


  • He comes from Leeds or thereabouts .

    他是利兹或 附近 一带

  • Base-load power is the minimum required to keep things ticking over-the demands of three o'clock in the morning or thereabouts .

    基本载荷功率是保持正常运转的最小功率&凌晨三点所需的电能,或者 相当的电能。

  • By the first two measures it is already there or thereabouts .

    从前两项标准 ,该 银行已经 实现接近 实现 目标

  • 1659 or something thereabouts .

    1659或者 大致的数字。

  • I shall await you at seven-thirty or thereabouts .

    我将在7:30分 左右等着你。

  • We have a hundred thousand francs or thereabouts loaned on their securities and we are a little uneasy at reports that have reached us that the firm is on the brink of ruin .

    我们大约有 十万法郎 投资在他们那儿,我们接到报告,听说这家公司有可能破产,所以我们有点不大放心。

  • Quite beyond the emperor of morocco 's dominions or indeed of any other king thereabouts for we saw no people .

    远离摩洛哥皇帝的领土,也不在任何国王的 领地 之内,因为 那儿我们根本就看不 人迹

  • He told us that her age was forty-eight or thereabouts


  • If the Americans cap their trade-distorting farm subsidies to $ 17 billion a year the Europeans might try to cut their agricultural tariffs by54 % or thereabouts .

    如果美国将农业补贴调整为每年170亿美元,那么欧盟将会把农产品关税下降54% 左右

  • The utility though seemingly rebuffed in fact got what it wanted or thereabouts .

    公司虽然表面上遭到了挫败,实际上得到了它所要求的,或者 差不多

  • If the Fed were to go for 4 per cent inflation while the ECB stuck to its target of 2 per cent or thereabouts the sentiment could brutally reverse .

    如果美联储决定 采纳4%的通胀目标,而欧洲央行坚持2%或 接近 2% 目标,这种情绪或许会急转直下。

  • At the age of three or thereabouts they connect with an instrument in a way that seems beyond intuition .

    大约三岁 左右,他们和某种乐器 产生一种似乎超越常理的共鸣。

  • We 'll see you at9 or thereabouts .

    我们九点 左右 你们见面。

  • He stayed in London or thereabouts for several weeks .

    他在伦敦或者 附近呆几个星期。

  • The good-looking buxom woman betwixt forty and fifty was now a fat red-faced old dam of seventy or thereabouts .

    她原是个好看的丰满的妇女, 四十来岁;现在却是个七十上 年纪,肥胖的,红脸的老 太婆了。

  • He 's lived in Norwich for40 years or thereabouts .

    他在诺里奇住了40年 左右

  • My aim for the season is to be there or thereabouts .

    我这赛季的目标就是 稳定

  • During the hour or thereabouts that he had been in the garden he had already spread out a number of them .

    他在园里已经 了个把钟头,已经 上了相当数量的 草荐

  • Teams that have well organised defences like USA China and Korea will always be there or thereabouts .

    像美国、中国和朝鲜这样防守组织地很好的球队, 防守 队员 无处不在

  • They paid $ 100000 or thereabouts for the house .

    他们买那房子花了 大约10万元。

  • An hour before midnight the tavern closed up and its lights ( the only ones thereabouts ) were put out .

    午夜前一小时,客栈关了 连那仅有的灯光也熄灭了。

  • An official US unemployment rate that hit10 % last year and seems set to stay there or thereabouts for months yet already makes grim reading .

    去年一份官方美国失业率显示达到10%并且似乎停留在那或者 附近好几个月,已经使得阅读起来很可怕!

  • He wondered how the territory thereabouts was growing .

    他想 看看 一带地区发展 怎么样了。

  • She was a servant-maid at3 pounds a year wages or thereabouts .

    她是个每年只挣三个金镑 左右的女仆。

  • He 's moved to Chicago or thereabouts .

    他已迁往芝加哥或 附近

  • Exhaust gasses from these gas engines will be used in the dryers where the fibre 's moisture content is reduced to 2.5 % or thereabouts .

    气体发动机产生的废气将用于干燥器中,在这里纤维的含水量降低至2.5%或 2.5% 左右

  • USA are a brilliant side Germany you can almost guarantee will be there or thereabouts and Sweden are another team who 'll probably be up there .

    美国是在杰出的一方,德国你也能几乎保证会在 那边,瑞典也是一支多半会在那 层次的球队。

  • By 1997 or thereabouts Athens will have a new airport plus the best underground railway in Europe .

    到1997年 前后,雅典将有一个新机场,还有欧洲最先进的地铁。

  • Though the long-colonised Eastern States had a sex ratio of one man to one woman or thereabouts in the rest of the country the old adage go west young man had resulted in a surplus of males .

    尽管长期受殖民统治的东部各州的男女性别比率是1:1,或 在此 左右,但是在受“年轻人,去西部”传统格言的影响下,国内其他州却呈现出男士盈余的局面。