testing sample

[电] 试样

  • These models were used to evaluate 46 construction companies in the testing sample and the performances of these models were compared by means of confusion matrix .

    将所建立的模型用于评价 检验 样本中的46个建筑企业,采用混淆矩阵比较了各模型的评价表现。

  • Analyzing pulse pressure performance of these classic pulse compression signals in frequency domain . It provides the theoretical summary to analysis of software testing sample . 2 .

    并对这些经典脉冲压缩信号进行频域脉压性能分析,为本文对软件 测试 样例分析铺垫了理论总结。

  • Testing sample choice for non-hydrodesulfurization of diesels

    柴油非加氢脱硫技术 研究 样品的选择

  • In this design taking harvest for six times for each road taking one of the best quality image information as the training sample and taking the other five groups of image information as the testing sample .

    本设计中,对每一种路面共进行了六次采集作业,将其中质量最优的一组地面图像信息作为训练样本,将剩余的五组地面图像信息作为 测试 样本

  • Firstly extract features of the detected infrared vehicle image divide images and their features into two parts separately as training sample and testing sample use SVM to train the training sample and classify the testing samples to test .

    首先,提取检测到的红外车辆目标图像的综合特征,将这些图像及附带特征分别分为训练样本与 测试 样本两个部分,用SVM对训练样本进行训练,然后对测试样本进行测试。

  • After the calibration process of this multimode measuring method the frequency characteristic of surface resistance for testing sample can be described within one temperature cycle .

    在校准步骤完成后,该多模测试方法可在一个温度循环内,对被 样品的微波表面电阻频率特性进行表征。

  • The correlation between the chemical value of the testing sample set and the NIR predicated value is 0.9818 respectively .

    检验 样品集的化学值与近红外预测值的相关系数分别为:0.9818,O.9737和0.9798。

  • Detected by the scanning electron microscope surface corrosion became severer when the immersion time increased and severer corrosion was found on the testing sample immersed in physiological saline solution than in artificial saliva .

    通过扫描电子显微镜对比观察发现,合金表面的腐蚀程度随浸泡时间的延氏不断加重, 浸泡于生理盐水中的 腐蚀程度比人工唾液中的严重,表面较粗糙的部位比光滑处腐蚀严重。

  • Finally based on the bidirectional message communication transmission mode both an estimate sample and a testing sample of the clock deviation are given .

    最后,基于服务器和客户端之间双向消息通信传输模式,给出时钟偏差的估计和 检验 样本

  • By designing conformal cans and decreasing can thickness step by step the final shape and dimension of the optimized tension-compression testing sample are gained .

    通过逐步建立随形的包套并减小包套厚度,最终得出了优化设计后的改进的拉伸 测试 样件的包套形状和尺寸。

  • After training and studying we got a distinguishing positive rate of 88.7 % to sample model setting and 86.7 % the testing sample . This is a large improvement to the predicting precisions in comparison with the other liner methods .

    经过对样本的训练和学习,分别取得了建模样本88.7%和 检验 样本86.7%的判正率,与一般使用线性模型来识别财务舞弊问题相比,提高了预测精度。

  • The design of the software and hardware of a portable voids content detecting system was introduced and a testing sample was given in this chapter .

    介绍了便携式碳纤维复合材料孔隙率检测系统的整体设计、软件系统各个模块的设计以及硬件系统各个模块的设计,并给出了一个 实际 检测 实例

  • We choose the listed companies which were operated continuously and not canceled the qualification in the market during 1999-2002 as the base of training sample and the companies during 2003-2006 as the base of testing sample .

    我们将1999-2002年持续经营、未被取消上市资格的上市公司作为训练样本的选择基础,将2003-2006年上市公司作为选择 测试 样本的基础。

  • Torreya grandis tree in Zhejiang Forestry Academy as testing sample treated by GA3 NAA and IBA with two levels of concentration and temperature each the resulted data compared by variance analysis showed that the tested regulators promoted the pollen germination rate and pollen tube growth .

    以省林科院内的榧树为 ,采用GA3、NAA和IBA3种生长调节剂,每种药剂分2个浓度和2个温度水平,试验数据经方差分析进行比较。

  • The Determination of Sampling Point for Insulator Pollution Level Measuring of 66 kV and for the Testing Sample

    66kV绝缘子污秽等级测量取样点及 测试 样品的确定

  • Because this method can make full use of prior information about unknown parameter it can reduce the demand for field testing sample size .

    由于该方法充分利用了验前获得的关于总体分布未知参数的信息,因而减小了对现场 试验 子样的需求。

  • The system also achieves good performance on testing sample from the Google retrieval result so it can be thought a good filter for the image retrieval system .

    将Google检索出来的图像作为系统的 测试 样本取得了很好的分类结果,实验表明本系统可以对Google检索系统的结果进行一定的改进。

  • Determination of testing sample size is occupied a critical position in the scientific study and product development .

    试验 样本容量的选择在科学研究及产品开发中占有十分重要的地位。

  • Off - line network employed training and testing sample data and Storing optimum knowledge parameters and then a high precision prediction of the heating current are realized which combines BP NN with mathematic model .

    离线网络将神经网络与数学模型相结合,用来对 样本数据进行训练、 测试,存储最优的知识参数,并建立加热电流的高精度预报模型。

  • The training and testing sample images are from Chinese Audio Visual Speech Recognition Database ( CAVSR v1.0 ) .

    该文 实验中所使用的 样本数据来自中国科学院声学所汉语听觉、视觉双模态数据库( CAVSRv1.0)。

  • Predicting model was founded by kernel function learning machine was trained with learning sample used known data failure of the system was tested and predicted with testing sample .

    它用核函数建立预测模型,再用已知数据为学习样本训练学习机,用 检验 样本进行验证、预测系统未来故障。

  • The direction of rupture plane in the testing sample is not consistent with that in dam and foundation .


  • The testing sample involving 300 sentences each of which contains at least one Chinese names is extracted at random from the Xinhua News Corpus .

    我们从新华通讯社新闻语料库中随机抽取了300个包含中文姓名的句子作为 测试 样本

  • The results coming from both of the training sample set and testing sample set indicate that the GP model based on the analysis of binary elements is superior to the general GP model and other conventional statistic models in veracity and practicability .

    母本集数据的拟合和 测试集数据的 检验结果均表明,基于二元因素的GP模型在预测精度和使用价值上优于一般GP模型和其他传统的统计模型。

  • The performance of testing sample can be evaluated according to the dynamic process testing parameters by this device .

    动态 测试装置在 样机动态过程测试的基础上,可给出其动态特性性能评判结果。

  • Testing Sample is smooth no cracking and no splitting on both walls .


  • The M-ANN divided a sample set into a training sample set and a testing sample set and gave it an over analogue criterion of ANN .

    M-ANN将样本分成训练样本和 校验 样本,并提出了过拟合判据参数。

  • Study on Hough Transform Testing Sample Edge Extraction

    Hough变换用于提取 边缘参数的研究