


  • The debate thus far has irritated some economic policymakers who testily point out that the reserves cannot simply be spent as they represent assets on the central bank 's balance sheet .

    迄今为止的辩论已激怒了一些经济政策制定者。他们 恼火 指出,不能就这么花掉外汇储备,因为它们是央行资产负债表上的资产。

  • As the commuter plane in the cartoon plunges downward the fat passenger testily refuses to acknowledge her guilt in misleading the airline about her weight .

    由于漫画中的通勤飞机 往下 ,那位胖乘客 烦躁 拒绝承认自己向航空公司隐瞒体重所应负的 责任

  • I answered perhaps a bit testily that my wife was safe and sound .

    我或许有点 耐烦 回答说,我的妻子安然无恙。

  • He replied testily that his drive had cost him little time and yet bound the nation together .

    曼德拉 火地 回应道,他的举动没有耗费多少时间,却让国家团结在一起。

  • A different Microsoft executive responded testily when approached at an industry event in San Francisco with the query that is the headline of this article .

    在旧金山的一次业界会议上,当 到微软 为什么互联网 业务 如此 难堪时,一个微软主管反应 十分 激烈

  • I repeat I know nothing about it sir the elder said testily .

    我再说一遍,我对这事一无所知,先生, 老人 烦躁 说。