


  • Listen as a guide describes the ancient art of thatching a roof .

    听一段描述古代 茅屋艺术的介绍。

  • It yields an important thatching material which is used for the roofs and walls of rural houses .

    它出产重要的 覆盖材料,用于农村房屋的房顶和墙。

  • Text also explain climatically the reason why only these are lots of thatching in Yunnan zone based on the aquiferous capability of the couch grass and stability of stake .

    本文还根据茅草的蓄水能力和 木柱子的稳定性,解释为什么云南地区在过去,会有如此众多的 茅草 存在的气候方面原因。

  • Without these reasons to start thatching roofs again would it be wonderful to see the disappearing craft return to popularity ?

    除了这些原因重新开始 这种屋顶,难道看到这种已经消失的建筑重新流行不是一件非常好的事吗?

  • Chilean evergreen whose leafy boughs are used for thatching .

    智利的一种常绿乔木,枝条有叶,用 屋顶 材料

  • The moon disappeared and there was a slow light wind like the breath of a dying man as Gabriel climbed the ladder and started thatching high up on top of the third rick .

    月亮消失了,轻风缓缓刮起,仿佛垂死的人的呼吸。这时, 盖伯瑞尔爬上梯子,开始在第三垛上盖 稻草

  • He went on thatching in a kind of dream . She had spoken more warmly to him tonight than she had ever done when she was unmarried and free to speak as warmly as she liked .

    盖伯瑞尔 在梦幻中一样继续 稻草。比起她未婚时和自由自在地热情交谈时,今晚她的态度可热情多了。

  • The only way to cover the other six ricks was by thatching them with straw and this was a long and difficult job to do alone .

    若想把其他六垛也盖起来,唯一的办法便是用稻草 ,可一个人单独干,既费时又费力。

  • In Ireland where thatching is still practiced the roofs can survive winds of up to110 miles per hour .

    在爱尔兰, 茅草 仍在使用,屋顶可以承受每小时110里的风速。

  • Over800full-time Thatchers are employed in England and Wales today maintaining and renewing the old roofs as well as thatching newer houses .

    现在英格兰、尔士有800多名专职 茅草 屋顶的工人,他们不但维修和更换老屋顶,还 屋顶

  • Thatching is certainly uncommon in the United States today .

    茅屋在今天的美国 来说当然是不多见的。

  • The craft of thatching as it is practiced toady has changed very little since the Middle Ages .

    像现在我们所使用的 茅草屋顶工艺从中世纪以来几乎就没有什么变化。

  • Well in the nutshell thatching involving covering the beams or rafters the wooden skeleton of the roof with reeds or straw .

    概述来说, 茅草 包括了覆盖的横梁和椽,房顶上的木头骨架,有茅草或者麦秆。

  • He says hand tools like tilling forks shovels and thatching rakes require more work than a rotary tiller but they work well and cost less .

    他认为像耕作叉、铲子和 茅草耙子一样的手动工具比耕作机需求更多的工作量,但工作的更好,花费的更少。

  • Thatching is certainly uncommon in the United States today I guess that 's why so many of you have come to see this demonstration .

    茅屋在现在的美国当然 已经 不再常见了,这也就是为什么你们来这里听我讲解的原因了。