temperature spread

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr sprɛd][ˈtempəritʃə spred]


  • Below the curie temperature Tc the resonance lines spread and shift to lower field .

    在略低于 居里 温度时,铁磁共峰 开始出现并向低场方向移动。

  • The main factors of the basin formation are the after effects of thrusting invading crust of abnormal mantle temperature elastic effect shear spread and gravitational equilibrium .

    陆壳构造薄弱带控制盆地的分布;冲断作用后效、异常地幔侵壳、 温度-弹性效应、剪切 扩张和重力均衡为主要成盆作用;

  • Spatial and temporal analysis of the effects of temperature on the spread of avian influenza

    温度对我国禽流感 传播影响的时空模式分析

  • As some agricultural pests die due to temperature changes other species spread more readily due to the dryness and windiness – requiring alternative pesticides or treatment regiments .

    气温变化会使部分农业害虫死亡,有些害虫则会借干旱和大风加速 传播,为此需研制新型杀虫剂或组建新的防治团队。

  • A rise in temperature leads to the spread of malaria according to a review of conflicting studies .

    对相互冲突的研究的一项综述说, 温度升高会导致疟疾的 传播

  • Flame height flame temperature surface temperature of sample and flame spread rate was measured .

    分别测量了不同宽度试样火 蔓延过程中的火焰高度、表面及火焰 温度、火 蔓延速率。

  • Inaddition rapid flow of smoke with high temperature gives rise to prompt spread offire .

    此外,由于 高温烟气的迅速流动和蔓延,引起了火势的迅速 蔓延和扩大。

  • The factors are glue spread hot pressing temperature environmental concerned flame-retardant spread and hot pressing time in influence sequence .

    影响大小次序为脲胶施加量>热压 温度>阻燃剂施加量 >热压时间。

  • The reporter visits partial college discovery this kind abreacts from what download on the network game is being heated up in undergraduate medium baking temperature spread .

    记者走访部分高校发现,这类从网络上下载的发泄游戏正在大学生中 火热 蔓延 开来

  • Such a rapid rise in temperature on the top floor would quickly spread the fire to the cockloft .

    顶楼上的 温度上升如此急剧,很快就可使火焰 及阁楼。

  • Finally the new hybrid algorithm is used to optimize the parameters of the PID controller in temperature control of beer yeast spread cultivation system .

    最后将新的混合算法用于啤酒酵母 培系统 温度控制中的PID控制器参数优化。

  • At high temperature melted Al spread over the TiB 2 particle surface which lead to a decrease of reaction layer thickness of melted Al an increase of reaction surface and speed and liquid sinter occurs .

    在反应区 高温 熔融Al在TiB2表面发生漫流 现象,使Al的反应层厚度减小,反应面积增大,反应速度提高。

  • You have over-heated temperature has been spread from my back my whole body .

    你手上炽热的 温度,一直从我的背部 传遍我的全身。

  • Second for cooking utensils cooking in low temperature or cooking in high temperature after spread a layer of firm oil on the surface of cooking utensils .

    其二,在锅具方面解决,比如降低烹饪温度;在锅具表面 一层比较牢固的油脂后,再在较高 温度 烹饪等。

  • They found a clear link between temperature rises and the spread of malaria & even in studies where no previous association was found .

    他们发现了在 气温上升和疟疾 扩散之间有明显的联系&即便在那些此前没有发现关联的研究中。

  • Cookie dough that is at room temperature before baking will spread and flatten out while baking .

    而进炉前面团 温度接近是 室温的,较容易在烘焙时 扩散而变成较扁平。