then symbol

[ðɛn ˈsɪmbəl][ðen ˈsimbəl]

[计] 则符号

  • First multiple linear block codes were designed and then orthogonal vector of each symbol was connected to form user 's fingerprinting .

    该方案 多元线性分组码每个 码元 对应的正交序列串接起来构成用户的指纹。

  • Then and symbol organize the way and forms the way ensemble architecture the discussion this symbol base the compositions of system ;

    然后这种讨论了该专题符号库系统的构成、总体结构以及 符号组织方式和构成方式;

  • It goes first to the definitions of anxiety and influence then through the illustration of the symbol Covering Cherub it explains the significance of the anxiety of influence .

    首先讨论了焦虑和影响这两个概念的定义。 然后通过对遮护天使这个 象征的阐释来解释影响的焦虑的实在意义。

  • Then the graph and the symbol expressions of the recoupling matrix used in action of volume operator on rescaled basis are obtained with the graph calculation method .

    重耦理论的图式计算法,推出了体积算符对基底作用的重耦矩阵的表式,并利用体积 算符的本征值得到空间量子化的结果。

  • The result is then combined with the symbol quote into a list so that Scheme will treat it as a literal value when it becomes code .

    然后,结果与 符号quote合并到一个列表中,这样Scheme就会在将其转换成代码时将其作为一个文本值进行处理。

  • This paper presents another algorithm of Huffman coding which removes tree pattern structure using an array to simulate the creation process of binary tree so as to obtain the depth of the symbol and then each symbol is assigned a code according to this information .

    本文给出了哈夫曼编码的另一种实现算法,该算法抛开树结构,用一个数组模拟二叉树的创建过程并得到符号的深度, 然后根据这一信息为每个 符号分配编码。

  • If the find and replace window is already open on the toolbar click the triangular View button on left drop-down and then choose find symbol .

    如果“查找和替换”窗口已经打开,请在工具栏的左侧下拉列表中单击三角形“查看”按钮, 然后选择“查找 符号”。

  • Jean Baudrillard reveals that the western developed countries have turned into consumption society from production configuration then the culture attaching on matter has symbol meaning .

    鲍德里亚揭示西方发达国家已经从生产型社会转向了消费型社会, 从而文化附着于物更具有 符号意义。

  • The handler then decompresses the symbol according to the compression type and replaces the compressed symbol with the decompressed symbol .

    然后,该处理程序根据压缩类型对符号进行解压缩,并用解压缩的 符号替换请求中的已压缩符号。

  • The extract query mode divide the XML node symbol into several types and then construct the corresponding symbol for each node to be extracted . The above nodes are integrated to the XML document finally .

    抽取查询模式方案中将XML的结点符号分为若干类型, 然后对于每个结点构造出其应有的类型的 符号,最后再将结点合并即为所有的需要重构的文档内容。

  • Meanwhile the TTS gives a synchronizing signal to control the data acquisition system which then produces an obvious symbol to mark different sample and to decide how to set time signal .

    获取系统准确识别控制信号, 产生一个明显的 标识符来标记不同的样品。

  • After subjects fully integrate into the sublime aesthetic they conclude sublime reflect subjectivity freedom of human concerned with the moral and then realize beauty is a symbol of moral values .

    这样,人完全融入崇高的审美中,体会到崇高体现出关涉道德的人的主体性自由,从而 进一步 得出美是道德观念的 象征

  • Click define new bullet and then click symbol or picture .

    单击“定义新项目符号”, 然后单击“ 符号”或“图片”。

  • Based on summarizing the concepts of figure symbol and design this thesis demonstrates the association between visual communication design and symbols and then describes the usage of the symbol in Visual Communication Design .

    本文在总结图形、符号和设计等相关概念的基础上,阐述了平面图形设计与符号的本质联系, 论述符号在平面图形设计中的应用方式。

  • Correlation language teaching theory production and development then is this leap symbol .

    交互作用语言教学理论的产生与发展 是这一飞跃的 标志

  • It then compresses the symbol using a very simplistic algorithm .

    然后,它使用一种非常简单的算法对该 符号进行压缩。

  • Then a modified symbol synchronization method which can get better performance under multi-path environment in time domain is studied . Also in frequency domain a symbol synchronization methods based on frame selection is present in this paper .

    在此基础上,对常用的时域 符号同步算法进行了改进,使其能更好的应用于多径信道:同时从频域角度,提出了一种基于帧选择的频域符号同步算法。

  • It divides the signal constellations into the subsets specified by each binary digit and then maps the soft symbol information to soft bit information by Maximum-A-posteriori Probability ( MAP ) algorithm to realize the binary decoding .

    它对每个比特划分对应的星座点集合, 然后将对应的 符号软信息通过MAP算法映射成为比特软信息的方法,从而实现二进制译码。

  • With lower pilot power the proposed scheme increases system throughput firstly and then the channel estimation and symbol detection proceed iteratively within one OFDM symbol to improve the BER performance .

    首先降低导频功率来提高系统的吞吐量, 然后在一个OFDM符号内,通过迭代进行的信道估计与 符号检测来提高系统的误码率。

  • Although the design and making of 3D map symbols are used in the study of 3D city map these symbols lack topographical representation . Then and symbol organize the way and forms the way ensemble architecture the discussion this symbol base the compositions of system ;

    在二维符号构成元素的基础上,提出了三维专题符号构成元素以及三维专题符号的设计模式。 然后这种讨论了该专题符号库系统的构成、总体结构以及 符号组织方式和构成方式;

  • Then discussed the realization of the integrated symbol base and question of using in the existing system With grading and define the level system integrate and test the symbol base system of special topic about the land for backing agricultural .

    然后讨论了在现有系统中集成 符号库的实现和应用问题,以农用地分等定级系统为依托集成和测试了关于土地的专题符号库系统。

  • If it does meet those standards it can then use the name and advertising symbol the logo as it is called for the group .

    验收合格,方 使用此名称和广告 标志,即所谓标识。

  • Monkey then make monkey to add an auspicious symbol .

    于是封侯使“猴”增添了一种吉祥的 象征 意义

  • If the person 's consciousness is the words which use logical writing language exchanges so our subconscious then carries on exchanges with the symbol language of image .

    如果人的意识是用逻辑的文字语言交流的话,那么我们的潜意识 是用形象的 象征性语言进行交流的。

  • Then Noah will surely become the symbol of peace .

    诺亚将无疑成为和平的 象征

  • Then actual probability of symbol error of the wireless electro-hydraulic controller was given with experiment .

    然后采用试验的方法,求得了无线电液比例控制器的误 码率

  • It then compresses the symbol with the same algorithm used by the Bus filter .

    然后,它用总线过滤器所使用的同一种算法压缩该 符号

  • Then the frame synchronization symbol synchronization and carrier frequency offset estimation are discussed for the IEEE 802.16e OFDM system .

    在此 基础上,对IEEE802.16eOFDM系统的帧同步、 符号同步以及载波频偏估计,进行了分析与研究。

  • Then it is dispersed into symbol matrix and transformation matrix .

    然后 其通过离散映射生成相应的 符号矩阵和置换矩阵;

  • The study of forefathers proves that the initial period of character is mainly pictographic then the pictograph turns into symbol or note so that character configuration arises mixed up by form sound and meaning .

    前人研究证明,汉字的初始阶段以象形为主, 而后象形转化为义 或音符,出现了形、音、义之类元素相互组合的汉字构形系统。