



  • Treatment of 1 Case of Tetanic Myodystrophy Complicated with Hydropericardium by Chinese Herb

    中药 治愈 强直 肌营养不良症并发心包积液1例

  • Long-term potentiation ( LTP ) can be induced by various tetanic parameters in the mammalian visual cortex .

    在哺乳动物的视皮层,多种不同参数的 刺激可诱导出长时程增强(long-term potentiation,LTP)现象。

  • The maximal tetanic tension and failure load in group IGF-1 were recovered even greater than that in normal .

    IGF-1治疗组 修复 损伤 骨骼 ,其最大 张力和断裂强度均明显高于健

  • Method : The epileptic seizure of mouse were induced by PTZ as model the tentative seizure incubation period of seizure and the case of tetanic convulsion were recorded to study the antiepileptic effect of SSa on mouse induced by PTZ .

    方法:采用PTZ诱导小鼠急性痫性发作来复制癫痫模型,通过记录小鼠痫性发作潜伏期和 强直 惊厥率的变化,研究SSa抗小鼠PTZ致痫作用。

  • The Study of Prophylaxis of Tetanic Jerk During Athletes ' Training and Competition

    活性 预防运动员训练比赛中 强直肌肉抽搐的研究&附 8 临床 报道

  • Conclusion Fiber tetanic period in patients with ankylosing spondylitis spinal dysfunction may be due to the lumbar spine in patients with motor unit structure has changed .

    结论纤维 强直期强直性脊柱炎患者脊柱功能障碍的原因可能是患者的腰椎运动单元结构发生了改变。

  • Twenty minutes after a single bolus dose it may be unnecessary to antagonize the block when the train-of-four has returned to normal and fade is not present to a tetanic stimulus .

    单次用药20分钟后,当四个 成串刺激恢复正常和 强直刺激消退后,没有必要再进行拮抗。

  • Also intraperitoneal injection of SSa could prolong the incubation period of tetanic convulsion in the group of 60 min 90 min and 120 min ( P < 0.05 ) . The effect was especially evident in the group of 90 min ( P < 0.01 ) .

    在60、90、120min组中,SSa腹腔注射也能明显延长 强直 惊厥潜伏期(P<0.05),其中尤以90min组作用显著(P<0.01);

  • Research progress on skin test methods and desensitization injecting methods of tetanic antitoxin


  • The results also showed that the evoked field potentials were significantly decreased after a conditioning tetanic stimulation and finally recovered gradually within 15 min which indicates tetanic stimulation-induced transient depression is present at HVC-RA synaptic transmission .

    当以 强直刺激作用于HVC,RA内诱发场电位随即显著减小,并在15min内逐渐恢复,表明 HVC-RA突触传递在强直刺激过后出现了短时抑制。

  • The animals with poisoning died due to respiratory failure caused by persistent tetanic convulsion .

    中毒动物因持续 强直 惊厥导致呼吸衰竭死亡。

  • Conclusion These results suggest that the changes in K + channel characteristics may increase the fatigability during high-frequency tetanic contraction in atrophic soleus .

    结论萎缩比目鱼肌纤维膜上K+通道的改变,可能是引起其高频 强直收缩疲劳性增加的主要因素。

  • Tetanic stimulation of the afferent fiber evoked after-inhibition of the A δ DRR for various lengths of time .


  • CONCLUSION : LTP induced by nicotine shares different synaptic mechanisms with LTP induced by tetanic stimulation .

    结论:烟碱与 强直刺激在海马CA1区诱导的长时程增强具有不同的突触机制。

  • Method : Experiences in treating 4 cases of burns complicated by tetanic infection were concluded in the terms of preventive measures and clinical treatment .

    方法:从预防和临床救治等方面总结了临床治愈的4例烧伤合并 破伤风 杆菌感染的病人救治经验和体会。

  • Motor functional recovery was assessed by calculating the sciatic functional index ( SFI ) and measuring tetanic contractile force of the extensor digitorum longus ( EDL ) .

    通过计算坐骨神经功能指数(SFI)和测量趾长伸肌(EDL) 强直收缩力来评价神经运动功能恢复。

  • Conclusion When the skin and soft tissue occur infections after injection it can be believe as a source of tetanic wound .

    结论注射后皮肤和软组织感染可认为是引起 破伤风 外伤伤口。

  • Objective To elucidate the underlying mechanisms of the high fatigability in mouse atrophic soleus during high-frequency tetanic contraction .

    目的探讨萎缩比目鱼肌高频 强直收缩疲劳性增加涉及细胞膜离子通道的可能机理。

  • Objective To explore the level of tetanic antibody in women of childbearing age in Linyi City .

    目的了解临沂市育龄妇女 破伤风抗体水平。

  • Conclusion There are different mechanisms between the 8-Br-cAMP-induced potentiation and LTP produced by tetanic stimulation .

    结论 强直电刺激诱导的LTP与8-Br-cAMP诱导的LTP可能是通过不同的机制实现的;

  • When this is the case the evaluation of the muscular response to a continuous tetanic stimulation may be useful .

    在这种情况下,评估肌肉对持续 强直刺激的反应性可能有用。

  • Results CIH had no significant effect on twitch or tetanic tension twitch / tetanic tension ratio .

    肌肉 搐和 强直 张力、颤搐/强直性张力比 有所 下降差异无显著性;

  • Clinical Treatment of Burns Complicated by Tetanic Infection ( Report of 4 Cases )

    烧伤合并 破伤风感染的临床治疗(附4例报告)

  • Methods The level of tetanic antibody in 346 women of childbearing age in Linyi City underwent indirect blood coagulation detection .

    方法采用间接血凝试验检测了346名在临沂市兰山区 居住的育龄妇女 破伤风抗体。

  • In the experimental group the delayed rate of induced motorius action potential recovery rates of the amplitude of compound muscle action potential and twitch tension and tetanic tension of triceps musculus surae muscle were significantly higher than those in the control group ;

    实验组运动神经诱发电位潜伏期的延迟率、复合肌肉动作电位振幅的恢复率、小腿三头肌单收缩力和 强直 收缩力的恢复率均优于对照组;

  • We conclude that acute nerve injury induces LTP of C-fiber evoked field potentials in intact animals and that nerve transection is more powerful than electrical tetanic stimulation for induction of the spinal LTP .

    这些结果表明,急性神经损伤可以诱导脊髓背角C纤维诱发电位LTP,且切断神经能更有效地诱导 LTP

  • No influence of increased frequency on fatigability of tetanic contraction in rat atrophic soleus

    增加刺激频率不影响大鼠萎缩比目鱼 肌强直收缩疲劳性

  • Objective To study the feasibility of monitoring intense neuromuscular blockade ( NMB ) with post tetanic burst ( PTB ) .

    目的研究肌电图型 强直爆发 刺激(PTB)在监测深度非去极化阻滞中的作用。