


  • Polytetrahydrofuran ( PTHF ) with narrow molecular mass distribution was prepared by cationic ring-opening polymerization of tetrahydrofuran using H_2SO_4 · SO_3-HClO_4 system as a catalyst .

    以发烟硫酸-高氯酸为催化剂,通过 四氢呋喃的阳离子开环聚合合成了窄分子量分布的聚四氢呋喃(PTHF)。

  • Separation of methanol tetrahydrofuran water system by extractive distillation and phase separation with salt has been studied .

    研究了萃取精馏技术和加盐分相技术在甲醇 四氢呋喃水体系分离中的应用。

  • The dynamic adsorption model that described the characteristics of small amount of water from tetrahydrofuran on4A molecular sieve was developed .

    建立了合适的吸附动态模型,用于分析 四氢呋喃中的微量水在4A分子筛上动态吸附特性。

  • The results showed that tetrahydrofuran was a better cosolvent and the waste edible oils containing abundant free fatty acids was liable to form miscible system .

    结果表明, 四氢呋喃是良好的共溶剂,游离脂肪酸含量高的废食用油有利于共溶体系的形成。

  • The process flow was designed and experimentally studied for separation of acetone tetrahydrofuran ( THF ) triethylamine and water mixture .

    对丙酮、 呋喃、乙胺、混合物的分离进行了工艺流程设计和实验研究。

  • Synthesis of Indapamide and the Adsorption of Tetrahydrofuran + Water Solution Mixture on Molecular Sieve

    吲哒帕胺的合成以及 四氢呋喃 &水体系在分子筛上的吸附研究

  • Tetrahydrofuran is highly flammable and may contribute to the release of toxic gases and vapors during a fire according to the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration .

    美国职业安全与保健管理局介绍说, 四氢呋喃是一种易燃物质,发生火灾时它有可能导致一些有毒气体挥发。

  • The synthesis of polyoxytetramethylene glycol ( PTMG ) from tetrahydrofuran was investigated using fuming sulfuric acid as catalyst .

    本工作以 四氢呋喃为原料、发烟硫酸为催化剂合成了聚四甲撑二醇(PTMG)。

  • Study of chain transfer to acetic anhydride in the polymerization of tetrahydrofuran


  • Influence of 5A-Type Zeolite Powder on Tetrahydrofuran Hydrate Formation and Dissociation Process

    5A分子筛粉末对 四氢呋喃水合物的生成及分解过程的影响

  • The azeotropic temperature of tetrahydrofuran ( THF ) and water changes with the pressure based on this characteristic a purification process of pressurized column and atmospheric column was established .

    利用 四氢呋喃(THF)溶液的共沸点随压力改变的特性,提出加压塔-常压塔双塔提纯工艺。

  • A method of synthesizing chlorodiisopropylphosphine in which the raw are magnesium isopropyl chlorides and phosphorus trichloride the solvent is tetrahydrofuran is introduced in this paper .

    介绍了以镁、氯代异丙烷和三氯化膦为主要原料, 四氢呋喃为溶剂合成氯代二异丙基膦的方法。

  • Study on the In-situ Hydrogenation of Maleic Anhydride to Tetrahydrofuran Using Solvent Hydrogen from Ethanol Reforming

    乙醇重整制氢对马来酸酐原位加氢 四氢呋喃的研究

  • Antisymmetric nonresonant vibrational Raman scattering of Tetrahydrofuran ( THF ) is experimentally and theoretically studied in this paper .

    研究了 四氢呋喃(THF)非共振拉曼光谱中反对称散射的贡献。

  • Rapid Determination of Tetrahydrofuran in Air through Pre-adsorption-gas Chromatography with Active Carbon as a Sorbent

    活性炭预吸附-气相色谱法快速测定空气中的 四氢呋喃

  • Tetrahydrofuran polymerization catalyzed by organic-inorganic hybrid clay

    有机-无机杂化黏土催化 四氢呋喃聚合

  • We obtained one-dimensional fullerene nanoribbons and nanotubes in tetrahydrofuran and water mixed solvent .

    在不同比例的 四氢呋喃和水混合溶剂体系中获得了含C60杂化大分子的纳米带和纳米管。

  • Coal pitch is extracted with tetrahydrofuran to obtain tetrahydrofuran soluble ( THFS ) and tetrahydrofuran insoluble ( THFI ) .

    煤沥青用 四氢呋喃萃取分离得到四氢呋喃可溶物(THFS)和四氢呋喃不溶物(THFI)。

  • Effects of Potassium Acetate and Calcium Chloride on Vapor Liquid Equilibrium for the Tetrahydrofuran Ethanol System

    乙酸钾及氯化钙对 四氢呋喃 &乙醇体系汽液平衡的效应

  • Li2O-B2O3 composite gels were successfully prepared from tri-n-butyl borate and lithium methoxide dissolved in methanol and tetrahydrofuran via sol-gel technique .

    以硼酸三正丁酯、甲醇锂为主要原料,甲醇和 四氢呋喃溶剂,利用溶胶-凝胶法通过优化工艺制备了掺锂硼酸盐凝胶。

  • It is used in the manufacture of pesticides phenol furfural resins and tetrahydrofuran .

    以它为 原料加工成树脂, 合成 纤维合成 橡胶合成 香料,西药,农药等。

  • Simulation and Optimization for Tetrahydrofuran Recovery System from Pharmaceutical Discard Solution

    制药废液中 四氢呋喃回收系统的模拟与优化

  • Furfural is also used as a chemical intermediate in the production of the solvents furan and tetrahydrofuran .

    在合成树脂生产中可以用来生产呋喃树脂 糠醛树脂、 糠醇树脂等;

  • Polyether rubber impression material is a irreversible elastic impression material which is composed of tetrahydrofuran and ethylene oxide .

    聚醚橡胶印模材料是弹性不可逆印模材料,主要由 四氢呋喃和氧化乙烯 共聚构成的聚醚 橡胶所组成。

  • Study on pretreatment of tetrahydrofuran wastewater by ferric-carbon micro-electrolysis

    曝气催化铁炭微电解预处理 THF废水的实验研究

  • The catalysis of big pore strong acid resin for 1 dehydration to tetrahydrofuran is investigated .

    考察了大孔强酸性树脂对1丁二醇脱水 四氢呋喃的催化作用。

  • Tetrahydrofuran is used as a commercial solvent and is converted in starting materials for the preparation of nylon .

    同时也是 呋喃、顺酐、糠 等重要有机原料,在石油 炼制 造纸工业等 部门有着广泛的用途。

  • Study on tetrahydrofuran ring-opening polymerization initiated by low-concentration heteropolyacid

    低浓度杂多酸引发 四氢呋喃开环聚合的研究

  • Tetrahydrofuran was synthesised by dehydration of 1 using p-toluene sulphonic acid supported on active carbon as catalyst .

    以活性炭负载对甲苯磺酸作催化剂,对1丁二醇脱水剂制备 四氢呋喃的反应进行研究。

  • Removal alcohol from crude tetrahydrofuran formation principle of peroxidate and antioxidation technique were introduced .

    介绍了粗 四氢呋喃的除醇技术,过氧化物的生成机理与抗氧化技术。