temporary protection

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri prəˈtɛkʃən][ˈtempərəri prəˈtekʃən]


  • The combined use of polyglycol and temporary plugging agent with the foam drilling fluid system realizes the function integrity and effectively improves the reservoir protection efficiency .

    实现了3者的有机统一,有效提高了该 特殊钻井液体系的油 气层 保护效果。

  • Study on temporary protection of ivories buckteeth and antlers unearthed from Jinsha site

    金沙遗址出土象牙、骨角质文物现场 临时 保护研究

  • In order to eliminate this hidden danger it is necessary to set up the dissenting registration system as a temporary protection to the people who has the true right .

    为了消除这个隐患,法律就有必要设立异议登记制度,作为一种 临时 保护真正权利人的措施。

  • Multi-functional temporary plugging technology for sandstone formation protection of Block Lu 9 in Xinjiang oilfield

    广谱 堵技术在新疆陆9井区砂岩储层 保护中的应用

  • Simultaneously it has good temporary plugging effect on different permeability cores which shows that oil-soluble temporary plugging agent has a better effect for the protection of oil and gas layer and a broad scope of application .

    同时对不同渗透率岩芯均具有较好的暂堵、解堵效果。这说明油溶性 堵剂对于 保护油气层有较好的效果,具有广泛的适用范围。

  • The Introduction of Novel Materials That Enable Temporary Bonding Front - side Etch Protection and MOEMS Packaging

    应用于 暂时粘结、基片 保护和MOEMS封装的新型材料

  • Temporary plugging technology is one of the valid methods of reservoir protection during the workover job .

    堵技术是在修井作业过程中 保护油气层的一种有效方法。

  • But he remains positive predicting a breakthrough in the form of a pill or microbicide that will provide temporary protection from HIV infection within the next four to six years .

    但是他仍然有信心,他预测在未来4到6年间,将会出现 临时 预防艾滋病感染的药片或杀微生物剂的突破。

  • Non-European refugees in Turkey are provided only with temporary protection while awaiting resettlement to third countries .

    土耳其政府只愿意在这些非欧洲难民等待被重新安置于第三国家的期间,作 短暂 庇护

  • A temporary cathodic protection comprising of adequate number of sacrificial anodes shall be provided .

    应提供包含足够数量牺牲阳极的 临时 阴极 保护系统。

  • This auxiliary temporary measure could seek an interest protection balance between the third party acting in good faith and the real obligee .

    这种辅助的 临时措施,能较好地在法律对善意第三人利益的 保护与对真正权利人利益的 保护之间求得平衡。

  • Temporary plugging technology is one of the main drilling and completion techniques for reservoir protection .

    堵技术是 保护储层钻井完井技术的主要技术之一。

  • This article has described the formulation and technology of a new strippable spray coatings which shows good flexibility stable adhesion and strippable and can be used as temporary protection for metal curtain walls or other substrates .

    介绍了一种新型可喷涂可剥性涂料的配方及工艺。该涂料具有良好的柔韧性、延伸性、附着稳定性和可剥性,可用于金属幕墙和其他材料的 临时 保护

  • Temporary shielding and plugging technology has been widely used in formation protection to date .

    采用屏蔽 堵技术来改变钻井液的性能以 保护储层在生产实践中被广泛运用。

  • Though the patent laws have temporary protection measures for the weak patent protection the weak protection still has negative influence on the benefit of the patent applicants . Therefore the applicants should take certain measures against the weak protection .

    虽然专利法对弱保护期规定有 临时 保护措施,但弱保护期仍会对专利申请人利益造成影响,因此,申请人应针对专利弱保护期采取相应策略。

  • Continuing consultation on measures to provide temporary protection to the most meritorious historical buildings .

    继续研究应采取何种措施,把最具价值的历史建筑物予以 适时 保护

  • As for drilling fluid system low solid content and non-dispersion inhibitive polymer drilling fluid is used and temporary shield plugging technology is carried out for formation protection . Drilling practice offers some successful experience for developing such similar reservoirs .

    采用聚合物低固相不分散强抑制钻井液体系,并 实施屏蔽 堵技术 保护油气层,为今后开发类似油藏提供了成功的钻井经验。

  • The former two mechanisms gave only temporary protection to the tapping cut and the cut could not be protected completely and efficiently until the wound periderm was finally formed .

    前两种 防卫机制的作用是 暂时的,只有最后创伤周形成时,树皮伤口才能得到充分有效的保护。

  • Temporary projects include temporary cofferdam project and protection project of ancient relics .

    临时附属工程主要是 临时围堰工程和文物 防护工程。

  • Study on temporary blocking reservoir protection technique of modified drilling fluid

    改性钻井液的屏蔽 保护油气层技术研究

  • Temporary shielding protection reservoirs method can reduce the stress sensitivity damage of tight sandstone gas reservoirs .

    采用屏蔽 储层 保护工作液技术能够减轻致密砂岩气层的应力敏感性损害。

  • The temporary main transportation route shall be far from the acoustic environmental protection objects .

    临时 设置的主要运输线路远离声环境 保护目标。

  • The tubes are protected internally and externally with oil which provides temporary protection against oxidisation when undercover .

    管子内部和外部的保护油,提供 临时 保护对抗氧化,当卧底。

  • There is regulations of counter-dilution in the temporary regulation in our country but its effect in practice is too low to regulate well-known trademark desalt and is goes against the protection of well-known trademark .

    在我国,《 暂行规定》中虽然有反淡化的内容,但由它作为行政法规,立法层次较低,这就使反淡化保护的力度不够,不利于 保护驰名商标。