



  • Study on the Chemical Phase Analysis of Manganese Ore ⅱ . Determination of Trivalent and Tetravalent Manganese Ore

    锰矿化学物相分析方法的研究Ⅱ.三价和 四价锰矿物的测定

  • An abundant nonmetallic tetravalent element occurring in three allotropic forms : amorphous carbon and graphite and diamond ; occurs in all organic compounds .

    一种丰富的非金属 四价元素,有三种同素异形体:无定形碳、石墨、金刚石。

  • In drug industry parlance it must be tetravalent .

    用医药行业的术语来说,它必须是 四价 疫苗

  • The recombining anti-parathion tetravalent antibody could react with parathion specifically with significantly more binding sites with the monoclonal antibody based on which the detection sensitivity of ELISA would be improved .

    制备的抗对硫磷 四价 聚合抗体能与抗原特异结合,与单克隆抗体相比,抗原结合位点显著增加,ELISA检测灵敏度显著提高。

  • Observation of immunogenicity of bivalent and tetravalent recombinant plasmids containing dengue viruses type 1 to 4 prM-E genes in mice

    登革1~4型病毒prM-E基因的双价和 四价重组质粒DNA在小鼠中的免疫原性观察

  • Study of synthesis of high vinyl polybutadiene with tetravalent molybdenum catalyst system


  • Bivalent and tetravalent human papillomavirus vaccines protecting against cervical cancer ;

    预防宫颈癌的两价和 三价人类乳突病毒疫苗;

  • A gray tetravalent metallic element that resembles zirconium chemically and is found in zirconium minerals ; used in filaments for its ready emission of electrons .

    一种灰色的 四价金属元素,化学性质与锆相似,发现于锆矿物中,因 迅速释放电子而用作灯丝。

  • Presented in this paper are uranium minerals and uranium deposits in the Tono area of Japan . The principal uranium minerals found in the Tono area are as follows : ( 1 ) Tetravalent uranium minerals : uraninite coffinite .

    本文介绍了日本东浓地区的铀矿物和铀矿床,发现在这个地区的主要铀矿物有:(1) 四价铀矿物:晶质铀矿、铀石;

  • A soft silvery-white tetravalent radioactive metallic element ; isotope 232 is used as a power source in nuclear reactors ; occurs in thorite and in monazite sands .

    一种软质 银白色 放射性 四价金属元素,同位素用作核反应能源,见于钍矿和独居石沙中。

  • The initial stage of study mostly emphasize traditional sterile vaccines and attenuated live vaccines . Although traditional attenuated live vaccines have entered clinical trail for many years but so much clinical data shows that the tetravalent vaccines can 't simultaneously afford protective immune responses against four serotypes .

    疫苗研究的起始阶段着重于传统的减毒活疫苗和灭活疫苗,但多年的临床试验数据表明,其 四价疫苗不足以同时提供针对四个血清型的保护性免疫应答。

  • Al ( OH ) 3 absorbed tetravalent vaccine was prepared with DPT and plasma derived hepatitis B vaccine HBsAg . The detection showed that HBsAg could be completely absorbed . Compared with HB vaccine .

    应用乙肝抗原与白- - 抗原配制 Al(OH)3吸附 四联疫苗,经 实验室检测HBsAg能完全被吸附,对小 白鼠的免疫效果较单价乙肝疫苗明显增强。

  • Divalent cerium ions and tetravalent cerium ions or divalent manganese ions and trivalent manganese ions in electric drive conversion catalytic degradation of organic matter while electrodeposited copper .

    利用二价铈离子与 四价铈离子或二价锰离子与三价锰离子之间在电驱动下的相互转化,催化降解有机物的同时电沉积出铜。

  • On the Normality of Connected Tetravalent Cayley Graphs of Order 3p ~ 2

    3p~2阶连通 4度Cayley图的正规性

  • A comparatively systematic study was made of the effect of forming complex compounds in chromophoric system of tetravalent metal ions ( Sn Ge Ti and Zr ) - o-Cl-PF-CT-MAB by the variation of sulfuric acidity of solution concentration of surfactant and concentration of chromophoric agent .

