temporal area

[ˈtɛmpərəl ˈɛriə][ˈtempərəl ˈɛəriə]

[医] 颞区

  • Part absence of auricle early restoration with temporal flap of mastoid area

    应用 后乳突 皮瓣早期修复外伤性部分耳廓缺损

  • Patients had white matter FA values reduction in the bilateral temporal on the back area occipital lobe the left prefrontal lobe parietal lobe and corpus callosum compared with siblings relation to enrolled patients ( P0.001 uncorrectoin ) .

    精神分裂症患者比有血缘关系的同胞存在双侧 上回 、枕叶,左侧前额叶、顶叶和胼胝体相关脑区FA值降低(P0.001,未校正)。

  • The critical value of approximate entropy without implicit memory was 0.55 . According to the topographic map of approximate entropy the sequence of inhibitory effect of propofol on the cerebral cortex was : parietal and occipital area → frontal and temporal area → the whole cortex .

    通过近似熵脑电非线性地形图动态观察发现,异丙酚对大脑皮层各区域抑制顺序是:顶叶区、枕叶区→额叶区、 →全脑皮层;

  • Objective To explore the design of an expanded flap at the temporal and cheek area .

    目的探讨如何设计 的扩张皮瓣。

  • The EEG in the brain areas related with cognitive function ( frontal lobes occipital lobes and temporal area ) were recorded in both normal and AD rats to analyse the power spectrum and to study the AD EEG frequency feature of the AD model rats .

    对正常和AD大鼠在额叶皮层、枕叶皮层和海马( )等认知相关脑区的自发脑电进行功率谱分析,以研究AD大鼠的脑电频率特性。

  • Methods According to the degree of temporal depression we applied folded superficial temporal fascia to reconstruct the temporal depression combined with forehead and orbital subperiosteal facelift . Repair of Congenital Concave Temporal Area with Fat autograft or Biomaterial Implants

    方法在额眶部骨膜下除皱的同时,根据颞 凹陷的程度切取相应 面积的颞浅筋膜瓣翻转后充填颞部凹陷。先天性 部凹陷应用脂肪充填与生物代用品充填的比较

  • The change of beta and theta power value is mainly in area centralis temporal area parietal area and occipital region and synchronization is mainly also in four different time levels .

    β波和θ波功率值变化的脑区同样集中在中央区、 、顶区和枕区,在4个不同时间水平上仍然以同步化现象为主。

  • Applied anatomy of auricular - temporal area reversal flow axial flap pedicled with supraorbital artery

    眶上动脉蒂反流轴型耳 皮瓣的应用解剖

  • Some cognitive dysfunction in frontal area central parietal area and temporal area is found in male juvenile delinquents the violent juvenile delinquents may be more severe than that of the non-violent juvenile delinquents . 3 .

    男性犯罪青少年在额区、中央顶区及 脑区存在一定的功能异常,暴力犯罪青少年较非暴力犯罪青少年更加明显。

  • The brain distribution sequence of sevoflurane was : temporal area → parietal area → frontal area → occipital area → all brain cortex .

    七氟醚脑区作用分布为: →顶叶区→额叶区→枕叶区→全脑区抑制。

  • Conclusion : The results show that 3D slicer may be used for the 3-dimensional visualization of parts of anatomic structures in the nose and temporal bone area based on the first virtual human data thus facilitate the observation and understanding of the anatomic structures in this area .

    结论:基于中国第一号虚拟人数据集,用3-D软件可以实现鼻部 颞骨 部分解剖结构三维可视化,便于对该部解剖结构的观察和理解。

  • The amplitudes of N_1-P_3 P_2-N_2 and P_2 waves in the central area are greater than in middle temporal area ;


  • In this paper we combined temporal planning theory with area traffic control problem . A domain model based on temporal planning and resource planning has been established . It can process traffic control problems which associated with temporal constraint and resource constraint .

    本文采用 时序规划算法,结合 区域交通信号协调控制问题,建立了该问题的领域模型,该模型可以处理带有时间和资源约束的交通信号控制问题。

  • At the temporal attachment area the fibres of ligament penetrated into bone directly .

