text retrieval

[tɛkst rɪˈtrivəl][tekst rɪˈtri:vəl]


  • For enterprises which participate in exhibitions overseas retrieval is usually carried out by utilizing text retrieval and meaning retrieval for patent in foreign languages are usually accepted .

    对于参加海外会展的企业,一般都是利用 字面 检索和外文专利检索。

  • Experiments data are also given on the 2001 text retrieval conference ( TREC 10 ) Web corpus .

    还给出了新的算法在2001 文本 检索会议(TREC10)的Web语料上的实验数据。

  • Fully utilizing the term context relations in text retrieval process helps to improve the retrieval performance .

    文本 检索过程中充分利用词语之间的上下文关系有助于提高检索性能。

  • This paper proposes a text retrieval algorithm based on conceptual network and subject concept tree .

    该文提出了一种基于概念网络和主题概念树的面向主题的 文本 检索算法。

  • Content-based Image Retrieval ( CBIR ) is implemented by Content-based Text Retrieval ( CBTR ) .

    利用基于内容的 文本 检索这项成熟的技术来实现基于内容的图像检索。

  • This paper presents the principle of latent semantic indexing for text retrieval and validates that latent semantic indexing for text retrieval can be used for solving the problems of synonymy and polysemy so that to improve the performance of retrieval system .

    文章阐述了 文本 检索的潜在语义索引法的原理并通过实验来验证潜在语义索引可以用来解决同义和多义问题,完善检索系统的性能。

  • The Design and Implementation of Structured Text Retrieval System

    应用于结构化 文本 检索系统的设计和实现

  • To solve these problems this paper proposes a new text retrieval method .

    文章提出了一种新的 检索方式缓解这两个问题。

  • The importance of text learning techniques in full text retrieval is discussed .

    分析了文本学习技术在 全文 检索 系统中的作用,指出 文本学习机制的优劣从基础上决定了 全文 检索 系统的性能;

  • With the successful use of clustering in text retrieval clustering can be employed to solve the organizing and categorizing issue of web videos .

    借鉴聚类在 文本 检索 应用,聚类可以被用来解决网络视频的组织和分类问题。

  • Research on Several Problems in Text Retrieval

    文本 检索中若干问题研究

  • To disclose users ' information need is an important research topic in text retrieval .

    揭示用户的检索需求是 文本 检索中重要的研究课题。

  • On the practical experience this paper detailed the major technologies of a full text retrieval engine and put forward the implementation of a practical full text retrieval engine which based on Unicode and word segmentation .

    根据实际的开发经验,详细阐述了一个 全文 检索系统中采用的主要技术,并提出了具体实现,基本构造了一个使用的基于Unicode和词表的全文检索系统。

  • This article discusses the problem about reversed polish notation in inverted file retrieval technique for full text retrieval ;

    本文针对倒排文档检索技术实现 全文 检索过程中 检索算式的逆波兰转换问题进行详细深入的探讨;

  • In this sense the study of XML text retrieval is great of importance .

    Isearch 系统机制的研究,对于深入了解XML 文档 检索原理, 尤其 拓展XML 文档 检索 系统的功能具有重要意义。

  • Study on the Processing Techniques for Full Text Retrieval I. Kanji Full Text Retrieval Technique

    全文 检索处理技术研究Ⅰ:汉字全文检索技术

  • The use of domain text classification model to filter non-domain text provides the Question Answering System with a great deal of domain information as well as raises the accuracy of text retrieval . ( 2 ) Proposing domain passage segmentation method and domain passage retrieval algorithm .

    利用领域文本分类模型过滤非领域文本,为问答系统提供大量的领域信息,提高了 文本 检索的准确性。(2)提出了领域段落切分方法和领域段落检索算法。

  • Text similarity calculating can be broadly used for text retrieval categorization summarizing and so on .

    文本相似性计算可以广泛地应用于 文本 检索、分类、摘要等方面。

  • This article describes the principle of full text retrieval system analysis of word-based index of the table structure methods and the establishment of the index database .

    阐述了 全文 检索系统的原理,分析了基于字表结构的索引组织方法和索引库的建立。

  • This article discusses a method of realizing hypertext retrieval in full text retrieval system and introduces a thought about reading text by hypertext techniques .

    本文研究了在 全文 检索系统中嵌入超文本技术的实现方法,并讨论了利用超文本技术进行全文查询阅读的思路。

  • Based on the above technologies semantic computation is realized in some degree in text retrieval .

    以上工作在一定程度上实现了 语义计算的 功能

  • The granularity of the results is the biggest difference between XML Document and traditional text retrieval .

    XML文档 检索与传统的 文本 检索最大的区别在于 检索结果粒度的不同。

  • The design and implementation of Structured Text Retrieval System is introduced in this paper .

    该文介绍了一个应用于结构化 文本 检索系统的设计和实现。

  • Study on Information Distribution and Searching Strategies in Web Text Retrieval

    Web 文本 检索中信息的分布特性与检索策略研究

  • Study on Application of Full Text Retrieval Based on Lucene and Retrieval Efficiency Test

    Lucene 全文 检索的应用及检索效率测试研究

  • Moreover digital library has the function of text retrieval with images .

    此外,数字图书馆还具有通过图像 检索 文本的功能。

  • Introducing semantic computation into text retrieval is an important direction in the field of intelligent retrieval .

    将语义计算技术应用于 文本 检索,是智能检索的重要方向。

  • The paper also analyzed and compared the Lucene retrieval toolkit of DSpace and made it support full text retrieval in both Chinese and English .

    同时,本文也对DSpace中的检索工具包Lucene进行了详细分析和研究,使其支持中英文 全文 检索

  • Analysis and Design of a Full - Text Retrieval System Applied to Information Management

    应用于信息管理的 全文 检索系统中关键技术的分析与设计

  • This paper based on the research of wireless network technology in the Java platform through the elementary realization of wireless translation search engine opened up broad possibilities for the combine application of Java wireless and full text retrieval technology .

    本论文在对Java平台的无线网络技术研究的基础之上,通过对无线翻译搜索引擎的初步实现,为Java无线技术与 全文 检索技术结合的应用和推广开拓了更广阔的前景。