testing fixture

[化] 检查装置

  • I 've found several ways to streamline the mechanisms for coding the Fixtures and Grammar building blocks for developers based on negative feedback from our first round of testing .

    基于我们第一轮 测试的负面反馈,我找到了一些方法来让创建 套件Fixture)和语法(Grammar)构件更加方便。

  • Before each test case the Rails testing frameworks will completely erase each model 's data and load each fixture that you specify for each test case .

    在处理每个测试用例前,Rails 测试框架会完全删除每个模型的数据并加载为每个测试用例所指定的每个 固件

  • Repeat measurements to three times and take average . 2.2 Biomechanical test : The callus specimens are placed on a mechanical testing machine fixture fixed to the torsional stiffness and failure torque test .

    2.2生物力学检测:将标本置于力学 测试机的 夹具上固定进行扭转力矩。

  • When testing it is more likely for cold-rolled and twisted steel bar to be broken in fixture and so that its plasticity can hardly be precisely measured .

    冷轧扭钢筋在 检测时,试样易在 夹具内断裂,其塑性难以精确测定。

  • According to the analysis for the feature and requirement of testing fixture design the general designing and modeling methods of testing fixture based on conventional CAD software is presented .

    在分析了 设计的特点和要求的基础上,提出了在通用CAD软件平台上进行检具设计建模的一般方法。

  • The process of establishing and using regular parts catalog for testing fixture is also described with the family table function .

    描述了利用族表功能来建立和使用 规则零件库的步骤。

  • Sharing fixtures and testing many-to-many associations

    共享 fixture测试多对多关联

  • Fixture which has good properties will not cause resonance vibration under testing condition and possess enough stiffness to transfer the energy of vibration test bed to the specimen . The environmental test result is directly affected by the dynamic characteristics of vibration fixture .

    理想的 夹具是在 试验条件下不出现共振影响,并且具有足够的刚度将振动台的能量传递给试件。

  • Technique and Testing Fixture of the Clips of Bar-spring Fastening Fatigue Test for Railway

    铁路扣件弹条疲劳试验 夹具设计和 试验技术

  • A series of test of the internal-shearing strength of material has been made by the fixture the outcome of the testing fully proves that the fixture achieved good results .

    用该夹具进行了一系列材料内抗剪强度测定试验, 试验结果充分证明该 夹具的使用效果良好。

  • Designing and modeling methods of testing fixture based on Pro / E

    基于Pro/E的 设计建模方法

  • A Special Testing Fixture and the Crack Length Measurment Method for Crack Fracture and Propagation in Mixed Mode

    复合型裂纹断裂和扩展速率 试验 夹具及裂纹长度测量方法

  • PCB testing fixture manufacture technology based on numerical control machines

    基于普通数控机床的电路板 测试 夹具制造技术