text command

[tɛkst kəˈmænd][tekst kəˈmɑ:nd]

[计] 正文命令

  • List controls allow users to select from a finite set of text strings each representing a command object or attribute .

    列表控件允许用户从有限的 文本字符串中选择,每个 文本字符串代表一个 命令、对象或属性。

  • The text of the menu command that is shown to the user .

    显示给用户的菜单 命令 文本

  • Linux has been the core of many server environments and installations but the usability has always relied on people willing to dig into text file configurations and the command line .

    Linux已是众多服务器环境和计算站的核心,但是适用性一直都依赖着愿意钻研 文本配置文件和 命令行的人员而维持。

  • Indicates the position of the catalog name in a qualified table name in a text command .

    指示目录名称在 文本 命令的限定表名中的位置。

  • Form includes the following controls : labels text boxes and two command buttons the form titled narrow character a text box font size to30 pounds .

    窗体中包括下列控件:标签、 文本框和两个 命令按钮,窗体标题为“字符缩小”,文本框字号为30磅。

  • You should also be able to write custom AWK programs to perform complex text processing from the UNIX command line .

    您还应该能够编写自定义的AWK程序,以使用UNIX 命令行执行复杂的 文本处理。

  • Speech recognition is a technology that changes the input speech signal into the corresponding text or command and then make the machines understand human languages .

    语音识别是指将输入的语音信号转化为相应的 文本命令,让机器听懂人类的语言。

  • The text command to execute .

    要执行的 文本 命令

  • You can easily redirect results to a text file from a command line or recast the automation to log results directly .

    您可以很轻松地通过 命令行将结果重定向到 文本文件,或者重写自动化来直接记录结果。

  • Once the profile creation is completed the following similar text appears on the command prompt window

    配置文件创建完成后, 命令提示窗口中将显示以下类似 文本

  • The particularity behave firstly that critics dig deeply the concealed meaning in narrative text and take it as command ;

    这一独特性首先表现在评点家对叙述 文本深层隐义的挖掘,并以此 统领 全篇

  • Another useful command for formatting text is the fmt command which formats text so it fits within margins .

    另一个用于格式化 文件的有用命令是fmt 命令,它将格式化文本以使其能够适合边距。

  • Export the VSS directories into a text file by using this command

    通过使用以下 命令来将VSS目录导出到一个 文本文件中

  • The new text box command on the Insert menu provides you with another method to add titles to your diagrams .

    “插入”菜单中的“新 文本框” 命令提供了另一种为图表添加标题的方法。

  • An index name used in a text command or in a data-definition interface .

    用于 文本 命令或数据定义接口中的索引名称。

  • Argument your password appears in plain text at your command prompt .

    参数,则密码在 命令提示符下以纯 文本形式出现。

  • After inserting the form field and typing the label text select only the form field and the associated label text then choose the Label command .

    插入表单域并键入标签文本后,请仅选择表单域及相关标签 文本,然后选择标签 命令

  • At the same time the text also illuminates the command format and data structure of the GPS receiver . Secondly this theme introduces the implementation methods of the regional vertical electronic content in detail .

    与此同时,还对所涉及到的GPS接收机 指令格式、相关数据结构进行了描述。其次,详细 论述了获取区域性垂直电子含量的实现方法。

  • Replicated objects for graphics and centralized objects for text and command are used simultaneously as the sharing information storage architecture .

    在共享信息存储结构中提出了图形信息的复制对象和 文字命令信息的集中对象的数据结构。

  • Likewise you set text tooltip and command name getting data from the corresponding menu item object .

    同样的,要设置从对应的菜单项对象得到的 文本text),工具提示(tooltip),和 命令名( commandname)。

  • On the home tab in either the font or rich text group click a formatting command .

    在“开始”选项卡上的“字体”或“格式 文本”组中,单击格式 命令

  • You can also alter text from the command line using patterns replace and sed .

    还可以使用模式、替换和sed从 命令行更改 文本

  • All operations are performed using simple HTTP requests and can usually be performed with nothing more than a simple text editor and a command prompt .

    所有操作都是用简单的HTTP请求完成的,通常不会比简单的 文本编辑器和 命令提示更难。

  • To add a text box on a chart use the insert text box command .

    若要在图表上添加文本框,请使用“插入 文本框” 命令

  • HGML text is a descriptive text composed of HGML command . HGML command can account for spatial object including point line surface raster data image data and attribute data .

    HGML文本是由HGML 命令组成的描述性 文本,HGML命令可以说明空间对象,包括点、线、面、栅格数据,以及影像和属性数据。

  • TestView gets an additional text field and the toolbar command is only available if the text field has the focus .

    TestView得到一个附加 文本字段,并且只有当光标位于文本字段上时工具栏 命令才可用。