tetrahedral complex

[ˌtɛtrəˈhidrəl kəmˈplɛks][ˈtetrəˈhedrəl ˈkɔmpleks]

[化] 正四面体络合物

  • The equilibrium constants of addition reaction of alcohol to tetrahedral complex of cobalt with organophosphorus monobasic acids in octane are established by spectrophotometry .

    用光度法测算了醇与有机磷一元酸 四面体配合物加合反应的平衡常数。

  • However the composition of natural smectite clay is very complex mainly because the replacement of central metal ions occurring in the tetrahedral or octahedral laminates which makes the structure more complex .

    天然存在的蒙皂石粘土成分非常复杂,主要是其 四面体或八面体层板上都有可能发生中心离子的取代,使其结构 复杂化。

  • Method for optimizing tetrahedral mesh of object with complex interpolation surfaces

    复杂插值曲面实体 四面体网格优化方法