abbr.trifluoromethyl 三氟甲基tamed frequency modulation 平滑调频triformylmethane 三甲酰甲烷thin-film model 薄膜模型

  • Transverse flux permanent magnet machine ( TFM or TFPM ) has the advantages of high output force density large starting torque and good low speed performance as well as design flexibility .

    由于横向 磁场永磁电机具有输出力密度高、起动转矩大、低速性能好以及设计灵活等特点,成为研究开发的一个热点。

  • The hierarchical identification principle is stated and the hierarchical stochastic gradient ( HSG ) algorithm for the transfer function matrix ( TFM ) model for multivariable systems is presented .

    阐述了递阶辨识原理,提出了传递函数阵模型参数的递阶随机梯度( HSG)辨识方法。

  • Coherent Detection of Tamed Frequency Modulation

    调频 TFM)的相干检测

  • Comparison of 17 α - hydroxylase mRNA Levels in normal and Tfm Mice Leydig cells with semi-quantification PCR

    半定量PCR比较正常小鼠和 Tfm小鼠Leydig细胞17α-羟化酶mRNA的水平

  • Then the performance of TFM system using a multi-level decision method following a frequency discriminator is analysed .

    接着, 模拟分析了 TFM系统采用 鉴频加多电平检测时的性能。

  • Thus FV-ELT are a class of TFM filter banks for audio encoding with a higher encoding efficiency .

    因此 FV-ELT是非常适于音频编码时频分析的一类滤波器组,能够有效提高编码效率。

  • TFM has relation with MSK and their Phase Trellises are similar .


  • A novel transverse flux machine is presented in this paper using E-shaped stator core which can greatly reduce the manufacture difficulty and cost .

    提出了一种新型横向磁场电机 TFM ,定子采用 E 铁心,可以大大降低加工难度和制造成本。

  • And other kinds of heat gains can be calculated in the same way as that in TFM .

    而其它类型的得热计算, 传递 函数方法的计算 一致

  • Conclusion Domestic AMSB has the same antibacterial chromatogram and antibacterial activity as imported TFM does .

    结论国产AMSB和进口 TFM具有相同的抗菌谱和抗菌活性。

  • The Realization of TFM Code Peak Displacement Precompensation


  • Furthermore the simulation results of TFM show that V6-Worm can counter the worm defense strategies better than the random-scanning worms . The results also indicate that the percentage of vulnerable hosts is the key factor affecting V6-Worm 's propagating capability .

    双因素蠕虫模型的仿真结果证明, V6-Worm拥有更强的对抗蠕虫控制措施的能力,同时在研究中发现主机中存在漏洞的比例是V6-Worm传播性能的主要影响因素。

  • A 3D FEM application software is programmed to analyze the E-TFM field based on scalar potential .

    基于标量 编制出三维有限元软件, 用于 TFM 三维 磁场分析。

  • A Tactical Flight Management ( TFM ) system has been developed that incorporates system concepts for enroute navigation energy management threat penetration terrain following / terrain avoidance and advanced maneuvering weapon delivery .

    本文 着重 介绍战术飞行管理系统的概念、要求和展望。战术飞行管理系统是最近才提出的区域导航、能量管理、 突防、地形跟踪/回避、提高机动武器效能的综合系统概念。

  • Methods To observe the therapeutic effects of TFM on rat with heart failure .

    方法实验采用 狭窄 主动脉 造成大鼠 充血性心力衰竭 模型

  • The result show that the best rate of three kind of liposomes material is 6:2:2 and the best method of make SA liposomes is TFM ( thin film method ) .

    研究结果显示三种膜材的最佳配比为 6:2:2,最适SA阳离子制备方法是薄膜法。

  • Taking RAMB ( radial active magnetic bearing ) controlled by electric current for example a dynamic function of rotor system is established and a TFM ( transfer function model ) of the RAEB is inferred in this paper .

    建立了径向主动 磁浮轴承在电流控制下的转子动力学方程模型,并推导出系统传递函数。

  • The temporal formula model ( TFM ) of the discrete event process is established firstly then the property analysis problem of the TFM is discussed .

    首先给出了离散事件过程的时态公式模型( TFM),并讨论了在该模型下的性质分析问题。

  • In this paper the performance of Modified Four-phase Costas Loop used for the carrier recovery of TFM system is described .

    本文着重讨论了修正四相Costas环用于 TFM系统进行载波恢复时的性能。

  • TPSK & A New Version of TFM

    TPSK&一个实现 TFM调制的新方法

  • Objective To analyze the clinical and pathological features of trabecular fiber myopathy ( TFM ) .

    目的研究小梁纤维肌病( trabecularfibermyopathyTFM)的临床和病理特征。

  • In this paper the principle of TFM ( GTFM ) and the power spectral density function of premodulation fillter are given . The design and implement method of premodulation filter are introduced .

    论文首先研究了 TFM(GTFM)调制的基本原理,推导出预调制滤波器的频谱函数,并以此为基础详细介绍了预调制滤波器的设计及实现方式。

  • The structure and properties of the plasma polymerized films of mixtures of hexamethyldisiloxane and tetrafluoromethane

    六甲 硅氧烷等离子体聚合膜的 应用 HMDSO TFM混合 气体等离子体聚合膜的结构与性能

  • Conclusion Domestic AMSB has little toxicity and has the similar toxicity as imported TFM .

    结论国产AMSB毒性很低,且与进口 TFM毒性相同。

  • Objective : To further study the molecular mechanism of testicular feminization ( TFM ) syndrome .

    目的:探讨睾丸女性化( TFM)综合征发病的分子机理。

  • A new classification method for power quality disturbance ( PQD ) based on singular value ( SV ) feature vectors of S-transform ( ST ) time-frequency matrixes ( TFM ) has been proposed .

    提出了一种基于S变换时频矩阵奇异值特征 向量的电能质量扰动分类方法。

  • AFM and TEM results indicated that the nanoparticles after surface modification were monodisperse with coatings on individual nanoparticles .

    AFM和 TFM的结果指明,经过表面修饰之后的纳米颗粒是单分散的,每个纳米颗粒均包裹了一层修饰物。

  • The S-curve hold band and capture band of the loop for TFM and the variance of the output noised phase are presented .

    给出了 特性 S-曲线),同步带、捕捉带以及输出噪声相位的方差。

  • It is a method that is rigorous yet does not require the user to perform the iterative calculations required by the transfer function method ( TFM ) .

    这是一种更加精确的 简化 设计 负荷 计算方法,它不需要传递函数方法所必须的 迭代计算。

  • 3D Field Analysis and Parameters Calculation for a Novel TFM Based on Scalar Potential

    新型 横向 磁场 电机的标量 位三维磁场分析与参数计算