thank offering

[θæŋk ˈɔfərɪŋ][θæŋk ˈɔ:fərɪŋ]


  • Also thank those disinterested limb offering as a tribute of no reputation !

    谢谢那些默默无闻的肢体无私的 奉献

  • Sarah : Ok thank you for offering that .

    好吧, 谢谢您。

  • Thank you for offering us the agency for your products and appreciate the confidence you have placed in us .

    谢谢 贵方 代理你们的产品,很感激你们对所表示的信心。

  • Thank it for the extra energy it is offering you and replace it back to where you found it so it can absorb light energy again .

    感谢它所 提供 你的能量,把它放回到你所发现它的原地,以便它可以再次吸收光能。

  • Thank you for your letter of Jan.1 offering us your Great Wall Raincoats .


  • We thank you for your letter offering your services and would like to discuss the possibility of an agent with you .

    表示 提供服务的函悉,愿与你讨论代理的可能性。

  • Thank you for your letter No.A-3 of6th May offering us6 UI-4 Viewdatas .

    谢谢您五月六日标号为A-3的来信,该信向我们 提供 6UI-4图像数据。

  • When you sacrifice a thank offering to the Lord sacrifice it in such a way that it will be accepted on your behalf .

    你们献 感谢 给耶和华,要献给可蒙悦纳。

  • Most importantly Thank you so much for offering me a great health to let me enjoy my wonderful life all the time .

    感谢一体完善的宇宙智慧和 上帝 赐予我健康的身体,让我享受 缤纷多彩的生活。

  • I 'm one of the lucky dogs being chosen to study here so I should thank my leaders for offering me such a precious opportunity .

    我有幸被选派来这里学习,在此,我要 衷心 感谢领导 了我这个宝贵的机会!

  • After plundering the vessels they attack & killing those on board they present a thank offering to their gods for their existence .

    在劫持船舶后,海盗们攻击船员并将船员杀死在甲板上,海盗们向他们的神圣们献上 祭品,以 感谢神圣们的赐予。

  • B : Thank you for offering but I can manage it myself .


  • Thank you for giving me the chance for offering the interview for the position of secretary .


  • I must thank you for offering to represent us .

    我很 感激主动 提出做我们的代理。

  • Id like to begin by thanking & Mr. President thank you for offering the venue here at GW .

    我要首先感谢校长先生, 感谢提供乔治华盛顿大学的场地。

  • I should thank God for letting us study in the same university for offering us more chances to know each other and for granting us such a holy love .

    感谢上苍让我们考取同一所院校, 给予了我们更多了解彼此的机会,赐予了我们如此神圣的爱情。

  • Some thank me for offering a connection to the club – some people feel that they get closer to Manchester United through it .

    有些人 感谢 他们更接近球队,有人觉得他们通过我的微博与曼联的距离更近了。

  • Be generous with saying thank you when someone does anything from pouring you tea to offering you a gift and if or when you receive a gift take it with both hands .

    当有人给你倒茶 你送礼物时,不要吝惜说 谢谢,并且如果你收到 礼物或当你收到礼物时,要用双手接礼物。