


  • In order to probe into the causes of relatively low gold content in samples rich in organic matter from forest-swamp areas of Northeast China the authors used AAS analysis with aqua regia solution method and AAS analysis with tetracid solution method to determine Au content of samples .

    为探讨中国东北森林沼泽地区富含有机质样品中金偏低的原因,采用了 王水溶 法和 法的AAS分析来测定样品中的Au。

  • The application of the tetracid solution method to eliminating silica gel can obviously raise the determination value of gold . For samples with gold content higher than 10 ~ ( - 9 ) the difference between the two methods are especially evident .

    法驱除硅胶,明显地提高金的测定值,特别是对含量大于 10-9的样品,2种分析方法的差别更大。