testing time


  • You can use IBM Rational ClearQuest and Functional Tester to increase productivity by reducing testing time and the costs of test labs in an enterprise development project .

    可以使用IBMRationalClearQuest和FunctionalTester来缩短企业开发项目的 测试 时间,并减少测试实验室成本,从而提高效率。

  • Armed with this generic testing framework you can vastly reduce testing time on your future testing projects .

    具备了这样一种通用的测试框架,您可以在将来的测试工程中大大地减少 测试 时间

  • It is certainly a testing time but when you are aware of why things are happening you are better equipped to deal with them and of course we are never far away with our help .

    这是一个“ 测试”的 过程,只要你“觉知出”这些事情为何发生,你就能够更高的“配合”它们的进行,当然你们永远不会失去我们的帮助。

  • The experiment results and simulation results verify that this method can implement the sensorless measurement of DC motor performance while shortens testing time and improves testing efficiency .

    实验结果与仿真结果表明这种方法可实现直流电机无转矩转速传感器测试,有效地缩短了 测试 周期,提高了测试效率。

  • This instrument greatly decreases testing time moreover it can test switching signals which are hard to test for traditional instruments .

    该仪器大大缩短了 测试 时间,并能方便地对传统仪器不便测试的开关量信号进行测试。

  • But economic woe is also playing a part in what is set to be a testing time for the private sector as a whole .

    但是经济困境也同样在这里面发生了作用,总的来说这被视作是对于私立部门的一个 测试 时间

  • Cuts testing time by testing two fibers bi-directionally at two wavelengths – without swapping main and remote units !

    削减了测试两种纤维在两个波长的双向 测试 时间-无需交换主机和远端单元!

  • In this kind of scenario a broken nightly build can easily mean that QA staff will sit idle the next day losing precious testing time while the development and build teams troubleshoot the errors .

    在这种场景中,一个每夜都崩溃的构建可以很容易地说明,QA人员只能在第二天闲坐着,失去了宝贵的 测试 时间,而开发和构建团队却在寻找错误故障。

  • And the sperm abnormality rate has no statistics discrepancy all the testing time .

    试验组精子畸形率不同 测定 时间都无统计学差异。

  • Not all testing will be done during normal work hours so plan and budget ahead for testing time and even dedicated testing equipment .

    并非所有测试都将在正常工作时间中进行,因此要预先为 测试 时间甚至专用的测试设备做好计划和预算。

  • This design realizes automation of loading shortens the testing time lightens work of experiment assistants and makes a progress towards the automatic of whole hydraulic test .

    这种设计实现了加载的自动化,缩短了 实验 时间,减轻了实验人员负担,向液压测试全自动化迈出了可喜的一步。

  • The most testing time is undoubtedly in the early months of your return to work

    考验人的 时期莫过于重新回来上班的头几个月。

  • How do you know when to stop ( i.e.'when algorithms start getting discussed it 's testing time ' )?

    你怎么知道应该何时停止(也就是说,“当人们开始讨论算法,就是该 测试 时机了”)?

  • This is because during the testing time we continually upgraded the servers from R4.6 to various Beta builds of R5 and finally to R5 itself .

    这是因为在 测试 期间,我们不断地将服务器从R4.6升级到不同的Beta版R5,并最终升级到R5。

  • It shortens the testing time in terms of testing efficiency .

    从测试效率上,缩短了 测试 时间

  • As an important tool of testing time series stationarity unit root test is always used and cointegration test is also often implied for judging long equilibrium between nonstationary variables .

    单位根检验是计量经济学中 检验 时间序列数据平稳性的最重要工具,而协整检验则是用来判断非平稳变量之间是否存在长期均衡关系的常用方法。

  • In addition teams can avoid wasting deployment and post-deployment testing time on bad builds & and apply their efforts to more productive and satisfying work .

    除此之外,团队可以避免在劣质架构上浪费部署与后期部署 测试 时间&而将精力投入于更有成效更令人满意的工作中。

  • This means that Domino was able to complete more work during the testing time which is directly reflected in the increased average-transactions-per-minute numbers .

    这说明,Domino能够在 测试 时间 完成更多工作,这直接反映在每分钟平均事务数量上。

  • This method can be applied to BIST in the core of ASIC IC or IP for shortening testing time and reducing testing cost .

    将这种方法运用于ASIC、IC或IP内核的BIST中可缩短 测试 时间、降低测试成本。

  • It uses new columns of filling material ; adopt the double-strut process which made the testing time of C2H2 beforehand the sensitivity increased and the analysis cycle shortened .

    采用新型柱填料,双柱温流程,使C2H2 检出 时间提前,灵敏度提高,分析周期缩短。

  • I believe after tarrying for a period of testing time the Lord will show up and His glory will overwhelm all hardship and sufferings .

    我相信忍耐过一段 试炼 时间,主必彰显,他的荣耀必胜过所有的艰难和痛苦。

  • Reusing assets also saves the developer testing time and maintenance work .

    对资产进行重用还能节省开发人员进行 测试和维护工作的 时间

  • You are seeing rapid changes in the Middle East and whilst that is going on the West is also going through a testing time .

    你们在见证中东地区快速的变化,而且在它进行的同时,西部地区也在经历一个 测试 时期

  • Keep in mind though that the module pam_mount is not yet completely mature so you should allow extra testing time before you implement it .

    但是要记住,pammount模块还不太成熟,所以在实现它之前 应该进行充分的 测试

  • Testing Time and Testing Power For a SOC Co-optimization

    SOC 测试 时间与测试功耗协同优化

  • These tools from IBM help increase your productivity by reducing testing time and the costs of test labs in your enterprise .

    这些IBM工具可以提高您的生产力,减少 测试 时间并降低企业用于测试实验室的开销。

  • It can greatly reduce the testing time required making it much more feasible to do the appropriate testing before the code update .

    这可以大大降低需要的 测试 时间,让在更新代码之前进行合适的测试变得更加容易。

  • As the testing time is relatively short WFT pumping Volume seldom breaks down mud contamination capillary force in the invaded zone impacts testing pressure data .

    针对电缆地层 测试(WFT)在短 时间 抽吸地层流体无法解除侵入带的泥浆污染,泥浆侵入带形成的毛管力对测试压力数据有很大的影响。

  • For them it will be a testing time as the truth for all its beauty can be a sudden shock when it tries to replace long held beliefs .

    对于他们来说,这将会是一个 测试 ,因为真理带着全然的美好,能够在它尝试置换那些拥有固执迂腐信仰的人们成为震撼的力量。