



  • If you 're not in control of the thatch production in your surfaces you lose all of that .

    如果你不能控制好果岭 表层 腐殖质 枯草 ),你会失去所有的一切。

  • In fact if we look at developing countries over half the world lives under thatch but they all do it in different ways .

    事实上如果我们看看发展国家,世界半数以上的 人口居住在 茅草 屋顶下,但他们的做法则不同。

  • As a result thatch huts have been replaced by homes with solid walls water pumps have been installed and villagers have practically halted seasonal work in other locales .

    于是, 瓦房取代了 茅草屋,村里安装了抽水机,村民们实际上已经停止了在其它地方的季节性打工。

  • Don 't place high wattage security lights near the thatch .

    不要在靠近 茅草 屋顶的地方安装高瓦数灯泡。

  • Thatch can be described as the layer of organic residue located immediately between the sward and the soil surface .

    土壤 腐殖质 可被定义为在草皮与土壤表面之间的一层有机残留物。

  • Tess being left alone with the younger children went first to the outhouse with the fortune-telling book and stuffed it into the thatch .

    苔丝一个人留下来,同弟弟和妹妹呆在一起,就先拿着那本算命的书走到屋外,把它塞进 茅草 屋顶

  • A distant flash a low rumble and large drops of rain spattered on the thatch above him .

    远远一道电光,一声低沉的雷声,大点的雨滴滴 哒哒打到他 上的 屋顶上。

  • After a while ago they begin to replace the thatch with woodened shingles because wood was so plentiful .

    一段时间以后,他们开始用木头的屋顶板来代替 茅草 屋顶

  • After years of teasing his older brother about his hair loss Prince Harry has had to face some uncomfortable truths about his own thinning thatch .

    在开了哥哥脱发的玩笑多年之后,英国哈里王子不得不面对自己毛发日益 稀少的不幸事实。

  • A young maid marry to an old man is like a new house thatch with old straw .

    少女嫁老夫,旧 新屋。

  • Although thatch has always been used for cottage and farm buildings it was once used for castles and churches too .

    虽然 茅草一直用于 村舍和农场建筑物,也曾一度用于建筑城堡和教堂。

  • A thatch is wind-proof frost-proof and good to look at .

    茅草 屋顶既防风防霜又很好看。

  • Deforested lands are utilized for the growth of building materials including palm leaves for thatch and bamboo for furnishings .

    森林被砍伐的土地被用来种植建筑用的材料,包括用来 屋顶的棕榈树叶和家居装修用的竹子。

  • Many property owners choose thatch not only for its beauty but because they know it will keep them cool in summer and warm in winter .

    许多房主选择 茅草 屋顶不仅是为了美观,而且还因为他们知道 茅草能使他们冬暖夏凉。

  • The swallow oft beneath my thatch .

    燕子将常驻在我的 屋檐下。

  • To reach the event buses and cars carrying Obama and reporters drove over uneven and unpaved d roads chugging by tiny green farms with thatch huts that had mud or tin roofs .

    为了到达这个组织,巴士和轿车载着奥巴马和记者驶过崎岖不平的道路,在汽车的隆隆声中穿过小片碧绿的田地,地里有 茅草 的房子,屋顶是泥浆或者锡铁做的。

  • I forgot to tell the men to thatch them . I expect most of my wheat will be destroyed in this rain .

    我忘记对他们说了。我估计我的大部分 麦子都让这场雨给毁了。

  • They lit a torch and set fire to the chapel 's thatch .

    他们点着一支火把,放火烧了小教堂的 茅草 屋顶

  • Nervously he is fumbling through the sexy thatch again and again .

    他总是神经质地用手一次次抓弄着自己性感而 蓬蓬 头发

  • Packed dirt paths weave through clusters of small houses with tin roofs and outdoor latrines . Cows goats and chickens wander calmly through yards near thatch sheds .

    肮脏的小路 两侧 杂乱 分布着一户户铁皮屋顶的小房子,厕所在户外,牛、羊、鸡等在 茅草舍棚周围的院落 怡然自得地 随处游走。

  • When they had passed the little town of Stourcastle dumbly somnolent under its thick brown thatch they reached higher ground .

    他们走过斯图尔堡小镇的时候,小镇内覆盖着褐色厚 茅草的茅屋还在静静地沉睡着,他们走到了一块更高的地方。

  • Thatch is naturally warm in winter and cool in summer .

    茅草 天生冬暖夏凉。

  • Here under her few square yards of thatch she watched winds and snows and rains gorgeous sunsets and successive moons at their full .

    就在这 寝室 ,就在 茅屋 下几平方英尺的地方,她看见 窗外没有 尽头 凄风苦雨、飞雪,看见无数的灿烂夕阳,看见一个又一个圆月。

  • They topped off the hut with a straw thatch .

    他们给小屋盖上 茅草 屋顶

  • After a while though they begin to replace the thatch with wooden shingles because wood was so plentiful .

    尽管过了一段时间以后,他们开始用木质瓦重建 屋顶,因为木材非常多。

  • The best quality roofing thatch is required .

    需要最好的盖屋顶的 茅草

  • They would live in a small house with a green door and a new thatch .

    他们将住在一所新 的绿门小房子里。

  • His lips trembled a little so that the rough thatch of brown hair which covered them was visibly agitated .

    他的嘴唇有点发抖,因此,他嘴上那 的胡子也在明显地抖动。

  • Teddy ran thick fingers through his unruly thatch of hair .

    特迪用自己的粗手指头捋了 一下 浓密 蓬乱的头发。

  • Some of the thatch on the barn needs replacing .

    谷仓顶上有些 茅草需要更换了。