脑 顶盖与其他脊椎动物的结构特点进行了比较。

  • Morphological study on neurons in layer H of optic tectum in 3-d-old chicks

    三日龄雏鸡中脑视 顶盖H层神经元形态研究

  • Using the method of immunohistochemistry and the retrograde labeling of DiI the visual centra projection and development of RGCs ( i. e. the optic tectum thalamus and hypothalamus ) in chicks were studied in our experiments .

    本研究利用免疫组化的方法和荧光染料DiI逆行标记技术研究了鸡视网膜节细胞的中枢投射和发生(投射到视 顶盖、丘脑、下丘脑)。

  • Application of a carbocyanine fluorescent dye to tracing neuronal connections of the pigeon tectum with some mesencephalic nuclei

    用羰花青荧光染料追踪家鸽 顶盖与中脑核团的神经连接

  • Application of Synthetic Geophysical Prospecting in Fault Survey in Thin Tectum

    综合物探方法在 覆盖 断裂调查中的应用