test set


  • Chapter 5 presents the way to make test set of the algorithm and gives some instances .

    第五章提出了用佳点集理论构造算法 测试 的方法,并给出实例。

  • More tests can be added to improve coverage but no finite test set can cover all possibilities .

    可以添加更多的测试来提高覆盖率,但没有有限的 测试 可以覆盖所有的可能性。

  • And then we take a comparative study on three effective strategies for generating pair - cover test set .

    分析和比较了3种有效的配对覆盖 测试 生成策略。

  • This thesis using this theory analyses and studies the mapping relation between the state and the event of the mixed-signal circuits and finds the minimal test set and the fault dictionary of the circuits .

    因此本文应用该理论对数模混合电路的状态和事件之间的映射关系进行理论分析和研究,寻求待测数模混合电路的最小 测试 和固障特征字典。

  • The implementation of automatic generating the optimal test set and fast locating all the faults is also discussed .

    文章还阐述了自动产生最佳 测试 和快速定位所有故障的具体实施方法。

  • After we create the model we check to ensure that the accuracy of the model we built doesn 't decrease with the test set .

    在创建了模型后,我们要进行检查以确保我们所创建模型的准确性不会在 测试 降低。

  • Laser Firing and Tracking Test set for 1987 Spacelab Mission

    1987年空间实验室飞行用的激光瞄准和跟踪 实验 装置

  • Colour-gain & delay test set

    彩色增益与时延 测试

  • The regression test set on maintenance releases

    维护发布上的回归 测试

  • The design of generating circuit optimal test set based on BP neural network

    基于BP神经网络的电路最优 测试 的生成设计

  • The MT8852A Bluetooth Test Set With Audio offers all of the radio layer measurement capability of the MT8850A Bluetooth Test Set and adds support for audio measurements .

    蓝牙 测试仪的 MT8852A与音频提供所有的无线电层MT8850A测量能力的测试集和增加支持蓝牙的音频的测量结果。

  • The recognition rates on training set and test set reach 99.73 % and 99.44 % respectively . The experimental results show the validity of proposed algorithm .

    该方法在训练集和 测试 上的识别率分别达到99.73%和99.44%,证明了其有效性。

  • Other tools track test coverage of applications by test set .

    还可以使用其他工具来根据 测试 跟踪应用程序的测试覆盖率。

  • This paper introduces a coil short circuit test set which is made of inductionoscillator generator coupling circuit and annunciator circuit .

    介绍一种由感知振荡器电路、耦合电路和报警电路组成的线圈匝间短路 测试

  • The test set consists of induction-oscillator generator coupling circuit and annunciator circuit .

    测试 是由感知振荡器电路、耦合电路和报警电路组成。

  • COTS ( check out test set ) Influence and Solution of Inner Air Circulation of Chamber Having on High and Low Temperature Environment Test of Natural Cooling Equipment

    高温 箱内空气循环对自冷设备高低温环境 试验影响与对策

  • And the corresponding test set up in their own laboratories targeted the preparation of the test norms .

    并相应在自己 建立 检验实验室中针对性地编制了检验规范。

  • Test set problem is a NP-hard problem with wide applications .

    测试 问题是一个有着广泛应用的NP难问题。

  • In this paper the principle of a radar digital stability test set is explained .

    本文阐述了雷达数字稳定 检测 装置的工作原理。

  • To do this in Test options select the Supplied test set radio button and click Set .

    为此,在Testoptions内,选择Supplied test set单选按钮并单击Set。

  • Is the maintenance organization capable of taking over the automated test set ( at a later date )?

    维护组织能够接收自动化 测试 吗(在一个稍后的时间)?

  • Estimation of TDOA for Locating Noise-Frequency Modulation Jammer in Passive System FM / AM Noise Test Set for a Pulsed Radar

    对噪声调频干扰源的站间到达时差测量用于脉冲多普勒雷达的调频/调幅噪声 测试 设备

  • According to specific characteristics of active radar fuze explains a principle of radar fuze test set based on pusle delay method and its application .

    介绍了离轴驱动信号的特征,分析和分解其形成过程,提出一种软件解调和傅立叶变换相结合的测试方法,并在某航空产品 测试 设备中得到应用。

  • A computer controlled automatically tracking test set for rating collector thermal performance was put into operation in SIME .

    本文报道了双轴自动跟踪微机控制平板太阳 热器热性能 测试装置的结构和性能。

  • We recognize the models using the test set in noisy car environment which is included in AURORA speech database .

    实验基于AURORA语音数据库,并用其所带的汽车噪声环境下的 测试 对模型进行了识别验证。

  • The paper analyses that essence of electrical fast transient / burst immunity text is a common mode test and points out that the reproducible and comparable test result is to standardize the test set - up .

    分析可知脉冲群抗扰度试验本质是共模试验,该试验重复性和可比性的关键因素是规范 试验 配置