    韧带 颞骨止端纤维直接附于骨

  • Temporal GIS is an emerging area of geographic information system ( GIS ) it can help users track and analyze the development of physical objects with time variation .

    时态GIS是地理信息系统的一个新兴的研究 领域,时态GIS能够帮助用户跟踪分析实体对象随时间的发展变化。

  • Method Temporal flap dissection undersurface the superficial layer of deep temporal fascia first then subcutaneously beyond hairline in temporal area forming a step by step dissection plane .

    方法 部首先在颞深筋膜浅层的深 分离,出发际后改在皮下层分离,形成阶梯状分离平面。

  • No significant difference was found between the two groups . Under combined intravenous propofol anesthesia the order of propofol distribution in the brain was : frontal and parietal area → temporal and occipital area → whole brain cortex .

    静脉复合麻醉下异丙酚的脑区作用顺序是:额叶区、顶叶区→ 叶区、枕叶 →全脑区抑制。

  • The experimental results show that the temporal distribution of inundated area of flood disaster has fractal characteristics .

    研究表明:洪水灾害成灾 面积 时序分布具有分形特征。

  • No marked difference was found in the left and right symmetrical cerebral areas in terms of the average frequency except that the average frequency of the left temporal area was larger than its symmetrical area in right hemisphere .

    除左 前颞 的平均频率显著大于右前颞 外,其他左右脑对称区域的平均频率的差异均不显著。

  • Result The diameters of microvessels in cortex of parietal area occipital area and temporal area are similar ( P > 0.05 ) but there is significant difference between cortex and medulla ( P < 0.05 ) and between cortex and internal capsule ( P < 0.05 ) .

    用CMIAS图像分析系统测定微血管 面积比(MVA)。结果血管直径:顶、枕、 叶皮质差别不明显(P>0.05),皮质与髓质、内囊均有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

  • Results : Overlapping distribution in occipital area was formed by greater occipital nerve and lesser occipital nerve and another overlapping distribution was in lateral occipital and temporal area by lesser occipital nerve and great auricular nerve .

    结果:枕大神经和枕小神经重叠分布于枕部,耳大神经和枕小神经重叠分布于 和枕外侧。

  • Thin sectional anatomy study of the temporal bone and its adjacent area

    颞骨及其邻近 塑化薄层断面解剖学研究

  • To fill depressed temporal area by silica gel piece .

    采用硅胶丰 片填充 凹陷。

  • Remote Sensing Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Changes of the Coastal Area in the Abandoned Huanghe River Delta in the Northern Jiangsu Province

    苏北废黄河三角洲海岸 时空演变遥感分析

  • The average frequency from the highest to the lowest of alpha band was in the occipital area the central area the parietal area left anterior temporal area posterior temporal area the frontal area and the right anterior temporal area .

    α波平均频率的从高到低依次为枕叶、中央区、顶叶、左 前颞 、后颞叶、额叶、右前颞叶;

  • There types of cells agree well with the organization of the middle temporal visual area ( MT ) of the owl monley revealed by using optical recording techniques .

    它们与最近光学记录揭示的鹰猴中 (middletemporalvisualarea,MT)的组织有很好的吻合。

  • Results CT and MRI showed multiple white matter lesions scattered in frontal parietal occipital temporal and periventricular area of the disease LIDE . The lesions were low density on CT and long T1 T2 wighted signals on MRI . Mass effect was rarely showed .

    结果本病在CT、MRI上显示为双侧脑室 周围及额、顶、枕、 白质区有多发病灶,CT为低密度影,MRI为长T1长T2信号,很少有占位效应。

  • EEG is mainly affected by the type of faith ; In the EEG phase synchronization synchronization of β waves appears at the same time in the parietal temporal and occipital area and β and γ waves have a similar integrated role .

    脑波的最大能量主要受信仰类型的影响;在脑波的时相同步性上,顶区、枕 区同时出现β同步性波,并且发现β和γ波都具有类似整合性作用。