text wizard

[tɛkst ˈwɪzəd][tekst ˈwizəd]

[计] 文字分列向导

  • Select the text box in the main panel of the wizard page and type directive text .

    选择 向导页主面板中的 文本框,并键入向导的说明性文本。

  • The absence of this icon indicates that the Display Text template is not an input template ; it will be shown in the wizard when the Displaying data radio button is selected .

    缺少这个图标意味着Display Text模板并不是一个输入模板;当选中“Displayingdata”单选按钮时它将会出现在 向导中。

  • Allows you to set the help text of the wizard .

    允许您设置 向导的帮助 文本

  • For more information type add numbers to text in the office assistant or on the answer wizard tab in the PowerPoint help window and then click search .

    有关更多信息,请在“office助手”中或在powerpoint“帮助”窗口的“应答 向导 选项卡上键入向 文本添加编号,然后单击“搜索”。

  • A problem in which the Text Wizard allowed invalid characters in variable names was fixed .

    一个问题在该 文本 向导允许无效字符变量名称是固定的。

  • The text wizard has determined that your data is | .

    文本 分列 向导判定您的数据具有。

  • Adding controls and text to a wizard step .

    向导步骤添加控件和 文本

  • After entering your data save the text file and then close it to continue with the wizard .

    输入完数据后,保存 文本文件,然后关闭该文件,继续 执行 向导

  • Are you sure you want to cancel full text indexing wizard ?

    确实想取消 全文索引 向导吗?

  • The text Import Wizard for a text file .

    对于文本文件,显示“ 文本导入 向导

  • The claim was unable to identify any text in the Harry Potter books which was said to copy Willy the Wizard .

    他们根本无法指出哈利·波特系列书籍的哪一部份 抄袭了《 魔法师威利》。