    本文较系统地研究了溶液硫酸酸度、表面活性剂浓度和显色剂浓度变化对 四价金属离子(Sn、Ge、Ti、Zr)OCLPFCTMAb显色体系中配合物形成的影响。

  • The common bi tri or tetravalent mental oxides didnt show significant effect on the stability .

    常用的二、三、 四价金属氧化物对其稳定性无明显影响。

  • Synthesis and Cloning of Gene Sequence of Tetravalent Recombinant Group A Streptococcal Polypeptide Vaccine


  • Until now this hurdle has been insurmountable but French vaccine company Sanofi-Pasteur announced this year that it has a viable tetravalent dengue vaccine undergoing phase III trials in Australia .

    这一障碍过去一直无法逾越,但法国疫苗公司赛诺菲-巴斯德今年宣布,它研发出一种前景很好的 四价登革热疫苗,该疫苗目前正在澳大利亚进行第三期临床试验。

  • Straggling chromosome and tetravalent at metaphase I ;

    中期Ⅰ的染色体拖曳及 四价

  • So this should immediately look like a problem because we know in fact that methane is tetravalent and this is telling us it 's only divalent .

    显然这看起来是一个问题,因为我们知道实际上,甲烷是 四价的,而这告诉我们它仅仅是二价的。

  • Conclusion The developed synthetic medium and purification procedure were feasible and provided an experimental basis for the preparation of tetravalent meningococcus polysaccharide vaccine .

    结论所研制的综合培养基及多糖纯化的工艺具有较好的可行性,为 四价脑膜炎球菌多糖疫苗的研制提供了试验基础。

  • The uranium ore of the Mine No. 753 is a high-silicate type primary one in which the tetravalent uranium accounts for 85 % and the uranium grade is in the range of 0 . 36 % % to 0 . 442 % .

    七五三铀矿属于高硅酸盐型原生矿,铀品位为0.36%一0.442%, 四价铀占85%。

  • The main meiotic chromosomal aberration of PMC are multipolar division loose pairing inversion tetravalent interlocking chromosome unequal segregation straggling chromosome bridge and laggards .

    上述 不育 花粉母细胞减数分裂的染色体畸变是:多极分裂、疏松配对、倒位、 四价 、互锁染色体、不等分离、拖曳、桥、落后等;

  • A tetravalent meningococcal meningitis vaccine ( licensed in the United States ) and a heptavalent vaccine protecting against meningitis A and C ( to be licensed in2007 );

    一种 四价流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(已在美利坚合众国获许可证)和一种预防脑膜炎A和C的七价疫苗(将于2007年注册);

  • Tetravalent Verbs of Trade and Classification of Verbal Valence in Chinese

    交易类 四价动词及汉语谓词配价的分类系统

  • As a result we obtain two new infinite families of tetravalent half-arc-transitive graphs of 2-power orders . These are the first known such graphs of 2-power orders in which the smallest one has order 27 .

    通过这种分类,我们构造了两类无限族的 4度半弧传递图,它们是目前已知仅有的2 阶4度半传递图无限类。

  • The pairing styles of translocation chromosome in meiosis are partial pairing chain triple valent 71 . 09 % and chain tetra valent 13 . 28 % complete pairing tetravalent is 15.63 % .

    易位染色体在减数分裂中的配对形式以链状三价 (71.09%)为主,还有链状 四价 (13.28%),完全配对的 环状 四价 占15.63%。

  • Fabrication of tetravalent Pb cluster arrays on Si ( 111 ) - ( 7 × 7 ) surfaces

    Si(111)-(7×7)衬底上合成 有序 IV 金属铅团簇阵列

  • The tetravalent number in those tetraploid PMCs averaging 2.9 is less than that in ordinary tetraploid rice PMCs .

    四倍性花粉母细胞的 四价 数目比一般四倍体水稻花粉母细胞的四价 少,平均每个花粉母细胞有2.9个四价