
[医] 四爪螨属

  • The effects of cyhalothrin and fenpropathrin under different concentration significantly influenced life vigor and fecundity of Tetranychus urticae Koch which was determined by pot-culture and leaf-plate method .

    采用室内盆栽和叶盘饲养二点 的方法,测定了三氟氯氰菊酯和甲氰菊酯不同浓度对二点 的生命活力和繁殖力的影响。

  • Tetranychus urticae and Aphis glycines were the dominant species their dominant indices ranged from 0.2000 to 0.9559 and from 0.1395 to 0.7083 respectively .


  • Studies on the occurrence and economic threshold of maize spider mite ( tetranychus urticae koch ) in Ningxia

    宁夏玉米 发生危害及防治指标的研究

  • Study on Resistance Mechanisms and Enzymology Resistance Monitoring of Tetranychus Urticae Koch to Fenpropathrin

    二斑 对甲氰菊酯的抗性机理及其酶学抗性监测研究

  • A Fuzzy Model for Prediction of Cotton Spider Mite ( Tetranychus cinnabarinus ) in Henan Province

    河南省棉花红 蜘蛛 发生程度的模糊长期预测模型

  • A comparision of the locating responses of two phytoseiid mites ( Tetranychus cinnabarinus ) to kairomone of red spider mite

    二种植绥螨 朱砂 利他素定位反应的比较

  • IIPC ( Interference index of population control ) was applied to evaluate the effects of drive action of extracts from Datura stramonium and Metaplexis japonica to Tetranychus truncatus which were extracted by methanol and alcohol .

    应用干扰作用控制指数(IIPC)评价了曼陀罗与萝艹摩的甲醇和乙醇提取物对截形 实验种群的干扰作用。

  • They had strong pursuing and control effect to Aphis citricola Van der Goot and Tetranychus viennensis Zacher from time dimension .

    生草果园天敌对主要害虫绣线菊蚜和 山楂 在时间维度上有较强的追随效应和控制作用。

  • The activities of SOD ASP and SOD isoenzymes have been studied in cowpea ( Vigna sinensis ) seedling leaves damaged by carmine spider mite ( Tetranychus cinnabarinus ) .

    朱砂 螨危害豇豆幼苗后,叶绿体内与活性氧代谢有关的酶SOD、ASP活性及同工酶均受到不同程度的影响。

  • Bionomics and Occurence Law of Spider Mite ( Tetranychus truncatus ) on Chinese Scholartree

    截形 在国槐上的生物学和发生规律研究

  • Study on the Relationship between Tetranychus Mites and Host Plants

    叶螨 寄主植物关系的研究概况

  • Study on the application of 1.0 % abamectin WP to control Tetranychus viennensis Zacher

    1.0%阿维菌素WP防治苹果 山楂 的应用研究

  • The impact of high temperature and abamectin to Tetranychus cinnabarinus and the expression of heat shock protein were investigated in laboratory .

    在实验室内研究了高温和阿维菌素对 朱砂叶满的胁迫效应及胁迫后热休克蛋白的表达。

  • Resistance Dynamic and Mechanism of Tetranychus Viennensis Zacher and Aphis Citricola Von Der Goot to Insecticides ; Comparison of Accumulation Status of Lignin between Soft Core and Hard Core of Hawthorn

    山楂 和苹果黄蚜抗药性动态及抗性机理研究软核与硬核山楂种核木质素积累状况比较

  • The Study on the Action Mechanism of Tetradifon to Tetranychus Viennensis and Application Technology in Field

    三氯杀 砜对苹果 作用方式及其田间应用技术研究

  • Genetic analysis of cotton resistance to spider mite ( tetranychus cinnabarinus )

    棉花对棉 抗性的遗传分析(英文)

  • Studies on the resistance of hawthorn spider mite tetranychus viennensis zacher ) to SYSTOX

    山楂红蜘蛛 内吸磷的抗性研究

  • The toxicity to adult females and eggs of Tetranychus viennensis were tested with several acaricides have been used in recent years by both slide dip method and leaf disk dip method .

    采用玻片浸渍法和浸叶碟法,选用近年来在生产上推广应用的9种杀 剂,对山楂叶螨的雌成 和卵进行了毒力测定。

  • Effects of Ko-chia scoparia extracts to activities of several enzymes of Tetranychus viennensis ;

    地肤子提取物对山楂 体内几种酶活性的影响;

  • The temporal spatial and two-dimensional niche breadth and overlap of Tetranychus viennensis Zacher Erythroneura sudra Distant and their major natural enemies were studied in Shandong .

    对山东桃园山楂 、桃一点斑叶蝉及其主要天敌的时间、空间和时间&空间二维生态位宽度和生态位重叠进行了研究。

  • Influence of host plant species on the development and reproduction of hawthorn spider mite Tetranychus viennensis Zacher

    不同寄主植物对 山楂 螨生长发育和繁殖的影响

  • Study on Influence of Temperature to Life force and Fecundity in Tetranychus urticae

    温度对抗性二点 种群生命力和繁殖力影响的研究

  • Tetranychus viennensis could have a number of matings in its lifetime could matched in different inter-generational .

    雌、雄 一生均多次交配,且不同代间也发生。

  • Resistances of different cassava varieties to Tetranychus urticae

    不同木薯品种 二点红蜘蛛的抗性观察

  • And Tetranychus urticae on the suspect 's shoe and on the victim .

    受害者身上一样的灰和 一些东西。

  • Hawthorn spider mite Tetranychus urticae Panonychus ulmi are the principal victims of apple mites . They are one of the main reasons which caused by falling leaves and apple production .

    二斑 、山楂叶螨、苹果全爪 、李始叶 朱砂 等都是苹果园主要害螨,是造成苹果树落叶和减产的主要原因之一。

  • Selection of Tetranychus Viennensis Zacher and Tetranychus Urticae Koch to Different Plants ; Influences of Ginkgo biloba Leaves on the Survival and Fecundity of Tetranychus urticae and Tetranychus viennensis

    山楂 和二斑叶螨对不同植物的选择性研究银杏叶对二斑叶螨和山楂叶螨生存与产卵的影响

  • The capture of Tetranychus urticae Koch feeding laboratory inoculated soybean leaves .

    将捕捉到的二斑 进行实验室饲养,接种于黄豆叶片上。

  • Potency Test for Tetranychus truncates and T. urticae with Seven Pesticides

    7种杀虫剂 和二斑 螨的 效试验