thermal buffer

[ˈθɚməl ˈbʌfɚ][ˈθə:məl ˈbʌfə]


  • Thermal property and workability of buffer backfilling materials can be improved significantly by adding quartz sand into bentonite .

    向膨润土主料中添加石英砂,能够显著提高 导热性能,改善 缓冲回填材料的 劣化。

  • The method based on solar energy buffer space is discussed by the principle of indirect gain thermal and indirect remove thermal and another method based on natural draft buffer space is also discussed by the principle of thermal pressure .

    运用间接获得热和间接除 的原理分析基于太阳能的缓冲空间设计方法,运用热压原理分析基于自然通风的 缓冲空间设计方法。

  • As results of the experiment the relations between the focal length of the thermal gas lens and the input power and buffer gas pressure are presented . The evolution process of the thermal gas lens from concave to convex lens is described .

    在实验部分,本文给出了 气体透镜焦距与输入功率、 缓冲气体压强的关系,描绘了热气体透镜从负透镜变化到正透镜的动态过程。

  • Application of Thermal Air Buffer Compartment in MCCB

    空气 缓冲室在塑壳断路器上的应用

  • Thermal gradients during the early non-isothermal period of near-field evolution in a KBS – 3 repository for nuclear wastes could alter the mineralogy of the bentonite buffer and cause the constituent clay particles to become cemented together by mineral precipitates .

    在KBS–3核废料储存库的早期及非恒温演变期, 梯度变化能改变膨润土 缓冲 的矿物特性,且由于矿物质沉淀作用,黏土颗粒将相互胶结起来。