textual data

[ˈtɛkstʃuəl ˈdetə][ˈtekstʃuəl ˈdeitə]

[计] 正文数据

  • Because XML is a textual format for data it has some interesting quirks .

    因为XML是 数据 文本格式,它有一些有趣的怪癖。

  • Worse it might get ordered by treating the dates as textual data and alphabetizing them .

    更糟的是,有可能把日期作为 文本 数据按照字母顺序来排序。

  • The people who deal with the daily business by using Excel often meet some unsolvable problems of translating textual data into numerical data so that they can 't normally do some works such as data analyzing data arithmetic .

    利用Excel进行日常事务管理的人们,经常会遇到在Excel中无法将 文本数据转换为数值型数据的一些问题,从而导致无法正常进行数据分析、数据运算等工作。

  • The syntax of XML makes it easy to programmatically manipulate textual data while still allowing it to be easily understood by humans .

    XML的语法便于通过编程来处理 文本 数据,同时又便于为人们所理解。

  • The author hopes through the research to fill the current Yang Jiong some study shortcomings proposes own view point of view add a bit of textual data for relevant researchers as a reference .

    笔者期望通过考证研究以补目前杨炯某些方面研究的不足,提出自己的见解观点,补充一点 考证 资料,以供相关研究者作为参考。

  • Add KML an XML language used to describe geographical information such as coordinates on the Earth and you can overlay your own visual and textual data onto the maps .

    KML是一种用来描述地理信息(例如地标)的XML语言,它可以将可视 文本 数据覆盖到地图上。

  • XML is a textual format for data .

    XML是 数据 文本格式。

  • Once you have these coordinates you can overlay textual and visual data on2D maps and the3D globe as creatively as your imagination allows .

    只要得到这些坐标,您就能创造性地发挥想象力,在2D地图和3D球体上覆盖 文本和可视 数据

  • Another important aspect of the Mahout solution is the set of tools for creating vector representations of textual data .

    Mahout另一个重点是,它提供一系列工具把 文本 数据表示成矩阵形式。

  • Enjoy JSON and the power of textual data formats .

    享受JSON和 文本 数据格式的乐趣吧。

  • The KML document can specify geographic data including addresses 3D coordinates on the Earth and custom textual and visual data to be overlaid on maps or3D models of the Earth .

    KML文档可以确定地址、地球上的3D坐标,以及地图上已覆盖的自定义 文本和可视 数据,或地球上的3D模型等地理信息。

  • Text categorization is one of the important techniques in textual data mining .

    文本分类是 文本 数据挖掘的重要技术。

  • A Textual Data Analysis of the Population Size of Guangxi in the Ming Dynasty

    明代广西人口数量 考证

  • Image data is as common as textual data in digital world .

    在数字领域中图像数据和 文本 数据一样常见。

  • DOM sees everything in terms of its Node interface so you 're accustomed to working with comments elements and even textual data through the Node interface .

    DOM根据其Node接口看待一切事物,因此您也就习惯于通过Node接口来处理注释、元素和 文本 数据

  • Text categorization is the basis and core of textual data mining .

    文本分类是 文本 挖掘的基础和核心。

  • Now let 's look at three more commands that deal with fields in textual data .

    让我们看看另外三个命令,它们可以处理 文本 数据中的字段。

  • For example in Germany there are at least two ways of sorting textual data & de_DE alone is not sufficient .

    例如,在德国,至少存在两种排序 文本 数据的方法-光有deDE是不够的。

  • With the accumulation of domain textual data there are more and more non-structural or semi-structured data such as doc pdf and other formats in every domain including education finance dining tourism and so on .

    随着行业内 文本 数据的不断积累,如教育、财经、餐饮、旅游等领域拥有大量的doc、pdf等格式的非结构或半结构化的数据。

  • The textual data source and the method with study was also handed over here .

    交待本文 资料来源和研究方法。

  • Mining Relationship between Acute Leukemia and Related Genes by Textual Data Mining

    急性白血病相关基因的 文本 挖掘分析

  • All of the previous examples have dealt with textual or character data : You wrote and read character strings .

    前面所有的示例都处理 文本 数据或字符 数据:写入和读取字符string。

  • Two Pieces of Compiled Textual Data on the Champion in the Imperial Examination

    状元 资料二题

  • After enabling a database for text you can create text indexes on columns storing textual data in various formats such as XML .

    在为数据库启用文本搜索操作之后,可以在以各种格式(比如XML)存储 文本 数据的列上创建文本索引。

  • Subscribers to a telex service can exchange textual communications and data directly with one another .

    电传服务的用户可以相互直接交换 文本书信和 资料

  • Strings in Ruby are a powerful way to hold compare and manipulate textual data .

    Ruby中的String是容纳、比较和操作 文本 数据的一种强大方法。

  • Compared with textual data video data has very rich information content . The relationships between video data segments are very complex and unstructured .

    视频数据与 文本 数据相比,具有信息含量丰富、关系复杂、非结构化等特点。

  • Analysis of character encoding words and content style can easily determine with high confidence which language textual data is in .

    对字符编码、单词和内容样式的分析可以轻松而明确地判断出 文本 数据属于哪种语言。