text alignment

[tɛkst əˈlaɪnmənt][tekst əˈlaɪnmənt]


  • First the visual combined with theory of visual culture analyze the Picture-book from visual and visual satiation mainly involving the use of the color text alignment the use of blank space with a blank page and the Folio choice .

    第一,视觉性,结合视觉文化的有关理论,从视觉享受与视觉餍足两方面分析绘本,主要分析绘本颜色的运用、 文字 排列、留白与空白页的运用及开本的选择。

  • Standard text alignment options .

    标准 文本 对齐选项。

  • Adjustable brace with text at side . Width position and alignment of text block are configurable .

    侧边带 文本的可调大括号。文本块的宽度、位置和 对齐 方式均可配置。

  • Text alignment and wrapping around images

    图象周围 文本 对齐和自动换行方式

  • And the text will be aligned with the right side of the control instead of the default left alignment .

    这样 文本将与控件的右侧对,而不是默认的左 方式

  • After analyzing the structure characteristic of Chinese-English law text the alignment hypothesis of law text is presented .

    通过分析汉英双语法律 文本的特征,提出了法律文本 对齐假设。

  • The experiment corpora include 150 Chinese-English law text and the alignment precision is 80.98 % .

    该方法在150篇汉英法律 文本语料上,取得了80.98%的 对齐准确率。

  • / / set introduction subheading text alignment

    //设置介绍副标题的 文本 对齐 方式

  • From the perspective of road safety this text studys on the relationship between road alignment and traffic accident .

    本文从道路安全的角度来探讨道路 线形与交通事故的关系。

  • When you display these two text files using cat you notice alignment differences .

    当您使用cat显示这两个 文本文件时,将注意到一些 排列差异。

  • Traditionally narrative content is marked up to convey how it should look ( for example font size or text alignment ) rather than its real structure or meaning .

    过去,叙述性内容进行了标记,用于表示内容的外观(例如,字体大小或 文本 对齐 方式),而不是其真实的结构或含义。

  • Menu indicates user preferences for menu settings such as menu delays and text alignment .

    指示菜单设置的用户首选项,例如,菜单延迟和 文本 方式

  • In the final implementation the icon will line up with the text in a cell and the icon will follow the cell 's vertical alignment .

    在最后的实施中,图标会和单元格中的 文本整齐排列,图标会遵循单元格的竖直 对齐

  • Combining length-based method with lexicon-based method splitting bilingual text into several pieces by anchor sentence pair we fulfill the work of the alignment of bilingual texts at the sentence level and improve the accuracy of the alignment both .

    本文结合基于句子长度和基于词典的两种经典 对齐算法思想,通过确定锚点句对对双语互译 文本进行划分,实现了双语句子对齐,进一步提高了双语句子对齐的准确率。

  • Callout with outline box and adjustable pointer at top or bottom of text block . Pointer position controls text alignment .

    位于文本块顶部或底部带外框和可调指针的标注。指针位置可控制 文本 对齐 方式

  • This text deals with laser alignment instruments principle a serial port communications and systemic combination .

    为此, 主要介绍了激光 中仪的原理、通信的实现及系统组成。