


  • Ultrastructural Changes in Testis and Epididymis of Rats after Treatment with Ornidazole

    奥硝唑对大鼠 睾丸和附睾超微结构的影响

  • Effect of ammonium metavanadate on the tissue structure of testis and kidney in SD rats

    偏钒酸铵对大鼠 睾丸和肾脏组织结构的影响

  • Effect of caprine testicular extract on apoptosis and ultrastructure of spermatogenic cells in lead-treated testis of mice

    羊睾丸提取液对铅染毒小鼠 睾丸生精细胞凋亡及超微结构的影响

  • Gynecomastia may occur with cirrhosis of liver Leydig cell tumors of testis or with drugs .

    男性乳腺发育可由肝硬化、 睾丸间质细胞瘤或药物引起。

  • We report on a case of small-cell carcinoma of the prostate with metastases to the testis and pancreas .

    我们在此报告一例原发性前列腺小细胞癌,合并有? 及胰脏等脏器转移。

  • The mass lesion seen here in the testis is a seminoma .


  • Effects of Regulation to P450 Aromatase Activity on Testis and Epididymis Development and Spermatogenesis in Mice

    P450芳香化酶活性调控对小鼠 睾丸和附睾发育及精子发生的影响

  • Objective To differentiate the diagnosis of acute testitis and testis distortion .

    目的用彩超鉴别急性睾丸炎和 睾丸扭转。

  • Objective In order to study changes of cold stress rat testis cell nuclear AR and ABP the experiment had observed content change rule of AR and ABP .

    目的为研究冷应激大鼠 睾丸细胞雄激素受体和雄激素结合蛋白的变化,本实验检测了睾丸 细胞雄激素受体和雄激素结合蛋白的含量。

  • Functional Expression of Three Novel Genes in Human and Mouse Testis

    三个新的精子 发生相关基因在人和小鼠 睾丸中的表达特征

  • Analysis of RNA in swine spermatozoa and testis

    猪精子和 睾丸 组织RNA的初步分析

  • Objective To study the mutability of ultra sodium pyrosulfite intake on ultrastructure changes and spermatogonium mice testis .

    目的研究经口摄入超量焦亚硫酸钠对小鼠 睾丸超微结构影响及对精原细胞的致突毒性。

  • Objective To report one case of adenocarcinoma of rete testis ( ART ) and to discuss its clinicopathological features .

    目的报告1例 睾丸网腺癌并探讨其临床病理特点。

  • Expression of Cancer / Testis Antigens SSX Family in Human Retinoblastoma

    癌& 睾丸抗原SSX基因家族在视网膜母细胞瘤中的表达研究

  • Here is an embryonal carcinoma of the testis .

    睾丸胚胎癌,上方是正常的 睾丸的边缘。

  • Expression of Age-Related Molecular Vimentin in the Testis and Epididymis of Different Months Old Rats

    年龄相关分子波形蛋白在不同月龄大鼠 睾丸和附睾中的表达

  • Primary study on dynamic of estradiol and testosterone in deferent volume buffalo follicles The gross and microscopic appearance of an ovarian dysgerminoma is essentially the same as a seminoma of the testis in a male .

    水牛卵泡液中雌二醇和睾酮水平变化的初步研究卵巢的无性细胞瘤肉眼和显微镜下表现基本上与男性 睾丸的精原细胞瘤一致。

  • This testis culture which retained the same tissue architecture as in vivo tissue and continued to secrete testosterone was able to support infection by HIV-1 .

    研究者应用分离器官培养人 睾丸 组织,这些 睾丸 组织培养物和体内组织结构一样、也能分泌睾酮,并且可以受到HIV-1的感染。

  • Objective : To make the kit with witch to identify Penis et Testis Cervi with molecular taxonomy .

    目的:建立中药材 鹿鞭的分子分类学鉴定试剂盒。

  • Oxidative damage of mitochondria and micriosome in testis cells induced by nickel sulfate in rats ;

    目的观察中药菟丝子总黄酮对大鼠 睾丸细胞氧化损伤和凋亡的保护作用。

  • The effect of cocaine on the gene expression of GSH-PX in testis of sexual maturity rats

    可卡因对性成熟期大鼠 睾丸谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶基因表达的影响

  • Study of localization of vimentin positive expression in Rats testis exposed to Manganese

    波形蛋白阳性表达在染锰大鼠 睾丸中的定位研究

  • See your anus and the area between the testis .

    查看你的肛门与 睾丸之间的区域。

  • Proteomic Analysis of the Rat Testis and Serum Following Chronic Exposure with TCDD

    二恶英慢性暴露雄性大鼠 睾丸和血清蛋白组学研究

  • The effects of long-term vasectomy on the serum testosterone testis and epididymis tissues ;

    试验分二期研究了环境温度对鸡直肠温度、冠温和血浆 睾酮水平的影响。

  • Melanoma-associated antigen MAGE-A3 is expressed in various types of tumors but not in normal cells except testis and placenta .

    肿瘤相关抗原MAGE-A3广泛表达于多种恶性肿瘤,而在正常组织中(除 睾丸和胎盘外)不表达。